Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Teresa Halbach's Friends Located Her RAV4 Off the Southwest Quadrant of Avery Salvage Yard on the Morning of November 5, 2005

It says “North,” and all of the photo credits are below the arrow. “Wisconsin DOT Aerial Imagery, Flight Date 11.13.2005." So, essentially, all of the map annotations seem to be contained on the lower left corner. “The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Surveying and Mapping Section has recent and historical black and white vertical aerial imagery of the entire state of Wisconsin to assist in the design of highways and other transportation improvements. This aerial imagery is available for purchase through WisDOT Surveying and Mapping Section.” Higher resolution photo, which came from Kratz's book, at this link (image above). [Source]

PART 1. The Reconstructionist... Pam Sturm: Her Collusion With Law Enforcement And The Murky Circumstances Unfolding On The Morning Of November 5th 2005: The Incredible Moving RAV4 And The Mystery Of The 5 Girlfriends Of Teresa Halbach.

By SBRH33, TickTockManitowoc
April 27, 2018

The Reconstruction
In this post I will be focusing on the discovery of the RAV4 on the Avery Salvage Yard on November 5th, 2005 and the events surrounding that fateful day... I will be using Pam Sturm, Dave Remiker, and Jason Orth's preliminary and trial testimony transcripts to fillet the truth from the fiction.
Some of the questions and themes I will be exploring:
  • Whom discovered the vehicle FIRST? Pam Sturm... or Halbach's "5 Girlfriends" from Green Bay?
  • How was Law Enforcement's sketchy interaction with the RAV4 connected to Pam Sturm and how it was identified by Dave Remiker... A game of not making any sense.
  • How does Pam Sturm and Law Enforcement tie together on 11/5/2005.
There is a lot of information contained in this post that will require some close reading. I have supplied photos and trial testimony to support my observations and to help the reader visualize the irregularities and contradictions. I will be at times offering my theories and speculation on matters I find important. I hope others do as well to stimulate conversation over the matter.
I will start this post off by building a simple foundation. The foundation of this post is built upon two Law Enforcement reports by Lt Hermann (MTSO) and Lt Sippel (CASO). I will then work back through the trial testimony and other available material that ultimately points back toward these two important but often overlooked reports... in an effort to illuminate the truth behind that day in question and point toward answers to the questions I posed in the beginning of this post.
It will... I believe shed some much needed light on the circumstances clouding the morning of November 5th, 2005... exposing the coordinated cover up of who actually found the RAV4 that morning, where that vehicle was actually found on or near the ASY, and the LE personnel responsible for its identification and possible tampering. This post will expose, hopefully, the premeditated knowledge and coordinated effort among the Halbachs, Pam Sturm and Calumet/Manitowoc LE in descending upon the ASY on Saturday November 5th, 2005, to search the premises for the missing RAV4 belonging to Teresa Halbach.... legal, or illegally? The RAV4 listed as seized on November 3rd, its plates being run on the night of November 3rd, and it showing up on the ASY 2 days later on the 5th, pose serious questions on the true whereabouts of the vehicle exclusively used to pin a murder on an innocent man... Steven Avery.
Other questions I will attempt to explore and handle are:
  • Was the RAV4 locked up without question as Ken Kratz and LE claimed it to be? Or was it simply all a clever cover story to deep six the truth.... that Teresa's RAV4 was never locked at all and remained easily accessible at any time while on the ASY?
  • The critical times being the hours before the RAV4 was placed IN the ASY and the elapsed time between when the RAV4 is reported by Pam Sturm as found and when Mark Rohrer handed the investigation off to Calumet County, citing Manitowoc's compromised integrity in the conflict of interest with Steven Avery's civil suit.
  • It is very interesting to note that throughout the initial discovery of the RAV4 by Pam Sturm, a great emphasis is placed on the theme that the RAV4 is locked and could not be entered. It is even emphasized at trial that Pam Sturm coldly watched that vehicle herself, keenly making certain no one entered it... I ask Why? Why did she feel the need to do that? She wasn't even certain it was Teresa's car... We will explore that later. However, Ken Kratz made certain at his first media conference on the afternoon the RAV4 was discovered that he emphasized to the public that the RAV4 was locked... and that no one had entered the vehicle... and that upon its discovery it was immediately crated and shipped off to the WSCL for processing. We know that wasn't close to the truth... A bald-faced lie by Kratz. Because the truth was in fact that the RAV4 sat where it was alleged to have been found for 10 hours before it was finally pulled onto the rented Penthan's trailer and hauled off to the crime lab in the dead of night.
This is a very long post... I apologize in advance. It is a twisted convoluted subject hidden under many layers of lies and half truths.
So sit back with a glass of wine, a cold beer or, a hot mug of coffee... Take some notes and jot down anything that comes to mind or to help keep track.
Without further ado.

Who Discovered the Rav4 First on the Morning of November 5th?
The 5 Girlfriends Of Teresa Halbach
Looking at the two reports generated by Lt Hermann and Lt Kelly Sippel there emerges contradictory claims between who actually "found" the RAV4 and who actually "discovered" the RAV4.
  • Lt Kelly Sippel's report from the morning of November 5th.
  • Lt Hermann's report from the morning of Nov 5th.
Notice in these two reports not one mention of Pam or Nikole Sturm. However, it is memorialized in Sippel's report that.... "On the morning of 11/5/05 friends of Teresa were searching the salvage yard and located her motor vehicle off the SOUTHWEST Quadrant of property.
Hermann's report dovetails Sippel's in mentioning the 5 female individuals located in the SOUTHWEST quadrant of the property. (This SW area is where the conveyor belt/ road from Radandt's dives into the Avery Salvage Yard Property... an unofficial rear entrance, so to speak, into the salvage yard itself.)
Here is the glaring problem. And something to keep in mind throughout this post.
  • The RAV4 was discovered by PAM STURM on the SOUTHEAST quadrant of the Salvage Yard on the morning of 11/5/05.
  • How can the RAV4 be discovered in two distinct locations at the ASY on the same morning?

Below is an aerial photograph of where Pam Sturm found the RAV4... The SOUTHEAST Quadrant of the ASY.
Below is an aerial photograph covering both the SOUTHWEST quadrant where Sippel reports that Teresa's friends discover her motor vehicle... and the SOUTHEAST quadrant where Pam Sturm claims to have found the RAV4. I have marked up the photograph for identification purposes. The color key can be found below.

  • The Green Box in the photograph denotes the Southwest Quadrant. (Sippel/Hermann reports)
  • The Yellow Box represents the Southeast Quadrant. (Pam Sturm's discovery)
  • The Blue line represents the unobstructed road used to get the RAV4 from point Green to point Yellow.
Speculation: This information may shed brand new light behind the mystery photograph taken of the prosecution team sitting in front of... the photograph of the SOUTHWEST quadrant... with yellow arrows pointing at a row of cars... This is the same area by the conveyor belt that the 5 friends of Teresa Halbach reported to have found the RAV4 and where they were memorialized in Hermann's report... same exact area etched in and memorialized on Sippel's report.
Here is the Photograph: Fallon, Kratz and Ghan
It's a shame Ken is blotting out the SOUTHEAST quadrant of the salvage yard in the photo. It would have been nice to see if there were any yellow arrows pointing to where Pam said she found the RAV4.

Some things nag me about all of this. If the RAV4 was discovered by the 5 girlfriends of Teresa while poking around the salvage yard, most likely trespassing in the process... why did the car have to be moved deeper into the ASY where Pam Sturm claims to have found it? Why not just leave it by the conveyor belt where reportedly found first?
  • It was too close to Radandt's property, creating a gray area for the prosecution.
  • Because it could have been easily argued to have been tainted by the 5 girlfriends.
  • Deemed an illegal search of the ASY, reducing the RAV4 to an unusable piece of muted evidence.
  • It should have been easily discovered via the flyover if sitting by the conveyor belt.
  • They needed the RAV4 to be found locked. It could be argued again the 5 girlfriends tainted the RAV4 by possibly entering it.
  • If the 5 girlfriends are attributed the discovery of the RAV4... then all would have to then testify about finding it at trial, and that could get real messy for the prosecution... especially if Avery's blood is to be argued by the defense as being planted in the RAV4.
  • Dare I say it... the possibility of 2 RAV4's...
  • Keep it nice and tidy... just have Pam Sturm find it and keep it simple... keep it as simple as possible... and get it on record that the RAV4 was locked at all times and no one entered or touched it!
There are a lot of things one begins to question about all of this. None of it very good. But some larger less speculative questions remain for me.
  • How did the defense miss this information? How did they miss these important irregularities and clear contradictions in the reports? How did they miss the 5 girlfriends of Teresa on the ASY on the very morning of the November 5th discovery?...
Perhaps there is more to come in the future regarding the 5 girlfriends of Halbach... much more.
But for now... I am going to move on to Remiker and Wiegart's November 5th recorded phone calls to each other and Pam Sturm and her fables testimony.
Lets explore the nexus between Pam Sturm's arrival at the Halbach house and Dave Remiker and Mark Wiegart's phone calls on the morning of November 5th, 2005.
I want to establish a little more foundation surrounding that day's events.

Pam Sturm
We all know about Pam Sturm... about her showing up late to the search gathering at Halbach's. This from her opening testimony at the 2007 trial.
Q. About what time did you arrive at the residence, if you recall?
A. I estimated it at around 9:00 a.m.
Q. When you got there Pam, what happened?
A. Well, we got there late; the search team was already gone.
  • The use of the term, search team in the singular is revealing. I feel as though she might be referencing the 5 girlfriends there when she said: "The search team was already gone." This phrasing will be repeated in the Remiker/Wiegart conversations that morning.
We know Pam was given Pagel's direct phone number and a camera and map allegedly given to her by Ryan and Scott.
Then off she goes with her daughter Nikole to search a 40-acre salvage yard all by themselves that nobody else VOLUNTEERED to do... At this point all that is known is that the Avery Salvage Yard was one of 3 appointments Teresa had scheduled on the 31st of October 2005...
However, Pam says this to Ryan and Scott...
PAM: "And I indicated that I would like to go to the Avery Salvage Yard where Teresa was last seen. And he said, well, if you want to, it's not part of, you know, the search, but if you wish to do that, go ahead."
  • If Pam Sturm was at Halbach's at 9am and this conversation was taking place between her, Ryan and Scott...
  • And at that same exact moment in time, 9:03 am 11/5/05, Detective Remiker is on the phone with Detective Wiegert discussing Teresa's timeline, and in that moment the timeline was that Halbach visited Zipperer's last...
  • Then how does Pam Sturm know that Avery's was the LAST place Teresa was seen?
Right away I smell fish heads.

PART 2. Fables Of The Reconstructionist... Pam Sturm: Her Collusion With Law Enforcement And The Murky Circumstances Unfolding On The Morning Of November 5th 2005. The Incredible Moving RAV4 And The Mystery Of The 5 Girlfriends Of Teresa Halbach.

By SBRH33, TickTockManitowoc
August 5, 2018

Welcome to part two.
Part 2
Fables Of The Recontruction
I will now move out of Pam Sturms preliminary testimony and move into her 2007 Jury trial Testimony. My how her story differs from the preliminary and she adds to it a great embellishment!
Pam Sturm 2007 Trial/ Ken Kratz Direct Examination
In the beginning of her testimony Pam regurgitates for the most part her interaction with Earl Avery in getting permission to search the salvage yard. She omits the fact that Nikole had snuck what she claimed was a camera under her shirt before entering the yard.
Ken Kratz gets right down to it and has Pam testify that they had Earls permission and consent to search the yard
We get DIRECTLY into where at in the salvage yard Pam had discovered the RAV4. Pam not only contradicts herself from her preliminary testimony that she had found the RAV4 in the SOUTHWEST location of the yard, but she in one fell swoop contradicts Sippel's official report of the RAV4 being located in the SOUTHWEST quadrant... by friends of Teresa Halbach.
Q. (By Attorney Kratz)~ I'm sorry, Ms Sturm, do you know -- do you know -- Orienting yourself to Exhibit No. 25; do you know which way is north or south or east or west?
A. Well, actually, I didn't before, but I looked on a map and it appears that the car was in the Southeast corner.
  • Now Pam is onboard with the Southeast corner of the yard. Forget about Sippel and Hermann's reports stating otherwise.
  • Kratz doing his PRE/OP surgery on the preliminary statements. A time when events are freshest in the minds of the witnesses. Kratz distorts or erases information from witnesses when he needs it and when he doesn't want it known.
Moving forward.
A. Yes, that's correct.
Q. Now, you spoke to the jury just before about seeing the back of this vehicle and seeing the word RAV4 on it. Is Exhibit No. 385 -- excuse me -- Exhibit 29, does that look the same or similar as it looked on the morning of October -- excuse me -- November 5th?
  • This is an interesting slip of the tongue by Kratz. It could mean nothing, but I thought I would add it for color. When I first read it I thought he might be implying that perhaps Pam had saw the car on the morning of October 31st.... or even before then. It is an odd slip by Kratz. This case is filled with slips of the tongue by Kratz, but especially by Halbach family members. If you pay close enough attention to them they are easy to spot... This type of behavior is telling us a story. A very very dishonest story. "...Crazy fucks" Wiegart himself would put it.

Now we will enter testimony of the strange and unusual. The embellishment and mystery of the LeMieux sticker on the back of the RAV4.
The LeMieux sticker story had never been told at the preliminary hearing... and I will display why the story is a total fabrication made up by Pam Sturm.
Continuing with Kratz's direct of Pam Sturm:
Q. We're going to go through those in just a minute, but since you mentioned the back of the vehicle, I want to show this picture. What else did you see?
A. I looked for license plates on the front and on the back and I couldn't find any. I noticed LeMieux Toyota was on the back, but I didn't know if that was on Teresa's car.
Q. Let me just stop you. In fact, on Exhibit 29, you can see the LeMieux Toyota sticker on the back of this exhibit; is that right?
A. Right.
  • When Pam discovered the RAV4, she apparently didn't know if it was actually Teresa's car or not... she was confused by its color. So how does she know that the LeMieux sticker is a placeholder of importance? That LeMieux sticker... that stands out for Pam Sturm?. This sticker was never mentioned in the missing persons posters. It was never mentioned by Law Enforcement, it was never mentioned by the family until Pam Sturm mentions it in the phone call to Pagel on the morning of 11/5/2005... Then it makes its way into the 2007 Jury trial... and Kratz wants to emphasize it for the Jury... WTH?
Moving into it further Pam draws her daughter into the story.
  • Nikole testified at the trial. We will briefly look at her testimony in Part 3.
A. My daughter was still searching to the right of me. I couldn't see her. I became very, very worried for our safety,because 90 percent this was probably Teresa's car and we're in danger. So I called Nikole's name. I think I maybe even screamed. I shouldn't have, but I did, and I went running to the area where she was. I said, Nikole, Nikole, you have to come and see this car. It must be her car. So she came up by me and she looked at it and she said, mom, it does look like her car. It's got that LeMieux Toyota, and it's RAV 4. And she thought perhaps it was too.
  • If Pam Sturm had never seen Teresa's RAV4 before, Then how did she know it might have had a LeMiuex sticker on it? Not even Mark Wiegart knew it it had a LeMieux sticker on it..... now Nikole comes over to the RAV4 and exclaims.... "mom, it does look like her car. It's got that LeMieux Toyota".....
  • Now how does Nikole know about a LeMiuex sticker on Teresa's RAV4? Its just incredibly bad testimony all around.
  • Why lie about a LeMiuex sticker being on the RAV4? What is the significance? It reads like a poorly written Nancy Drew mystery..... "golly mom, look its got that LeMieux sticker.... its got to be Teresa's vehicle."
  • This is all without noticing that Pam went running to where Nikole was... Then suddenly Nikole went up to where Pam was? It doesn't even make sense where each was standing and when. Its all over the place... This testimony takes place two years after the incident. You would figure Pam would have the story straightened out by then. You would figure it was pretty cut and dry. We found a RAV4 in a salvage yard, didn't know if it was Teresa's, we called police. But Pam just embellishes the shit out of the whole story and IMO exposes the story as a fraud. She gives herself up and this too is why the defense also knew she was completely full of shit. Its ridiculous.
  • Revisiting Pam Sturms phone call to Pagel on Saturday morning. She brings up the LeMiuex sticker.... and demands to know if its her car or not... Because she is worried about putting something somewhere on the wrong car. Do the math I guess...
Pam Sturms Phone Call
CALLER: some of it
WIEGERT: Can you get to the front of the car?
CALLER: Yeah, I will. It's Lemieux Toyota sticker on it. Does that have it?
WIEGERT: I don't Know if they had a Lemieux Toyota sticker on it. I don't Know about that.
CALLER: Is it okay if I go in the car?
  • As you can see Wiegart didn't know anything about that LeMieux sticker.
  • Pam asks if she can enter the vehicle. And Her question gets to the crux of one of my main questions.... Was the RAV4 actually unlocked and never locked at all as Kratz wanted everyone to believe? The prosecution went to great lengths to hammer home that the RAV4 was locked up at all times until it reached the Wisconsin State Crime Lab.
  • But, ironically it was found unlocked on Sunday morning at the lab by Ron Groffy ...contradicting everything that Ken Kratz had laid out publicly about the RAV4 being locked up and enclosed when found. Nobody at the crime lab ever admitted to unlocking the RAV4.... This now leads me to firmly believe that the RAV4 was never locked, or completely locked up at all. It was all simply a cover story.
  • IMO, one wouldn't ask a question like Pam Sturm did in her phone call to Pagel if she didn't already know that entry could be made into the vehicle. From that very question on... a big deal is made over the vehicle being locked. And I personally just don't believe it ever was.
One last piece of critical information from kratz's direct examination before moving on. This regards what Law Enforcement agency had shown up on the salvage yard first.... And just as monumentally important is just who that person was that first arrived on scene at the ASY.
Q. In 20 or 25 minutes, did somebody arrive?
A. Yes. A Sheriff Remiker arrived first.
Q. Was he a plain clothes officer or an officer in uniform; do you remember?
A. No, I don't recall if it was.
Q. Do you know what department responded first?
A. I believe it was Manitowoc County.
  • This testimony contradicts Dave Remikers account of the morning. It also directly contradicts Sgt Orths testimony that he was the first to arrive on the scene. We will see later on in this post just how catastrophic this blunder really was and why it flew right over the defense teams head.
  • Pam Sturm can't recall if "Sheriff Remiker" was in plain cloths, or in uniform. Give me a break Pam.... More on this a little later.
  • Did Dave Remiker announce himself as Sheriff to Pam Sturm when he arrived at the ASY? If so why would he do that?
  • Was Dave Remiker already present on the ASY before Pam "discovered" the vehicle? Was he responsible for moving the RAV4 from the SOUTHWEST to the SOUTHEAST? How many times was the RAv4 accessed by Remiker? Was Dave Remiker in plain cloths?
Big big questions and a one hell of an accusation... but is it an accusation? Does Dave Remiker's testimony hold up to the fillet knife?
We will soon cross that bridge and examine exactly what Dave Remiker had said in the trial testimony and how none of it matches any story that Pam Sturm, or Jason Orth told...
In fact Remiker's version doesn't even match his own story. This gets scary good folks!
But first we need to finish with Pam Sturm.

Q. Okay. After the law enforcement officers got there, did they, then, basically, take over that area?
A. Yes, he had another patrolman go BACK to the car and just, like, you know, stay by the car so no one else would go by the car.
Q. Tell us what you saw; did you see anybody going by the car?
A. He stayed by the car and then other officers arrived sheriff, Sheriff -- Deputy Wiegert.
Q. Now, these are Calumet deputies; is that right?
A. Yes. Yes, Deputy Wiegert.
Q. Slow down --
A. I'm sorry.
  • Now It is my opinion that an entire chunk of time is omitted here by Pam Sturm. She completely leaves out the part where Dave Remiker approached the RAV4, came back to his squad car to retrieve a "registration", went back to the RAV4 with Orth and confirmed the VIN number. This omission is important because it does not align with what Dave Remiker testified to nor what Sgt Orth testified to. It is a giant discrepancy and in her story and giant contradiction between Remiker's and Sgt Orth's testimony. We will explore this fully in Part 3.
Q. Ms Sturm, slow down just a second. Before any other police officers arrived on the scene, after you and Nikki had called in to dispatch, did you notice any other individuals going up or near that vehicle?
A. No one went near that vehicle. We watched to make sure no one went over there.
Q. You were watching just for that; isn't that right?
A. Yes.
  • Kratz is getting heard here. He is massaging the Jury with Pam's testimony. That Pam was a watch dog. She made certain no one went in or near that vehicle. But why would she have such an inclination to do that? It doesn't make sense.
  • Why would Pam Sturm be so concerned about anyone going near the vehicle, if (A.) She wasn't even certain it was Teresa Halbach's RAV4. (B.) If no one from LE had yet confirmed the vehicle as Halbach's.... All Pam Sturm should have been certain of is that she had found a RAV4 in a salvage yard. Yet she is watching that vehicle like a hawk... from 150 yards away at that.
  • My conclusion is that Pam Sturm knew it was Teresa's car and she knew what was inside of that car.
  • Her testimony that was engineered by Kratz was simply to dispel the notion that anyone had entered the RAV4... didn't have the opportunity to enter the RAV4... and couldn't have entered the RAV4 because it was all locked up.
  • The reality is that there was ample time for anyone to enter the RAV4. Pam's call generated to Pagel took place at around 10:30 in the morning. There simply isn't any proof when exactly Pam located that RAV4. There is no telling what happened in or around that RAV4 before Pam called it in to Pagel.
  • Pam said she arrived at the Halbach farm house after 9 am on Saturday morning. She gathered what we all know from Ryan and Scott then headed to the ASY. How long was she really at the Halbach house? Was it way before the 9 am time she testified to because.... it is a 41 minute drive at the minimum to get from Halbach's to the Salvage yard. MAP: Halbach's to the salvage yard. This means she could have only spent minutes at the Farmhouse to get to the ASY at the time she said she did.
  • I believe Pam Sturm was at the Farmhouse all morning long with the other search people until she was finally dispatched to the ASY a 9am. This aligns with her testimony arrival time at ASY. More importantly she was most certainly present when Dedering and Pagel dropped by to do the "test fax" from Teresa's machine.
  • She arrived to search the yard at 9:50am. Waited for Earl to finish his conversation with a man, then proceeded to talk with Earl and ask for permission to enter the yard. She begins her search at 10am and twenty minutes later finds a RAV4.
  • But during her direct from Kratz she offers up this amazing contradiction to her own timeline.
Q. I want you to look at Exhibit No. 25 again, how long from when you entered that property did it take you to find Teresa's vehicle?
A. I believe we entered at 10 to 10 and by 10:20 to 10:25 we had found the vehicle.
Q. So within the first 40 minutes?
A. Correct.
Q. Do you think, looking at this exhibit now, that you and your daughter Nikki could have searched that entire salvage yard?
A. We would have tried. We would have came back the next day if we had to.
  • No Pam you would not have come back the next day... because the salvage yard is closed on Sunday's... Pam knew that, LE knew that... and Ryan, Mike and Scott knew that as well. It is precisely why you were sent in on Saturday to do your critical part and get that warrant ball rolling. Otherwise the operation would have had to been scuttled for Monday... or worse.
  • Kratz rolls the time Pam arrived, waited for Earl to have a conversation and then finally speaking with Earl to garner permission into the ASY into the total time it took to find the RAV4. He turned roughly 20 minutes into 40 minutes. Not only is that not true, but the Jury heard that testimony. It didn't take Pam Sturm 40 minutes to locate the RAV4 amongst thousands of junked vehicles on a 40 acre plot...... it took less then 20 minutes. Which is unbelievable on its face... but Kratz was going to take a win any way he could score it.
I can see why the defense team had their hair standing on end with Pam Sturm's testimony. They believed, as do I that she was clearly full of shit up to her eyeballs.
Ken Kratz enabled her lies to flourish with his prepping and coaching of his witnesses.
How do these people sleep at night?

Moving onto Pam Sturm's Cross Examination by Jerome Buting
Pam Sturm/ 2007 Jury Trial: Cross Examination/ Jerome Buting
In the beginning of his cross, Buting laces Pam with a lot of questions regarding the found cell phone by the river that she apparently found after she had discovered the RAV4 a day or two prior. She is quite evasive and suffers bouts of memory loss over the episode.
Buting moves on and touches on the fact that she had mentioned people being in the yard on November 5th when she found the vehicle.
Remember back in the preliminary hearing conducted by Erik Loy he tried to extract from Pam descriptions of the people she saw in the salvage yard and mentioned in the phone call to Pagel..... but Ken Kratz shot it all down from being put on the record.
Unfortunately all Buting does is glance right over it all..... I have to wonder.... Did he even read Sippel and Hermann's reports about the 5 Girlfriends found on the ASY that fateful morning?
It is quite obvious Pam Sturm could have seen these people... it is also quite possible she had contact with these people too. But it is never explored or investigated. Heres Buting's light touch on the theme.
Q. On the tape, I heard you say something, I think about there were people NEARBY while you were at the scene and calling in to report this?
A. When we first walked down the quarry --
Q. That's a simple yes or no; were their people -- you said something about their being people NEARBY, right?
A. Yes.
  • I love Pit Bull Buting... but unfortunately it doesn't last long.

Q. And these appeared to be what, other customers or something, milling about?
A. I can't say for sure, but I thought perhaps they were getting parts off of vehicles.
  • I just dont like the way Buting slow walked Pam Sturm out of this theme. He gets aggressive and attacks then backs down and lets Pam talk her way through it by implying that the people she saw were simply customers..... and not the 5 young ladies that are tagged in Hermann's report.
  • Hermann's report clearly memorializes 5 female subjects found in the SOUTHWEST QUADRANT of the salvage yard on the MORNING of the 5th. Sippel's report memorializes the RAV4 being discovered in the SOUTHWEST QUADRANT by friends of Teresa Halbach.
  • Pam Sturm said in her preliminary she found the RAV4 in the SOUTHWEST corner of the salvage yard.
  • She said during the phone call to Pagel that there were people nearby.... but they were alright...
I just don't get it. This type of questioning goes on throughout the trial by the Defense. They get hot and then completely go cold. They seem to go off in complete different lines of questioning with out fully exploring the path they were already on.... I don't want to harp on them too hard. But it is baffling none the less.
Was this Ken Kratz's game plan? To toss as much bullshit against the wall in hopes that the defense couldn't possibly pick it all off?
Or did he simply exploit their focus on the theme of planted evidence so that he managed to slip in so many undetected body blows that he barely had to issue an upper cut for the kill?
Or was the EDTA that uppercut withheld until the defense was roped?
Kratz held the cards and he dealt them as he saw fit. That was obvious.
Would you agree?
Tomorrow I will continue with the final chapter and conclusion of todays two part post.
Thanks for sticking around and reading.

PART 3. Tall Tales: Distilling Nicole Sturm's Unbelievable Testimony: The Murky Circumstances Unfolding On The Morning Of November 5th 2005. The Incredible Moving RAV4 And The Mystery Of The 5 Girlfriends Of Teresa Halbach.

By SBRH33, TickTockManitowoc
June 1, 2018
Welcome to Part 3.
You have made it! Thank you for your patience!.
Apologies for taking so long to post this latest segment surrounding the discovery of the RAV4 and the conspirators that fleeced Justice!
History Is written By The Victors .......Winston Churchill.
I find that Churchill quote fitting for this case. Truth always prevails. Slow but surely it seeps to the surface.
Yes, Kratz and company had won the initial war with Avery... But truth is finally prevailing. Both Fassbender and Kratz I imagine have a lot to think about regarding the past weeks events. Yes, Fassbender, its now been found, it has been added to the record. Tic friggin' TOC!

This post was going to be the final chapter of my Trilogy examining the discovery of the RAV4 on the ASY... and the players involved in its orchestration. But I realized I forgot about one of the most important players of them all... Nikole Sturm!
Sheesh, her testimony and involvement with the events surrounding Nov 5th 2005 are often overlooked. Pam, her mother receives more attention over the matter. But its Nikole where the fissures dramatically form. There is a reason Jerome Buting attacked her so forcefully.... he knew she was lying about a clutch piece of identification regarding the RAV4. Which was of all things... the VIN plate itself.
Lets dive on in!
Nikole gives up some interesting ghosts in her testimony that leads me to believe that the Sturm's may not have had explicit permission to search the Salvage yard by Earl Avery. Furthermore her testimony lead me to imagine very seriously that perhaps she was never present on the ASY with her mom at all on Novemebr 5th 2005.
It is also my belief that Earl Avery was pressured into giving a statement to LE, reflecting untruthfully that he had given the Sturm's permission to search the salvage yard.
  • Add to this that Dave Remiker also did not have permission to be on the salvage yard either, warrantless as he washe approached the RAV4 to determine the vehicles ownership status.
A technical violation that was argued by the defense that should have extinguished the RAV4 as to bearing any meaningful evidence against Steven Avery.
But that is an entire different post in itself!

Pam Sturm stated in her trial testimony that she and Nikole had asked Earl Avery for permission to search the salvage yard.
It is painted as such in Pam Sturm's trial testimony that Pam and Nikole were standing side by side while asking Earl Avery permission to search the salvage yard. Below is Pam's trial remarks.
Direct Examination/ Ken Kratz
Q. After exiting, did you, in fact, find one of the owners of the business and did you, in fact, talk to him?
A. Yes, we did. The two gentlemen that were conversing by the vehicle, they stopped conversing and I walked up to them and I said, is anyone of you an Avery, an owner of this property? And he said, yes, and he walked over to us and he said his name was Earl.
A. Well, I told them that we were from -- we were volunteers from the search party. And I said it would relieve Karen and Tom's mind if we could go through the property and make sure that the vehicle, Teresa's vehicle, wasn't there. And Earl said, yeah, I know how it is because I just lost a nephew and I know how they are feeling. They must feel awful that she's missing. We just had a conversation and then I asked him if we could go and search the property, the whole property, for a sign of Teresa, or her vehicle. And he gave us permission.
Q. After obtaining permission or consent from Earl Avery to search the property, what did you do?
A. Earl said that the roads were very muddy in the salvage yard and it would be better if you would walk.
Its an interesting slip when Pam says, "I told THEM that we were from...." She stops herself and launches into the search party spiel. Who is THEM, if Earl Avery was alone? And where was Pam going to say they were from?

Now lets take a look at Nikole's incredulous testimony.
Nikole Sturm/ Cross Examination/ Jerome Buting
Right out of the gate Nikole offers up an astonishing admission.
Q. Now that you talked about when you first arrived that you began looking through some vehicles before your mom discovered this SUV; is that correct?
A. That's correct.
Q. And, in fact, before you did that, where you there when she asked permission, or did you ask for permission yourself of anybody who appeared on the property?
A. I wasn't there when my mom asked Earl Avery for permission to search the property.
In the name of Jesus! Where were you Nikole, if you were not standing next to your mom when asking for permission to search the salvage yard?!!! .......WTF?
Seriously think about that. How could Nikole not be present when her mom asked Earl for permission to search the entire salvage yard?
Dovetail that admission with the fact Nikole had snuck Scott Bloedorn's camera into the salvage yard under her shirt?.... ( From Pam Sturm's preliminary testimony.) What in the hell is that about?
Indeed, there is something very fishy-fishy happening right here!
Q. And he gave permission; right? Freely?
A. Yes, he gave permission.
Nikole, if you weren't there. Then how can you say factually that he, Earl Avery gave permission to search the salvage yard? ...REALLY?!
Such a gaping inconsistency... ((((sigh)))) ... and the defense doesn't seize on it.
  • I want to speculate here for a moment. Suppose Nikole was a part of the 5 girlfriends team of searches found down in the SOUTHWEST quadrant of the ASY on the morning of the 5th? Is that possible? I think it might be.... but again its speculation. But Nikole does admit to Buting that she was not present when her mom asked for permission to the salvage yard. That in itself raises a host of WTF questions... We dont know if Nikole was really there because Earl Avery didn't testify at the trial. He only supplied a statement reflecting his questionable authority surrounding the permission to the Sturms to search the property.
During Nikole's cross, Buting is keenly aware that something is off and he knows the prosecution is up to no good. And he spots it. For example, Remember when Kratz was famously caught on tape signaling to Scott Tadych to stop his testimony at the trial and clam up under cross examination? I think he was also caught signaling to Nikole Sturm here by Buting, which he confronts head on.
  • Q. Is there some reason you look at them every time you answer, other than looking at me?
  • A. No.
  • Q. Have you been told to do that by someone from the District Attorneys Office?
  • A. No.
  • Q. Did you prepare for your testimony today?
  • A. No.
Buting was on to Kratz's unethical shenanigans.
Kratz, who under pressure openly admitted at an after court session press conference, that he prepares and coaches his witnesses as he sees fit. See MAM episode 5. When Bobby Dassey perjures himself under the direction of Kratz.
Nikole Sturms testimony is yet another example of Kratz playing in the mud while Willis's sleepy eyes watch on.
Buting really laces into Nikole Sturm and is successful in having Nikole testify that she/they only tried the passenger doors to the RAV4 and found them locked. Curiously though Nikole testified that the rear cargo door was not tried; therefore, Pam nor Nikole can't factually say whether or not the RAV4 was truly sealed and locked up at all. Yet this is exactly what Ken Kratz was desperately trying to convey to the Jury.... the RAV4 was impenetrable! No one tampered with it!
Ken Kratz went to extraordinary lengths to hammer that message home... so much so that the victim, Teresa Halbach had been relegated to mere background noise against Kratz's persistent overtures regarding the RAV4 being locked up tighter then Fort Knoxx.
If the easily accessible cargo door wasn't checked then how is anyone to say for certain the RAV4 was completely locked up?
It is interesting that in the cargo bay a tiny flash drive with Teresa's name is said to have been seen and read by Sgt Orth.... through all of that tinted glass?... Orth is able to make out the name Teresa on it... OK Sure, s/ .....But Nikole Sturm couldn't read a simple VIN plate through the clear glass of the windshield? LMAO!
Lets explore Nikole Sturm's VIN Plate Fairy Tale:
  • For the uninitiated the VIN plate on a 1999 RAV4 is found under the drivers side portion of the windshield. It is not obstructed by the wiper blade and it certainly is not black in color. They are made with a light grey steel and have a unique raised alpha numeric VIN code pressed into it for easy identification of the vehicle.... The plate is not all black with a black alpha numeric code stamped onto it as Nikole Sturm testified was the casewhich is the reasoning behind why her nor her mother could read it.... its a farcical excuse.... It plays deeply into Dave Remiker's testimony that the VIN plate appeared to be tampered with. An admission that is never explored or investigated. No pictures of the actual Halbach RAV4 VIN plate are anywhere to be found. Something very wrong has happened surrounding the authenticity of the RAV4 found on the ASY. I am positive of it.
Photo/ Close Up 1999 Dark Green RAV4 VIN Plate Alpha Numeric Blurred Out On Purpose
  • I would again like to speculate her a moment. Is it possible the reason Nikole Sturm viewed an all black on black VIN plate was because perhaps that VIN plate was exposed to say a fire? Was the original VIN plate pulled from a burned out wreck and placed onto the dash of a similar RAV4? Its funny how the dual RAV4 theory can creep up on you like a bad cold... but I mean Remiker testified it looked tampered with and Nikole had emphatically testified that it was all black and difficult to read.... it really makes one wonder don't it?
Nikole Sturm/ Direct/ Ken Kratz
Q. Did you check for a vehicle identification number?
A. Yes I did look. I didn't know exactly where they were located. So it did take a little while to locate the VIN number. But we did find the VIN number on the drivers side, near the windshield. It was a black interior, with a black dashboard, but also the metal the VIN number was on was black metal, as well. It was a little difficult to read the VIN number, as well as the fact that I am a little bit short, so I had to try to reach over top of the vehicle to read the VIN number without touching the vehicle or actually touching or rubbing up against the vehicle.
Such a Bull shit story right there Nikole.
Nikole Sturm/Cross/ Jerome Buting
Buting riffs off of Ken Kratz's direct of Nikole by referring to the VIN plate as being black metal and that the numbers are also Black. It is my estimation that Buting knew that the VIN plate was not black on black, but drove Nikole into her own lie about the Vin Plate appearance.
Q. You were told by the officers that your mom was talking to on the phone, that is where you should direct your attention?
A. After searching elsewhere on the vehicle, yes.
Q. Okay. By the way that VIN is stamped? ...Its in the dash... ...In black... ...Right there in black metal?...
A. Correct.
Q. The VIN itself is a BLACK number, just kind of raised?
A. Correct.
Boom. Buting had Nikole completely caught in a lie... a whopper too.
Here is the problem and Buting knew it. There weren't any evidentiary photos of the RAV4's VIN plate to discredit Nikole Sturm. Buting knew she was clearly lying about the VIN plates physical appearance... But he didn't have the exhibit to prove to the Jury that she was in fact telling a tall tale.
Why didn't the defense photograph the RAV4 themselves before the trial? Why did they rely on the meager and insufficient stock of LE photographs? This has bothered me for some time. At a simple request, the defense could have easily sent Conrad Betz and photographer over to Calumet to make their own photographic documentation of the RAV4 in question. Why didn't they? It boggles the mind!
They say hindsight is 20/20. Okay.... Fair enough!

The calamities suffered by the Sturm's in trying to find and read a standard VIN plate:
  • Pam forgot her glasses and couldn't read the VIN numbers.
  • Pam forgot her camera and couldn't take pictures.
  • Having Scott Bloedorn's camera on hand Nikole didn't take a picture of the VIN plate.
  • Pam is a licensed Private Investigator but couldn't find the simple VIN plate on a standard vehicle.
  • It was too cloudy... or, it was too dark outside at 10:30 in the morning to read the VIN number.
  • The area where the RAV4 was "found" had a lot of "shrubbery" around it. Even though the surrounding shrubs and trees were leafless that late in the Wisconsin season.
  • There was too much glare on the windshield to read the VIN number. Those clouds!
  • Nikole was too short to see the VIN plate and read the VIN number correctly. The midget defense!
  • The interior was black, the dashboard was black... the VIN plate and numbers were all black, so Nikole couldn't read the VIN number... because everything was BLACK!
  • Nikole never mentions the VIN plate appearing to be moved and tampered with. But Dave Remiker does... and he let it slip out in his testimony on direct examination by Ken Kratz.
So much trouble in simply reading off some very easily accessible numbers from a standard issue VIN Plate!
The bullshit is overwhelming!

  • IMHO.... Buting walked Nikole Sturm straight into a flaming trap by having her testify that the VIN plate was all black and the raised alpha numeric code was all black. He knew the VIN plate wasn't black... yet he walked Nikole straight into the flames. It is obvious Nikole never looked at that VIN plate. She lied, on the stand about doing so... Her credibility was wounded. It is obvious in her testimony. It is obvious she doesn't know what she is talking about. The proof is in the pictures above.
  • Incidentally right after Nikole Sturm's VIN plate testimony she suddenly suffers a massive case of amnesia, for she suddenly cant remember anything... Probably due to another one of Kratz's "finger across his lips "signals".
  • The State is fighting Zellner tooth and nail to examine the RAV4 in question... that fateful day will certainly come soon enough!
I highly recommend reading Nikole Sturm's trial testimony. ((((( It's juicy )))))
Jerome Buting does an excellent job quite, frankly, of making Nikole Sturm's testimony not only sound silly, but unreliable and incredibly untrustworthy. For instance, She can't recall which way she approached the the driver's side door to read the VIN plate, from the rear of the car or the front?
There was only one pathway to the driver's side and that was from the rear of the car... How could one not remember such a memorable situation? Unless you weren't there at all. See what I am saying?
Rereading Nikole's entire testimony the takeaways for me were that:
  • Nikole possibly wasn't present at all on the ASY that morning with her mom.
  • If present, Nikole couldn't have been simultaneously giving statements to LE and watching the RAV4 at all times to ensure it wasn't being tampered with... and I mean why would that be a concern for her anyway if police were on the scene? Why would she suspect the police of tampering with the RAV4?
  • Nikole Sturm never mentions that the VIN plate appeared to be moved or tampered with... But Remiker does.
  • And, finally, why the hell did Pam Sturm offer up at the preliminary that Nikole had snuck the Bloedorn camera, under her shirt, into the salvage yard?.... So fucked up.
The concern over the RAV4 not being touched is over the top... Buting crushed that point home with his cross examination of Nikole.
Buting IMHO, skillfully filleted Nikole's unbelievable stories and had them memorialized on the record for posterity.... Well done, sir. Well done!


Recording of Pam Sturm's Full Dispatch Call

Here is the recording of Pam Sturm's full dispatch call to Calumet. I removed the Sturm phone number from the recording.

About this call, I actually produced a recording of the recording (so that I could remove the number.) If you hear anything odd, it's a result of me, not anything within the original call, which is a compilation of two tracks from Calumet's dispatch calls.

ETA: in the calls, there is another call from a female officer that is super interesting, just after Pam's call. It sounds like Baldwin. She's wondering why Mark is heading there with sirens. Dispatch says because they found the vehicle at Avery's. The female says, "yeah, I already knew that..."


  1. All case related dispatch transmission from MTSO was provided to the defense from November 3rd to November 12th. November 4th was missing in both the dispatch logs and radio transmission.

    Is it common to bury bags of peat moss on your property? What is the purpose of this? Was the owner of the land on Kuss Road ever asked why his peat moss smelled like Teresa Halbach? The next day, everything starts to show up at ASY. #MakingAMurderer

    Manitowoc County Connection to evidence against Avery (Repost since MAM removed) (self.StevenAveryCase)

    by InHosName-Amen

    RAV 4

    Colborn calls in license plates on car before it's found

    Car coincidentally found with license plates removed

    Colborn and Kratz are not honest about this topic at trial

    License Plates

    Found on November 8th by volunteer searcher in open view, in back seat of station wagon north of the fence line, east of the Janda trailer.

    Those cars including that station wagon searched by Manitowoc officers lenk and colborn and officer Tyson on November 7th.

    License plates not found that day even though they were in open view and 3 officers passed and searched the car on November 7th.


    Found November 8th by Colborn and Lenk around 11am

    Colborn lies at trial about how the key was found

    Burned electronics

    Found November 7th by Manitowoc officer Siders after 12pm

    Burn pit

    Found November 8th by Manitowoc Jost

    Jost flags suspected bone approximately 8 feet south of the burn pit.


    Manitowoc Remiker pictured as bullet is found from as a result of a search warrant from Brendan's unreliable confession

    Bullet found on top of Jack hammered concrete with no dust

    Kuss Road

    Found November 7th around 10am by a group led by Manitowoc retiree officer Bushman and including Manitowoc Siders.

    After this finding, the above evidence is recovered by Manitowoc County near the Avery residence, with the key being what set off Ken Kratz when he found out about Manitowoc County's involvement in the searches.

    November 7th and 8th were big days for Manitowoc county and coincidentally this investigation against Steven Avery.

  2. Who unhooked the battery cables? (self.TickTockManitowoc)
    by ms_brabant

    I caught something that I thought interesting while reading through the transcript of the interrogation between Brendan Dassey and Anthony O'Neill on November 6th, 2005.

    It is not what is said between O'Neill and Brendan that I find interesting, but a brief, seemingly unremarkable comment made by another officer attending the scene that makes me question a key piece of evidence brought forward by the prosecution.

    Just for a little background for those who don't know or might have forgotten, this interview of Brendan Dassey was done in Crivitz on Nov. 6th, the day after he'd driven up with SA in his blue Pontiac Grand Am. for a family get-together

    Apparently, a warrant, requested by Wisconsin Department of Criminal Investigation Agent Kim Skorlinski had been granted, allowing law enforcement to seize the Pontiac Grand Am in order to collect it as evidence. In consequence, piecing together from this documents, there was an all-points-bulletin put out for it in Crivitz to locate the Pontiac Grand Am, and then to bring it in as evidence.

    So, on the 6th of November, BD and his brother Bryan are driving around the town of Crivitz in the Pontiac Grand Am when they are stopped by Deputy Degnitz. Deputy Degnitz then calls O'Neill, Baldwin, and Skorlinski to arrive at the scene to question the Dassey brothers. When the others arrive to join O'Neill, including Department of Criminal Investigation Agent Kim Skorlinsk, Brendan is brought into O'Neill's police cruiser, and his questioning begins. (It is not at all clear where Bryan is.) O'Neill is not joined by Deputy Degnitz, who stays in or around his own vehicle as he call Witts Towing to coordinate having SAs Grand Am brought in to the Crivitz PD for examination. All of this can be found in O'Neill's written report:

    But it's on page 12 of the transcript of the actual audio-recorded conversation that Degnitz says something interesting as he approaches O'Neill's cruiser to ask him something about a memo:

    Deputy Degnitz: You've got some kind of memo that if it's inside it's supposed to have the battery disconnected.....

    Battery disconnected? A memo?

    Given the presence of Kim Skorlinski, it is evident that the Wisconsin State Office of Criminal Invetigation—under which the WI Crime Lab would be a part—would A) have, as an established protocol, that battery cables be disconnected on vehicles brought in for evidence, and; B) work closely with and given guidance to local police departments.

    If the memo in question was sent out by the WI Crime lab (possibly on the 5th?) then most assuredly they followed their own protocol when the RAV4 was brought in the evening of the 5th? What I'm really getting at is that it seems far more likely that the crime lab disconnected the battery cables than the killer (who would have had no reason to). IF this is so, there should have been no reason for SAs DNA to end up on the hood latch.

    Again, all apologies if this is a topic that has already been chewed up and gone over, but I post it anyway because you never know!

    1. I agree with the OP. I think state crime lab did it per protocol. I think LE did not understand it was protocol and built/planted evidence around the battery being disconnected. Then at trial the fact that it was actually disconnected at the crime lab was kept quiet.


      That is EXACTLY what I am trying to say here. But I am also trying to say that this is still an urgent matter! It shouldn't be difficult to show that it was established protocol, and it shouldn't be difficult to show that TF, the guy who actually ordered to have the battery cables and the hood latch swabbed, knew that it was established protocol.

      It was reported by Ron Groffy to Thomas Fassbender on the 7th of November, 2005. It's included on pp 73 of one of KZs motions:

      If TF knew about the protocol, it would have never occurred to him to ask BD about the battery cables...unless he was up to something. Anyway, I've made my case.

      Therefore, he had absolutely no reason to think that it had been SA who had opened the hood. It should never have occurred to him to ask Brendan Dassey about the hood, the battery cables, and all of that. Yes, the crime lab and many others who were in the know kept very quiet about all of it.


      The battery cables on the RAV4 were disconnected, per standard protocol, just before or shortly after it was brought into the Madison Crime Lab on the 5th (between the 5th & 6th technically since it got there around midnight).

      No, neither Ertl nor anyone else was ever asked about in what state the battery cables were found when it arrived, or whether anyone at the crime lab had them disconnected per protocol. Importantly, however, no one has denied that the cables were not disconnected per protocol. This the Catch-22 that SA is in. Let me explain what I mean...

      Let's say that someone from the crime lab came forward to admit the cables were disconnected per protocol. It would just be asserted that the connection between the hood latch and the battery cables was incidental, i.e., someone at the crime lab may have disconnected the cables, but Avery may well have had other unknown reasons for going under the hood.

      Yet, if someone from the crime lab did come forward to admit such a thing, or if it was established that the crime lab had a standard protocol of disconnecting battery cables, it will still be significant because it would mean that those who were in the know, those, that is, who knew of the protocol, kept quiet about it. I think it is fair to say that a jury was lead to believe that SAs DNA was on the hood latch because he opened the hood to disconnect the battery cables. If the prosecution knew that there was a protocol and said nothing about it, would it be a Denny violation?

      In fact, the battery cables and the hood latch weren't really an item of interest initially until after the RAV4 had been returned to Calumet County. They were not actually swabbed for DNA at the crime lab in Madison, but in Calumet (in the shed in which it was being housed). All of this took place months after the RAV4 had been returned from Madison.

      I find this fact very interesting because it shows that no one at the crime lab thought there was anything unusual about the disconnected battery cables or they would have been swabbed there, and not in Calumet months later. It also brings up why it had ever occurred to anyone to have the latch and battery cables swabbed in the first place?

      The Pontiac Grand Am was not never at the Madison Crime Lab. In the pictures of it that you see where it's clearly inside a building, that building was the Crivitz PD. Notice, btw, the broken strip of tape that runs down the center of the hood to the grill. Clearly, the hood had been opened for some reason on the Grand Am.

    2. The battery cables on the RAV4 were disconnected, per standard protocol, just before or shortly after it was brought into the Madison Crime Lab on the 5th (between the 5th & 6th technically since it got there around midnight). Neither Ertl nor anyone else was ever asked about in what state the battery cables were found when it arrived, or whether anyone at the crime lab had them disconnected per protocol. Importantly, however, no one has denied that the cables were not disconnected per protocol.

      Teresa's car battery must have died and was replaced with one that didn't fit under the battery hold-down.

      The battery found in the car isn't for the car (it does fit a Jeep Wrangler).

      The battery was purchased within the 12 months of Teresa's disappearance.

      My opinion has been either its lights were left on or a door was left ajar when it was left by the turnaround at the old dam (East Twin River, Mishicot).

      The likelihood that the battery cables were unhooked when it was delivered to the crime lab also explains why the driver door was mysteriously unlocked on Sunday morning - they had to get the hood open somehow to get to the battery.

      Congratulations!! I think you have just answered the long puzzling question: who unlocked the RAV? If, indeed, protocol was to disconnect the battery of any vehicle brought to the crime lab, then someone -- Ertl? who? -- disconnected that battery that night, after their long 200 mile drive. How is another question, because where did they get a key? Or did they, more likely, use a slim jim? Guilters have said that the crime lab made a key and they opened the RAV that Sunday morning, but no one ever reported or testified to that. They did make a key, but I think the RAV was already open when they got there, very likely for the reason you say.

  3. All About The Battery Cables (self.TickTockManitowoc)
    by ms_brabant

    I wanted to post one last time about the battery cables. I did some research today, and I thought, at the very least, it would important to document exactly what happened, by whom, and when, regarding all that we know about the battery cables. So, here goes:

    Nov 6, 2005: Degnitz: You got some kind of memo that if it's inside it's supposed to have the battery disconnected [page 12]

    We know that Degnitz, when speaking with O'Neill on November 6th, 2005, referred to a memo that had been circulated (by email?) about the need to disconnect battery cables. He asked this question of O'Neill as SA Pontiac Grand Am was being prepared for towing by Witt's Towing in Marionette County.

    THs RAV4 arrives at the Wisconsin State Crime Lab in Madison late in the evening on November 5th.

    Ronalnd Groffy testifies that when he got to the crime lab around 11:00am the following morning, November 6th, the driver's side door was unlocked. [Groffy's testimony]

    Nick Stahlke arrives at the crime lab on November 7th. In court, he testifies that on that date, he tried to take the odometer reading on THs RAV4 but couldn't. He initially assumes that the battery is dead, but when he investigates further (after the vehicle had been sitting at the crime lab for over a day), he opens the hood and learns that the battery cables had been disconnected. [Stahlke's court testimony pp 230]

    Sherry Culhane testifies that when she was at the crime lab, uses the key found on the floor of SA's trailer to turn the ignition switch over. She testifies that the ignition yielded to the force of the key but wouldn't start because the battery had been disconnected. It is not clear when she performed this test. [Culhane's testimony pp 181]

    Someone at the crime lab had to have reconnected the battery cables because, on November 7th, Ron Groffy reports to Thomas Fassbender that the odometer reading on the RAV4 is 95,753. [page 73]

    November 11, 2005, The RAV4 is sent back from The Wisconsin State Crime Lab and returned for storage in Calumet County under the custodianship of the Calumet County Sheriff's Department.

    February 27, 2006, BD is interviewed by W&F. He is not asked about either the batteries or the hood latch of THs 1999 Toyota RAV4.

    March 1, 2006, In an interview, TF says to BD: " OK. Did he, did he, did he go and look at the engine, did he raise the hood at all or anything like that? To do something to that car?" Brendan: "Yeah".

    April 3, 2006, The hood latch and battery cables of the RAV4 are swabbed for DNA evidence by Bill Tyson. Deputy Jeremy Hawkins takes pictures of both the right and left battery cable. He also takes a picture of the hood latch. This is done in Calumet County where the RAV4 is being kept. [CASO pp 887]

    May 10, 2006, Results of the swabs taken from the hood latch come back positive for SA's DNA. [CASO pp 752]

    May 13, 2006, BD is questioned once more by W&F. Wiegert asks, "Did he tell you that he unhooked the battery on her?" BD answers, "Not that I know of." [interview May 13, 2006 pp 109]

    November 11, 2006, Deputy Jeremy Hawkins of Calumet County Sheriff's goes out to the shed (in Calumet) where the RAV4 is stored. He connects the battery cables to the battery and uses a key to start the RAV4. Before he leaves, he documents that he disconnects the battery cables. [CASO pp 1001]

  4. If the protocol had been to disconnect the battery cables as the memo sited by Degnitz suggests, no one at the crime lab in Madison would have thought much of the cables being disconnected when Ertl, Stahlke and Groffy examined the car on November 6 - 7.

    That actually appears to be the case because of all the swabs that had been taken of the RAV4 before it was sent back to Calumet on November 11th, 2005, none were taken of the hood latch or the battery cables.

    The only reason that the state of the battery cables seems like it might have been a point of interest to those working in the crime lab is because of this photograph (exhibit 302).

    But did Groffy take that photo on either November 6th or 7th? It isn't clear. What is clear, however, is that on April 3rd, 2006, Jeremy Hawkins takes pictures of both the right and left cables.

    The RAV4 was only in Madison for a week and TF knew about the battery cables being disconnected the day after it got there on November 6th (or very late on the 5th). Why didn't TF have someone swab the battery cables and hood latch while it was still in Madison?

    When the RAV4 returns to Calumet on November 11th, 2005, TF still waits over four months before having he hood latch and the battery photographed and swabbed.

    Most importantly, if TF knew of the memo, or he knew of established protocol about disconnecting the battery cables, why would it have ever occurred to him to ask BD about why they were disconnected in the first place?

    Also, by the sequence of events, you would almost get the impression that TF waited until he could get BD to confess that the hood had been opened before ordering the swabbing and photographing the hood latch and battery cables. But if TF had every reason to think that the hood had been opened and the battery disconnected by the killer (as opposed to someone at the crime lab following standard procedure), what difference would it have made if Brendan Dassey confessed that he saw SA open the hood?

    Lastly, it is fairly evident that there had to have been a protocol to disconnect the battery cables of a vehicle stored in evidence. Though not policy is ever mentioned, it is still implicit.

    For example, the battery had to have been connected when the odometer was read. We know this by Stahlke's testimony because he asserts that the reason he wasn't initially able to read the odometer was because the battery cables weren't connected. So, if we know that the odometer was read on November 7th, 2005 while still at the crime lab in Madison according to provided documentation, someone must have connected the battery cables. By the time Sherry Cullhane shows up to try the key, the cables are again disconnected when they just as easily could have been left connected.

    Deputy Hawkins does, however, explicitly state that he connected, then disconnected, the battery cables on November 20, 2006. There can be no doubt that he was following established protocol.

    This is why I think getting that memo that Degnitz was referring to on November 6th is so important. If it can be shown that there was an established protocol, and it can be shown that this protocol was strictly observed—not impossible goals, I should think—then we really need to ask ourselves why TF, a man with decades of experience, thought to ask BD about the battery cables.

    1. [–]MMonroe54

      This is great! It's extremely helpful to see the battery cable saga -- all this information -- in chronological order and in one post.

      Why, indeed, didn't they swab the battery cables on Nov 7? Because, when Stahlke found them disconnected, after thinking about it, he probably assumed whoever transported the RAV there the night before did it, as protocol demanded.

      It's almost certainly why they didn't swab the cables then, though he does say at trial, I think, that someone else tested the stains on the posts later....maybe Culhane did that, but if so it's not in her report.

      But neither is anything about the stains Stahlke said he saw on "both ends of the rear seat and under the levers of the rear seats" which is another mystery.

      They only swabbed the cables months later because they got BD to say SA "went under the hood."

      TF was there on Sunday morning, I think, but it's possible he didn't know it was protocol to disconnect the battery cables. Or, if he did, he forgot. And it's unlikely Wiegert knew, either.

      So they asked Brendan about it, knowing he said yes to almost everything they suggested.

      And then, and only then, did they have the cables swabbed and the hood latch swabbed.


      I’m guessing he asked BD about the cables so it was on record that the cables were disconnected BEFORE LE found the rav.......well, that’s what they wanted it to appear as anyways. Otherwise, SAs defense could have literally referred to crime lab protocol of disconnecting the battery, which then would have given SA no reason to be under that hood, thus proving the “sweat” had to be planted.

    2. [–]Henbury

      Moving the RAV - they already placed him in the car (his blood), he had a motive to move or hide the car, and the car had obviously been moved. Convincing a jury he moved the car was already in the bag.

      Considering there was already an awareness the battery had been disconnected, if the lab processed the car properly, the DNA under the hood should have been discovered the first time around.

      Sure, they came back later and planted the bookcase key and the bullet, to tie SA to the crime. This solved problems.

      But it strikes me that the discovery of SA's DNA under the hood, later, doesn't fit the MO of planting evidence tying SA to the crime (although it helped). And non-blood DNA could have been planted anywhere on or in that car, preferably somewhere not already swabbed

      The hood latch DNA is different. It strikes me as though the DNA was planted not to tie SA to the car or provide an alternate source of DNA; but to place SA under the hood, disconnecting the battery, beyond reasonable doubt.

      Why? There must have been something that investigators/prosecutors were worried about the defence deducing or adducing from under the hood, something that was available to the defence - so much so that they went to the trouble of planting DNA (a 'new' non-blood source for whatever reason, and albeit a non-credible one) well after the car had already been processed, to put it beyond question or curiosity.

      As I said, they could have just claimed "we think SA got under the hood and disconnected the battery" like the rape claims where they had no physical evidence. But on this occasion they aimed higher.

      This is concealment, not additional evidence. There's something here, and it's important.

    3. "But if they didn't "need" the DNA under the hood, why bother with it at all"

      This is my point.

      I consider that in their mind, DNA evidence is "beyond reasonable doubt" to a jury, so that's why the DNA evidence gets planted.

      But they had already established DNA evidence tying SA to the car (blood). And if they'd planted DNA on the hood latch from the start, they would have swabbed it, or encouraged an unknowing lab tech to swab it, the first time the car was processed, to crystalise the forensic case from the beginning.

      The hood latch DNA was planted later. But why? Two theories have evolved -

      (1) to establish an alternate source of DNA in case the blood evidence got thrown out, or

      (2) it placed SA under the hood, presumably disconnecting the battery.

      I don't buy the theory that they had to plant an alternate source of DNA on the car tying it to SA in case the blood got thrown out; they could have planted it anywhere in or on the car (ideally somewhere documented as not swabbed when it was first processed). So why the hood latch, specifically?

      It was such a risk to plant additional DNA that was inconsistent with previous samples and findings ('sweat' vs blood), months after the car had already been processed. I think they actually ran a higher risk having the 'sweat' DNA thrown out than they did the blood (by both the delay to discover it and forensically). So why take that risk? What was so important about the hood latch?

      Placing SA under the hood, beyond reasonable doubt, solves the problem of the disconnected battery.

      To disconnect the battery requires handling the hood latch, which can only be done by handling the hood release in the car interior. That requires being inside the vehicle.

      The point of disconnecting the battery, per protocol, is to safely transport the vehicle.

      So I believe the battery was disconnected BEFORE the car was moved from ASY to the lab.

      If so, and assuming LE had control of the vehicle at the ASY, that means LE were IN THE VEHICLE at the ASY before the car was moved to the lab.

      I don't accept that the battery was disconnected at the lab. A LEO following protocol, or wanting to ensure their planted evidence survived the trip to the lab, would disconnect the battery.

      Admitting LEO disconnected the battery would lead to a line of inquiry establishing that they were in the vehicle when they shouldn't have been. That casts doubt on evidence collection, and (since they already had motive) gives them the opportunity to plant the evidence that was found when the car was first processed.

      I'm a believer in lies having a grain of truth. In the circumstances, if innocent, LE were looking for ways to discover evidence that was consistent with their real life findings. For example, I think in real life the discovery of blood in the grand am and/or the cut on SA would predate the 'discovery' of physical blood in the RAV4. They took inspiration from a real life event and made it plausible in a lie.

      I wonder whether they discovered something under the hood, about a person or DNA that wasn't SA's and wasn't meant to be there? Like I said about the rape, an actual crime, they claimed it without physical evidence.

      Really, why under the hood, and why DNA?

    4. [–]_jcr_

      My best guess is that they did in fact open the RAV at ASY but they did not use gloves or do it in a sterile manner. That's why they can't admit that and did not write any reports about it. If that's the case the whole RAV is contaminated and the defense could argue that it should be thrown out. It's probably also why they are afraid of Zellner getting access to the RAV. I also believe this is why the bones had to be moved to Avery's burn pit and why the spare key had to be planted in his bedroom. If the RAV is thrown out they would have nothing at all to tie him to the crime. Having Avery's DNA under the hood stops the defense from arguing that LE opened the hood and disconnected the battery (because obviously it wasn't anyone else, because Avery's DNA is on the latch), which would open the door for having the RAV thrown out since its opening was not documented.


      But if the battery cables had been disconnected per protocol, as the Degnitz memo **strongly** suggests, that means that there was a very ordinary reason for why the cables were disconnected, and one they knew about.


      But the prosecution narrative was that SA disconnected the battery. That means no LEO admitted they did it, nor can they admit it now.

      They can't come back from that. It means that there is no ordinary reason why the battery was disconnected (by them).

      It must have been true that the vehicle was 'discovered' with the battery disconnected. So again I ask, if innocent, why go to such trouble to point to SA doing it? They could have just claimed it without physical evidence like the rape. I think we all understand the suggestion is that someone who is not SA disconnected the battery...


      Actually, no one ever said that it was SA who disconnected the battery cables. The prosecution never contends this, so it's not actually part of the narrative. What they do is cleverly imply that he must have because his DNA is found on the hood latch.


      Groffy says in his testimony that some of the pictures were taken on the 8th as well. There were photo's of the RAV and the Grand AM introduced in his direct testimony, on cross, he said that State's Exhibit 289, 290, 292, and 293, were taken on the 6th, the others introduced were taken on either the 7th or 8th.

      Culhane physically took the the swabs of the Grand AM herself, she tried the trailer key in the RAV4 (not sure what date, but it was found on the 8th, so couldn't have been before that) Stahlke examined the Grand AM blood drops (couldn't have been before the 8th if the Grand AM wasn't in the lab), Stahlke was the one checking the odometer, sat in the driver seat to see how he fit, along with Groffy, who also took measurements of the seat. No dates for these incidents that I recall, but I haven't looked to far ;-)

    5. [–]ms_brabant[S]

      Good info on all of that, so thanks. On page 73 of this motion filed by Zellner, there is mention of the odometer reading being reported to Fassbender by Groffy on November 7, 2005.

      Also good catch on the info that Culhane couldn't have tried the key before the 8th since it hadn't been found by then. It bolsters my point that Stahlke or someone else at the crime lab disconnected the battery cables after they had been connected to get the odometer reading. It goes to show that protocol was being followed, i.e., that the battery cables remain disconnected.


      Groffy testified that he took photos of the RAV and did a presumptive test for blood on the ignition stain on Sunday morning, the 6th, and that he did the presumptive test at Stahlke's request. So Stahlke was there that morning, too.

      Since Groffy testified he also took photos on the 7th, that could have been the day the two of them tested the distance of the driver's seat. Because that was the day that Stahlke says he did his blood stain analysis of the RAV, and, I believe, then examined the Grand Am....which is why I think the Grand Am was also at the WI Crime lab garage and not in a LE garage in Marinette County.

  5. [–]bigmouthlurker

    The system is not designed to prove people innocent. Unfortunately, it will convict people without proof of guilt.

    SA was found guilty because the jury 'connected the dots,' with many of the dots fabricated or suspect, and many more dots totally missing.

    My opinion is that the system demands the state demonstrate One Dot: SA murdering TH. Simple. Show the jury that single dot.

    They didn't show that dot 15 years ago, and can't show that dot now.

    And guilters continually defend the verdict by suggesting a process of conjecture -- connecting the alleged dots is identical to showing proof of the single dot. It's not the same thing.

    We have a complete polarized approach to cause and effect in the judicial system. Some people demand the single dot, which most of the time is not available, but the end result is no innocent people convicted. And others believe in a process of conjecture and faith in oaths and speculation and connecting dots, which is a guarantee to convict innocent people. It's really a question of how much collateral damage are citizens willing to tolerate, and currently the answer is a lot of collateral damage. I think that's because there is absolutely no risk in wrongful convictions.

    It's a disappointing status quo, and it could be avoided.

    One argument is that no one could be found guilty without video evidence, but I disagree.

    The alternative is to simply eliminate conclusively every other suspect. Don't just find one person guilty: prove that no one else could be guilty of the same crime. It's hard to do but it's necessary.

    When I think that LE failed to eliminate not only the neighbor who last saw TH but also the neighbor who claimed to go hunting with that neighbor, I see a major failure. They simply took their word for their activities that day. No proof needed. That's not eliminating any suspect.

    I see it as putting the burden of 'proving innocence' on LE PRIOR to any charges are filed. It's so blatantly the responsible/scientific way to go about it.

    You don't use hunches or gut feelings about life and death. You prove innocence and eliminate suspects in the same way SA is doing so today.

    Of course what will happen is LE will fail to eliminate about 10 or 20 suspects. They will reach a point where they cannot conclusively eliminate many suspects. And that's where the case should stay until better information is uncovered. Otherwise, we're running a percentage game with the number of innocent people convicted.

    The status quo is to basically pick the best/weakest/most vulnerable suspect and eliminate the others by pure whim. It's obviously whim that eliminated BoD and ST, and that's being generous. They cannot prove their innocence any more than SA can prove his, but because LE saw a more vulnerable victim in SA, they went in that direction. The ongoing law suit against the county didn't hurt either.

    If LE doesn't have conclusive video evidence, and they have a suspect that's adamantly proclaiming innocence, then they should eliminate all other suspects with verifiable facts. It's a difficult task, and it never happened in every wrongful conviction I've read about. LE simply asked a jury to fit a square peg in a round hole by force rather than look for the round peg. Over and over this is the failure with primitive justice systems like the current one in U.S.

  6. Q: How much evidence can an Agency (MTSO) find after removing itself from a murder investigation? A: Most of it. (self.TickTockManitowoc)

    by seekingtruthforgood


    One of the most disturbing aspect is AC was assigned as the Evidence Tech. Additionally, he assisted in the crime scene photography that only can be construed pitiful.

    When one reviews the evidence finds, despite over 100 people looking for evidence, the evidence was primary found by AC & JL when assigned to DK including in areas already searched by AC & JL when assigned to a different Officer. When one considers the small sized of the trailer & garage bein searched: The evidence finds can be construed as very suspicious, to the point of the criminal, or the County & State assigned over 100 deaf, dumb, and blind people to look for evidence. Personally, I suspect evidence was criminal in nature.


    Me too... criminal acts committed to cover up prior criminal acts that were going to surface from the civil rights suit... that's my guess.


    It's quite incredible and coincidental really. MTSO, itself as an agency stated it had a conflict of interest, yet went on to collect/handle roughly 90% of the evidence used against Avery in Teresa Halbach's murder trial.

    Thanks for placing the post here. This makes me mad all over again too. What chaps my bouquets, is just how "pivotal" this situation becomes. We have the rise of the depositions taking place and then boom. Stop and retract. MTSO is back in the saddle. Taking care of business. And no one questions them at the time. Status Quo.

    All of SA's support: Stephen Glynn, Walt Kelly, and Mark Gundrum (who is a Judge for WI COA District 2)...stopped dead in their tracks. I wonder if these guys just once thought, "Could they be doing this to SA all over again"?


    I agree. The timing is no coincidence. I personally believe the civil case was going to lead to criminal conduct being exposed or uncovered through the proceedings. I do not believe the primary motive was about money, although that played a role. I believe the real motive to bury the civil rights violations had to do with avoiding criminal charges and jail. We'll see how this plays out.

  7. [–]seekingtruthforgood[S]

    Here is a summary of 2005 incident reports near Avery Salvage Yard from Dedering's Calumet Investigation from early 2018. You can see the incident numbers and dates going up sequentially. Please take note of all incident numbers, as you will see down below, one does not belong with the rest.

    History in detail of 2005 MTSO Incident Numbers and dates

    2005-00008495 - Opened 10/22/2005 around 7:02 pm

    2005-00008680 - Opened 10/28/2005 around 10:58 am

    2005-00008844 - Opened 11/3/2005 around 6:34 pm

    2005-00008869 - Opened 11/4/2005 around 7:31 pm

    2005-00008883 - Opened 11/5/2005 around 2:04 pm

    2005-00009184 - Opened 11/15/2005 around 10:55 am

    You'll notice in the list of incident number above, there is no mention of 8841. This is because 8841 is special. How is it special? Let's see...

    Incident 2005-00008841 is the incident that was opened up as a result of Colborn phoning into dispatch at 7:20 pm on 11/3/2005 that he was done visiting the Avery residence. Colborn tells the dispatcher that an incident should be started for the visit to Avery.

    Colborn's summary, 8841, was created at 8:20PM on 11/3. You could also argue that it was created at 7:20pm on 11/3 if you want to say it was created at the time Colborn phones into dispatch over his radio (not his cell phone). Either way, the created date is at the very least, 7:20pm on 11/3.

    The Halbach summary, 8844, is created at 6:37pm on 11/3. It is created before Colborn's summary report.


    What do you surmise from this SEEK???


    I don't know. None of it makes sense in terms of how database management works. Tie that to the missing radio calls from the 4th, it leaves one contemplating the red flags.


    Yes...NO WAY all these red flags mean nothing.......I believe they got "tips" from the killer!


    I believe you are right.

  8. INDEFENSIBLES: The timeline in MTSO's own words. An Audio Chronicle showing conflict of interest. (self.TickTockManitowoc)

    by seekingtruthforgood


    Thank you for posting here! I refuse to frequent the other sub so I would have missed out on the brilliance of it. Kudos to the OOP, whomever they may be, and to you for sharing!

    Just an observation about the cabinet and the plug wire. (self.TickTockManitowoc)

    by samvallely


    The paper and coins didn't move either. Colborn, Lenk and Kucharski lied in their reports and during trial. There is no reason to lie when circumstances are exactly as stated, but all three lied. That key was 100% planted.


    Thanks, yeah i actually did a photoshop job of the coins and paper myself a while back and came to the same conclusion. then i saw the video of the guy moving his cabinet and everything staying in place, that video didn't change my mind because he was very soft with it and nothing like how AC describes moving the unit. But when i saw the wire look different in the images that gave me some pause. lol had to double check.


    Yeah, the embellishments these officers added to their story are a dead give-a-away. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

  9. Why would November 4th be relevant enough to withhold from discovery handover? self.MakingaMurderer

    by parkercom

    There are some things that don't make sense to me with Manitowoc County and I can't put my finger on it.

    It is unclear why Incident number 8844 was closed on November 3rd if Manitowoc County was actively assisting in the missing person investigation on November 4th.

    Having the incident number closed on November 3rd (presumably) and later reopened when the car is found, as is talked about in this call, is peculiar as it was an ongoing investigation which they were very active in assisting with.

    Since the Dispatch logs were closed on 11/3, we don't get to see what times that some major events happened, such as:


    Colborn saying they are en route to the Zipperer address.

    Remiker telling dispatch him, Colborn, and Calumet County will be at the Zipperer residence.

    Colborn finally getting Zipperer to come to the door.

    [Colborn, Remiker, Dedering all 10-24 (Police code for assignment complete) from the Zipperer residence.


    Wiegert Calling MTSO on the morning of 11/4

    Wigert Calling MTSO Again and asking for Lenk, who doesn't answer his phone in his office.

    Link to report of Lenk from 11/4 documenting his visit with Steven Avery.

    Remiker calling his dispatch asking for Calumet County's phone number and is transferred.

    Wiegert calling MTSO again, a third time the same day, in the evening of 11/4 and is transferred to the shift commander.

    If the dispatch log wasn't closed and the incident was still open, we would see a time of the radio transmission and arrivals to, from Zipperer's on 11/3 and Avery's on 11/4.

    Instead, why would a police department close the incident report during an active investigation, and eliminate dispath radio transmissions when Colborn is said to have called in the license plates?

    Discuss, guys. Please.


    I bet it's all there... if Avery is granted a new trial, the computer records will be pulled, as will the two case numbers for CASO. All that time missing from MTSO's records is not possible.


    'Prolly all just normal for police departments to lose one day out of every ten for their officers' communications...


    There are documented cases of law enforcement officers framing people all over the country. Each of those cases were unique too. One cop, in Chicago, as a matter of fact, has 51 cases being investigated - cases for which there are concerns about him planting evidence and framing people. Are you suggesting Avery's case can't be subject to scrutiny just because the planters didn't copy the act of some other planter before them?

    To think law enforcement found her cremains and moved them into the pit is not unfounded, especially given that expert testimony/experience has been put forth which establishes the pit was not the original burn site. That, combined with her cremains found in Dassey's burn barrel, a 3rd burn site on a concrete pad in the neighbor's quarry and a pelvic bone found near that concrete pad (a pelvic bone pulled from evidence during 2011, called a human bone, and photographed before giving to the Halbach family for burial), bring reasonable questions about how these 3 burn sites tie together.

    Law enforcement brought the questions on themselves. The public is 100% valid in terms of reasons to question and be concerned about the numerous problems with the evidence in the case.

  10. Looking for someone to help explain some questions I've been having so far into the series.

    by josiahpapaya, MakingaMurderer
    September 14, 2018


    New poster here. I recently watched the first episode of MaM, and immediately went online and googled SA's name.

    I was REALLY shocked when I found this sub to find, in my opinion, an overwhelmingly negative opinion of Avery and strong confidence in his guilt.


    I think it's totally possible someone who meant to do TH harm, and knew she was going to be at SA's at that time, knew SA was an easy patsy, because the police already hated him. To me, it's totally possible that someone else murdered her and left the evidence there knowing he'd be doomed from the start. Why is it impossible that she may have left his place, was murdered, and then taken back and left there. Could we not explain, however unlikely, that SA lying about his fire, recanting certain situations, or being nervous could be attributed to the fact that he is wary of falling into a trap?

  11. Events coming into focus for 11/04/2005: The Planting of the RAV4 (self.TickTockManitowoc)
    by magilla39
    December 6, 2017

    Kevin R. sees Colburn (in uniform on his day off) at Cenex and tells him about RAV4 at the old Mishicot dam turnabout. Colburn goes to investigate, but never reports finding it.

    Colburn finds the RAV4 and calls dispatch to verify the RAV4 plates. The latest analysis puts this call between 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm. The most likely window for this event is 2:00 pm to 5:06 pm (dusk).

    Colburn calls the MTSO posse together to decide what to do. If the keys are missing, perhaps the posse contacts Scott B. or Ryan H. to see if there is another key to move the RAV4. Was the lanyard sub-key at the house?

    Sometime prior to dusk (5:06 pm), Wilmer S. sees the RAV4 and the white jeep with the hood stain move onto the Radandt Quarry property. Shortly afterward, he sees the jeep leave, alone.

    Also sometime prior to dusk, the air search ends without finding the RAV4. The footage of the search is later edited to omit any clear pictures from the vicinity in which the RAV4 was found, perhaps because they show that the RAV4 was not there. Perhaps other footage shows the RAV4 at the turnabout.

    The dog search team identified the back entrance to the salvage yard on the conveyor road as a key position, with three dogs alerting in this vicinity. Could this be where the RAV4 sat, as the planting team waited for darkness to come.

  12. The RAV4 Damage That Was Never Mentioned.

    Posted by u/SBRH33

    I have found some very interesting Testimony while combing through Brendan Dassey's trial transcript. I have been studying Brendan's testimony more in-depth than I originally had and the States witness testimony is remarkable and in many cases completely tweaked from what was given during Steven Avery's trial.

    I now bring you this tantalizing bit of information.

    For the moment I want to focus on a single piece of testimony elicited from John Ertl by Ray Edelstein on cross-examination at Brendan Dassey's trial.

    Edelstein is having John Ertl recollect his observation of the RAV4 on the day of November 5th, 2005 when it was discovered by Pam Sturm on the Avery Salvage Yard property.

    John Ertl describes ever so casually the following jaw-dropper.


    This dent is never mentioned at Steven Avery's trial at all.

    The only damage that was ever mentioned and focused on at Steves trial was that of the front driver side, broken signal lamp.

    Not one photograph exist that I can find illustrates this dent in the rear quarter panel of the RAV4, apparently hidden behind the Rambler Hood.

    Nobody who witnessed the RAV4 in Situ mentions this dent, except John Ertl, at Brendan Dassey's trial.

    John Ertl never mentions this dent at Steven Avery's trial.

    The witnesses who had seen Halbach's RAV4 on October 31st all mention that the vehicle looked to be in new condition with no noticeable signs of damage.

    The dent is never mentioned in any of the Pre-trial testimony.

    The front blinker assembly damage IS NOT MENTIONED ON ANY OF THE MISSING POSTERS.

    Ryan Hillegas lies about the front end damage on the RAV4.

    No one connected to Teresa Halbach ever mentions a dent on the rear of Teresa's RAV4. This includes her brother Mike, Scott Bloedorn, or Tom Pierce the three individuals who had seen her most with her car.

    Most importantly

    All of the photographs available of Teresa Halbach's RAV4 only depict the driver's side in its entirety. Never the passenger side in complete and unobstructed view.

    The defense team allegedly had inspected the RAV4 themselves. Why did they not mention this dent, why didn't they photograph the dent?

    I fear that the lingering scab left by the decoy RAV4 theory, might be ripped off, once again? Why no mention at all of this dent by anyone? Why no photographs of this dent? What does the dent represent if anything? What caused this dent?

    I always felt it unusual the Rambler Hood propped against the side of the RAV4 in the manner it was, leaning against the rear portion of the vehicle and not really obscuring the RAV4 from view at all since the entire front half of the vehicle was completely visible from the rear door to basically the nose of the car.

    Was the Hood used to obscure this mystery dent for some reason?

    Investigation continues...

    EDIT: A challenge to all. Can anyone locate a photograph of the RAV4 passenger side in its entirety, uncropped and completely visible from tip to tail? ....Best of luck!!!!

    This is the closest I got ....but look at that! ....cropped off right where it counts!

    The photograph is cropped.

    There is about a foot of quarter panel unviewable.


    This particular photograph is a still from MAM1. It depicts an FBI analyst laser scanning the interior of the RAV4.

    Why would they need to "laser scan" the interior of the RAV4?

    Interesting the infrared of the laser scan would severely corrupt any DNA evidence, specifically blood evidence, from being of any further value under future examination.

    True story.
