OCTOBER 31, 2005
7:32 AM Autotrader faxes Teresa her appointment sheet with Zipperer as the only lead (she may have used email or an online faxing service rather than a land line and the fax machine that Autotrader had provided to her in 2004).
Strang: You described it [her cell phone] as her lifeline just a few minutes ago.8:17 AM Autotrader notifies Teresa by phone and fax of a same-day photo shoot request on Avery Road (Teresa may have been using email or an internet faxing service to send and receive faxes, meaning she did not have to be home to receive her faxes — she could receive them on the road or while at other places).
Tom Pearce: Right.
Strang: Was that the only number you had for her?
Tom Pearce: Yes.
Strang: You don't know whether she had a land line phone in her home?
Tom Pearce: I don't think so.
9:00 AM Teresa has blocked off 9 AM - 2 PM on her day planner for Autotrader appointments.
11:00 AM Steven Speckman doesn't show up for his appointment with Teresa in Sheboygan (45:08-mark in 11/11/05 CASO dispatch calls).
11:13 AM Teresa sends a five-page fax to Autotrader, including paperwork from October 29th (she didn't complete any assignments on October 29th, so she didn't bother faxing back the Saturday lead sheet until now). Teresa's fax timestamp is inaccurate: it is not 00:13 on October 31st when she faxes Autotrader — it was 11:13 AM, with the fax transmission ending at 11:16 AM.
11:31 AM Teresa calls Dan Morrow and sets up an Autotrader photo shoot in Green Bay for Thursday, November 3rd.
11:00 AM Steven Speckman doesn't show up for his appointment with Teresa in Sheboygan (45:08-mark in 11/11/05 CASO dispatch calls).
11:13 AM Teresa sends a five-page fax to Autotrader, including paperwork from October 29th (she didn't complete any assignments on October 29th, so she didn't bother faxing back the Saturday lead sheet until now). Teresa's fax timestamp is inaccurate: it is not 00:13 on October 31st when she faxes Autotrader — it was 11:13 AM, with the fax transmission ending at 11:16 AM.
11:31 AM Teresa calls Dan Morrow and sets up an Autotrader photo shoot in Green Bay for Thursday, November 3rd.
11:35 AM Teresa calls Denise Coakley Heitl and sets up a meeting at Teresa's studio in Green Bay for Tuesday, November 1st.
11:43 AM Teresa calls Barb Janda and leaves a message saying she can make
the appointment between 1 PM and 2 PM (per Blaine).
12:44 PM Teresa receives a call from Steven Speckman in Sheboygan. Teresa asks him if he can meet her in 30 minutes. Speckman can't make it, so Teresa tells him she will call him back to arrange a photo shoot for the following Monday.
12:51 PM Teresa calls Steven Schmitz to see if she can
stop by to get the shot of his vehicle.
1:00 PM Teresa drives to Schmitz's in Kiel. If not, she drives toward Manitowoc County, starting between 1:00 and 1:30 PM.
2:12 PM Teresa is in the general area of Zipperer's home but turned left, heading north rather than south, on County Road B (CTH B), so she continued northward onto Avery's (with plans to stop at Zipperer's on her way home, after Avery).

2:30 PM Teresa is at Avery's photographing Barb's minivan and is on the property for less than 4 minutes.
2:42 PM Teresa receives an incoming call from Dan of H&H Color Lab, her nuisance caller, which she forwards to voicemail, perhaps inadvertently holding down the "end" key too long, thus powering off her cell phone.
2:55 PM Teresa is at Zipperer's photographing Jason's Firebird and is gone within 5 to 10 minutes.
3:45 PM Teresa stops at her parents' home to get Sarah's stuff from her mom. Is Sarah Teresa's cousin, Sara, and David J. Beach's sister? Is that why Teresa's mom had Sarah's stuff at her house?
3:50 PM Ryan calls his sister Tara or her husband Brad, and they talk for 21 minutes (until 4:11 PM).
4:00 PM Teresa is home by 4 PM.
3:50 PM Ryan calls his sister Tara or her husband Brad, and they talk for 21 minutes (until 4:11 PM).
4:00 PM Teresa is home by 4 PM.
4:11 PM Ryan is stewing in her anger at Teresa for slighting
him, cutting him out of her life, sleeping with his best friend, sleeping with
Brad, establishing a new group of friends separate from him and her old friends, going to a Halloween party (dressed as a cowgirl) on Saturday that he wasn't invited to, meeting some new guy over the weekend (per Scott), not inviting him to her grandfather's party on Sunday, planning to meet friends
in Appleton for Halloween on Monday and not inviting him, and not giving him her private cell phone
number [if she had a second cell phone].
4:30 PM Teresa is at home, doing business paperwork.
UPDATE 4/15/2018: The 911 call placed by Karen Halbach at 2:52 PM on November 3, 2005, was requested in March 2018 by FOIA. Click here for the audio and transcript (excerpt below).
Tom Pearce said in his affidavit dated April 21, 2017 that Teresa told him on Saturday, October 29th, that she planned to go to a party on Halloween, October 31st (Tom said in his testimony at Avery's trial in 2007 that he last saw Teresa at their studio in Green Bay on October 29th):

Before meeting up with friends at a bar in Appleton for Halloween, Teresa plans to overnight a package of materials to Autotrader from the Fed Ex store in Appleton, which is open until 9 PM (the package contained the disk of the vehicle photos, cash/checks collected for payment, and the descriptions of the vehicles written by the clients).
UPDATE 4/15/2018: The 911 call placed by Karen Halbach at 2:52 PM on November 3, 2005, was requested in March 2018 by FOIA. Click here for the audio and transcript (excerpt below).

Tom Pearce said in his affidavit dated April 21, 2017 that Teresa told him on Saturday, October 29th, that she planned to go to a party on Halloween, October 31st (Tom said in his testimony at Avery's trial in 2007 that he last saw Teresa at their studio in Green Bay on October 29th):
"Ms. Halbach told me on October 29 that she intended to go out to a party on Halloween. I know that most of the time when Ms. Halbach went out to a party, she went to Green Bay or Appleton."

Before meeting up with friends at a bar in Appleton for Halloween, Teresa plans to overnight a package of materials to Autotrader from the Fed Ex store in Appleton, which is open until 9 PM (the package contained the disk of the vehicle photos, cash/checks collected for payment, and the descriptions of the vehicles written by the clients).
DCI agent Neil McGrath interviewed Angela Schuster on November 6, 2005:
After completing their assisgnments photographers will typically send a disk containing the photos along with the appropriate forms to the main office in Hales Corners utilizing Fed Ex, UPS or Airborne Express. Photographers will also fax their appointment sheets into the Hales Corners office for review by Schuster to determine how much the photographer is to get paid. Auto Trader Magazine has supplied each of the photographers with a fax number, a digital camera and disks, and postage to ship the documents to Auto Trader Magazine. At the end of a typical day of photographing vehicles, photographers remove the disks from the digital camera and send them using a parcel service to the Hales Corners office. Included with the disk would be 25-word description of the vehicle written by the client, and a photo log including bar-coded stickers. These bar-coded stickers were to be attached to the appropriate forms by the photographer along with the payment. The deadline for Auto Trader Magazine was Tuesday in order for the vehicles to be listed in the next issue.
6:01 PM Ryan's friend Jason calls him (mobile-to-mobile, call duration 1-2 minutes). If Ryan answered, he hung up to answer an incoming call from his sister Tara. If Ryan did not answer, Jason left Ryan a voicemail message.
6:02 PM Ryan answers an incoming call from his sister Tara's cell phone, and they talk for 23 minutes. She still is unable to calm him down.
6:25 PM Ryan returns Jason's call from 6:01 PM (call duration 2-3 minutes).
6:02 PM Ryan answers an incoming call from his sister Tara's cell phone, and they talk for 23 minutes. She still is unable to calm him down.
6:25 PM Ryan returns Jason's call from 6:01 PM (call duration 2-3 minutes).
6:30 PM Ryan starts the 8-10 minute drive to Teresa's house to confront her.
6:40 PM Ryan arrives at Teresa's home, parks behind her home, in the driveway, where Teresa's RAV4 is parked.

7:00 PM Teresa is loading items into the cargo area of her RAV4. Maybe she is dressed as a cowgirl for Halloween. As she is preparing to leave for Appleton, first to Fed Ex the Autotrader package and then to meet friends at a bar to party for Halloween, she and Ryan argue. Ryan loses his temper and strikes her. She goes down
at the rear of her RAV4, with the cargo door open. Ryan bludgeons her to death while she is lying on her back in the driveway. (Was Teresa's cowgirl costume among her belongings or was she killed while wearing it?)
Ryan puts Teresa's body on a mat in the cargo area of her RAV4 and starts to clean up the blood in her driveway.
7:19 PM Ryan receives an incoming mobile-to-mobile call from his friend Joshua (call duration 2-3 minutes).
Ryan puts Teresa's body on a mat in the cargo area of her RAV4 and starts to clean up the blood in her driveway.
7:19 PM Ryan receives an incoming mobile-to-mobile call from his friend Joshua (call duration 2-3 minutes).
7:36 PM Ryan calls Jason again, who first called Ryan at 6:01 PM (call duration 1 minute).
7:37 PM Ryan calls Scott, who must not be home, and maybe is
partying for Halloween and a pre-celebration of his birthday, which is on
Wednesday, November 2nd (Ryan leaves a message, call duration 1-2 minutes). Scott, Jason and Joshua may have been expecting Ryan to meet them to party for Halloween and Scott's birthday, so Ryan needed to talk to them and let them know he couldn't make it or couldn't make it on time.
7:47 PM Scott returns Ryan's call (they talk for 4-5
7:52 PM Ryan's call with Scott ends. Ryan next confirmed phone activity isn't until 1:31 PM the
next day.
Ryan needs to get rid of the body and hide the RAV4. If he cancelled plans to party for Halloween with Scott, Jason and Joshua, he has all night to do this.
Ryan needs to get rid of the body and hide the RAV4. If he cancelled plans to party for Halloween with Scott, Jason and Joshua, he has all night to do this.
Ryan has all of Teresa's Autotrader paperwork, plus her cell phone(s), camera(s) and Autotrader photo disks (along with her handbag, wallet, key chain, etc.), so he knows exactly where she was on October 31st. He
plans to move her body and RAV4 to the vicinity of Avery Auto Salvage, and he needs to find a way
back home (he put his bike in the RAV4, which could explain why the back seats were folded down — incorrectly by someone in a hurry and who didn't know the headrests needed to be removed first — or he asked Scott to help).
Ryan searches the area around Avery Auto Salvage using computer maps and finds
two potential places to hide the RAV4 and Teresa's body: Kuss Road near Radandt's deer camp and the turnaround on HWY 147, two miles from Avery's. (He testified that he printed maps of the area from his computer so that he could lead search party efforts: it was the perfect cover if he were to become a suspect and if his computer were to be collected into evidence.)

Ryan drives to Kuss Road, pulls into the woods near the driveway to the deer camp (image above), digs a shallow grave, and buries Teresa's body (he may have dug a hole and built a fire to burn the body using a "Dakota Fire Pit"). [Note that Teresa allegedly went missing in the early afternoon of October 31st, yet the defroster in her RAV4 was on.]
If Teresa's body is wrapped in a tarp or cargo mat, Ryan buries it along with her body (GPS coordinates for this area are N44° 15.263 W87° 42.031, per CASO page 137).
Ryan hides the RAV4 in the woods in the same area. He burns or trashes her Autotrader paperwork and any documents he finds in her RAV4.

I know this may sound stupid but I have been going through pictures from trial and pictures in the case not used at trial. There are four pictures of lab going through the dirt collected at supposedly the burn pit at Avery's yard. In comparing the pictures of the burn pit and the dirt soil they are sifting through, it looks as if the soil it very dark and rich and not burned particles making it that color. My question is, did they save the soil from both places (Avery’s pit and the excavation site off Kuss Road) and if they did can it be tested to see which area it came from? - tonya1973, TickTockManitowoc, January 10, 2018NOVEMBER 1, 2005
4:59 PM Ryan spoofs his caller ID, and he calls Teresa cell phone to delete some of her voicemail messages (call duration 51 seconds).
1:31 PM Ryan's first confirmed phone activity since killing Teresa at approximately 7 PM on Monday, October 31st is at 1:31 PM on Tuesday, November 1st.
6:42 PM Ryan calls Teresa's Cingular cell phone to see if her voicemail box is full. His is the
first non-business related call to her cell phone since she was killed
(because Teresa might have another, private cell number that she didn't give to Ryan and maybe just gave to close friends and family).
NOVEMBER 2, 2005
NOVEMBER 2, 2005
6:43 PM Ryan realizes he has more time to get rid of the body, so he removes it from the shallow grave, puts it in the RAV4, and brings it to the county gravel mound for burning (if it hadn't been burned already in a Dakota fire hole), where charred pelvic bones eventually would be found (dogs eventually will alert on these areas but not in Steven Avery's residence).
On November 7, 2005, Loof, the scent tracking dog, went from Barb's minivan, to the side of Steven's garage, past the front of the garage, back toward Steven's burn pit, then to the left entry door of Steven's trailer, then between the evergreens and the burn barrel, over into the corn field, then across the quarry field to the Kuss Road cul de sac (with the burned asphalt and closed off area). Law enforcement (upon the instruction of Sheriff Pagel) would not allow Loof to follow the scent trail farther.

(On Saturday, November 5, DEDERING) At 1620 hrs., I did observe representatives of the WI STATE CRIME LABORATORY field unit approach the RAV4 parked on the south property line of the AVERY property. At 1633 hrs., HUNSADER, JACOBS and I along with JULIE CRAMER and BRUTUS, did leave the AVERY property and proceed onto the property immediately south of the AVERY'S AUTO SALVAGE yard. It should be noted that Sgt. BRIAN NACK of the MANITOWOC COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT. had obtained permission from the owner of the property, Mr. RADANDT, to search any and all areas that were deemed pertinent. While BRUTUS did show interest in several areas in the quarry or gravel pit area immediately south of the AVERY'S AUTO SALVAGE yard properly, BRUTUS did not factually alert on anything in the area.NOVEMBER 3, 2005
(On Saturday, November 5, DEDERING) At 1713 hrs., JULIE CRAMER and BRUTUS did revisit the crusher area and once again BRUTUS did not alert. BRUTUS was secured in the van, which ROBERT and JULIE CRAMER had arrived in at 1714 hrs. At 1726 hrs., JULIE CRAMER and her canine, BRUTUS, Lt. SIPPEL of the CALUMET CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT., Det. REMIKER from the MANITOWOC SHERIFF'S DEPT., Special Agent HUNSADER from DCI, and I did proceed to a burn barrel area near the STEVEN AVERY residence. It was decided that JULIE and BRUTUS would go through the STEVEN AVERY residence in an attempt to determine whether BRUTUS would alert to any'thing within the dwelling. At 1735 hrs., Det. REMIKER, JULIE CRAMER, BRUTUS and I did enter the STEVEN AVERY residence. We did exit the residence at 1740 hrs. I personally did not observe any alerts from the canine.
1:30 PM Tom Pearce calls Karen Halbach about Teresa not showing up at the studio all week. Karen Halbach calls her sons Tim and Mike, who call friends and family and ask them if they have seen Teresa. Karen may have called Ryan's parents' home number (she did not call Ryan's cell phone), because Ryan calls Scott at 2:19 PM.
2:19 PM Ryan calls Scott and tells him that the Halbachs are looking for Teresa.
2:52 PM Karen Halbach calls Calumet County Sheriff's Office
and reports Teresa as missing since Monday, 10/31: "Daughter has not been
seen since Monday at home." Did Karen see Teresa between 3:30 and 4 PM on 10/31, when
she "got Sarah's stuff from mom?" Was Teresa going to meet Sarah at
the bar in Appleton on the night of October 31st? Did Sarah text Teresa that night or the next day (or did she call her on another cell phone that Teresa might have had)? Is Sarah Kluth the "Sarah" on Teresa's day planner? Why would Karen Halbach have Sarah's stuff? Was Sarah at the Halbach party on October 30, 2005? Why wasn't Sarah interviewed by CASO?
4:06 PM After returning home from work, Scott calls Ryan at
4:06 PM. Ryan has Teresa's printout from her day planner, and he uses Scott's cell phone number to call Speckman or Scott himself calls Speckman at 4:10 PM (later, at 5:28 PM, Ryan will trick a Cingular customer service rep into giving him Teresa's password so that he can login to her account online, and friends will use a printout of her cell phone activity to call Teresa's other Autotrader customers from October 31st).
4:30 PM Ryan joins Scott at the home Scott shares with Teresa.
Ryan has Teresa's day planner that she printed on Sunday, October 30th, and which she brought
inside her home after returning from her appointments on Monday, October 31st (Ryan didn't realize it was
with her on the road on October 31st and that she had brought it inside when she got home — had he known, he would
have trashed it, along with her other paperwork, including her RAV4 registration).
5:20 PM Kelly and Lisa arrive at Teresa's home, right after Lisa called Ryan at 5:16. Ryan is with Scott at the home he shares with Teresa. Ryan shares the printed page of Teresa's day planner with them, not realizing that Teresa had it with her when she was on the road on October 31st.
5:28 PM On his third attempt at calling Cingular, Ryan convinces the customer servive rep to give him Teresa's password to her Cingular account online.

It's difficult to believe that the fellow who organized and led the detailed search team mere days following his last sighting of his ex "at the computer" couldn't recall/didn't know what time of day it was, but knew she was 'dead' while she was missing, and could 'guess' her password… the micro expressions of duping delight, contempt and anger are evident throughout his testimony, and his breathing patterns, clearly discernible, clearly evidence a high degree of anxiety. It's difficult, without a baseline understanding of his personality to determine if that high anxiety is within a normal range for his personality type. However, the contrast to the figure he cuts in the TV footage of the search party, where he appears firmly in control and composed even under such horrid circumstances, is marked. Were I an investigator, I'd be asking him a lot more questions, and looking at any affiliations he may have with the police.

5:49 PM Ryan logs into Teresa's Cingular account online and prints out Teresa's cell phone activity. He gives a copy to Scott, Kelly and Lisa so they can use it to call her contacts.
6:00 PM Ryan leaves Teresa's home before law enforcement
arrives (he doesn't want to be questioned).
6:21 PM When Wiegert and Lemieux arrive at Teresa's home,
Lisa, Kelly and Scott give them the printout from Teresa's online Cingular

7:18 PM Kelly calls Ryan's cell phone to ask him for
Teresa's Cingular password (Wiegert and Lemieux may have asked them to log back into her account).
7:18 PM Kelly logs in to Teresa's Cingular account online.
7:30 PM Ryan realizes that the prime suspect is Steven
Avery, so he formulates a plan to frame Avery and divert attention from himself
as the real killer.
The RAV4 is too well hidden, so after Teresa is reported missing, Ryan drives to Kuss Road, gets in Teresa's RAV4, and drives it to a spot on the cul-de-sac where he can watch the activity at Avery Auto Salvage, hoping Steven will leave so he can move the RAV4 near Steven's trailer (he may have done the same thing on the evening of November 2nd, but Steven never left the property).
Around 7:30 PM, Ryan watches Steven leave his driveway in a flatbed truck. Ryan drives the RAV4, with the headlights off, across the field road from Kuss Road to Steven's trailer but, as he is about to turn off the field road and drive behind Steven's trailer, he runs into a metal post that is sticking out of the ground. When he backs up, Steven, who is with his brother Chuck in the flatbed, about to turn off Avery Road onto Highway 147, sees the RAV4's brake lights by his trailer. Steven and Chuck turnaround, but by the time they get back to Steven's trailer the vehicle has disappeared into the darkness.

After running into the metal post near Avery's trailer and then backing up and returning to Kuss Road via the field road, Ryan decides to drive the RAV4 to the turnaround on Highway 147 (image below), which is about two miles from Avery Auto Salvage. He parks the RAV4 in the turnaround, backing it up all the way to the river.

NOVEMBER 4, 2005
3:11 PM Ryan has 21 masked calls with law enforcement (from 3:11 PM through 7:30 PM) because he is helping LE (Pagel, Lenk and Colborn) plant the RAV4 and other evidence at Avery Auto Salvage.
Ryan is anointed as an "untrained law enforcement officer" for solving a $36 million problem without even knowing it. He is
not asked for an alibi, and he is not treated as a suspect. He is given virtually unrestricted access to the
"crime scene" at Avery Auto Salvage.

From the motion for post-conviction relief filed on June 7, 2017:
Current post-conviction counsel's investigator Mr. Steven Kirby attempted to interview Mr. [Scott] Bloedorn about false statements he had made to the police in 2005. Mr. Bloedorn refused to sit for an interview with Mr. Steven Kirby, but when he was told that current post-conviction counsel planned to name a suspect in Ms. Halbach's murder, Mr. Bloedorn immediately blurted out, "You mean Ryan Hillegas." (Affidavit of Steven Kirby, attached and incorporated herein as P-C Exhibit 83).If Ryan Hillegas is the killer, then he killed Teresa between 6:30 and 7:15 PM on October 31, 2005.
From the June 7, 2017 motion for post-conviction relief:
Ms. Halbach departed the Avery property, departed the Zipperer property, and was killed after she arrived home at approximately 3:40-3:50 p.m. Ms. Halbach's day planner indicated that she wanted to "get Sarah's stuff from mom" at about 3 p.m. and "do biz paperwork" at approximately 4:30 p.m. Knowing that he was likely to be a prime suspect due to his prior romantic relationship with Ms. Halbach, the killer, who was highly organized, devised a plan to burn the body and plant evidence which would focus law enforcement on someone else. Because the killer found appointment details in the paperwork in the RAV4, he knew Ms. Halbach had an appointment with Mr. Avery earlier that afternoon. The killer formulated a plan to move the body and the vehicle near the Avery property, with the intent of planting the RAV4 on the Avery property and Ms. Halbach's bones and electronic components as soon as the body and electronic components were burned in the adjacent gravel pit.From 4:11 PM until 6:01 PM on October 31st, Ryan has no phone activity. At 6:02 PM his sister calls and they talk for 23 minutes. At 6:25 PM he hangs up and has a 3-minute mobile to mobile call. At 7:19 PM he has another 3-minute mobile to mobile call (incoming) but to a different number. At 7:36 PM he has 2-minute mobile to mobile call with the same person that he called at 6:25 PM. At 7:37 he calls Scott, call duration 1-2 minutes, and then Scott calls him back at 7:47 PM and they talk for 5 minutes. Then there is no more phone activity until 1:31 PM the next day.
The theory: Ryan is upset and calls his sister. She tries to talk him off the ledge. He is still upset two hours later when she calls him. She tries again to calm him down. It doesn't work. He goes to Teresa's house. They argue in the driveway, where both of their vehicles are parked. She opens the door to the cargo area of her RAV4 and is loading or unloading things. They argue. He strikes her and she falls down, possibly unconscious behind her RAV4, with the cargo still open. She is lying on her back. He grabs an object and strikes her in the head repeatedly.
3:50 - 4:11 Ryan calls his sister Tara on her land line 497-8097 and they talk for 21 minutes
4:11 - 6:01 NO PHONE ACTIVITY FOR 110 MINUTES (is Ryan stewing in his anger at Teresa?)
6:01 - 6:02 Incoming call from Jason at 740-2632
6:02 - 6:25 Ryan's sister Tara calls from her cell phone and they talk for 23 minutes
6:25 - 6:28 Ryan returns Jason's call at 740-2632
6:30 - 7:15 Sometime during this 49-minute time period Ryan kills Teresa in the heat of passion
7:19 - 7:21 Incoming call from Joshua at 740-2047
7:21 - 7:36 NO PHONE ACTIVITY FOR 14 MINUTES7:36 - 7:37 Ryan calls Jason at 740-2632
7:37 - 7:39 Ryan calls Scott Bloedorn (does he tell him that he did something to Teresa?)
7:47 - 7:52 Scott calls Ryan

According to the AT&T report, Teresa’s cell phone activity on the evening of Saturday, October 29th through the early morning hours of October 31st was as follows (to determine voicemail duration, subtract 18-20 seconds — the time for Teresa's greeting to play in full).
On Saturday afternoon, around 4 PM, Teresa had been at a private home in Green Bay shooting a family portrait. Teresa may have gone to her studio in Green Bay after shooting the family portrait. [Tom Pearce testified that the last time he saw Teresa was "Saturday, before the 31st" and that "she was there (at the studio) Saturday, working," implying he last saw her at the studio on Saturday, October 29th]. On Saturday evening, Teresa helped her brother Mike with a wedding (he was the videographer and she was the photographer). Later that night she went to a Halloween party in/near Green Bay (per Scott Bloedorn's statement and Mike Halbach's testimony). Sometime on Saturday Teresa used her credit card to purchase $38.06 worth of gas from an Exxon station in De Pere, just south of Green Bay.
Tip after SA arrested calling into CASO, woman says TH taking portrait of her family. They then discuss possible parks for shoots and her son's prints all over Teresa's equipment.— (!(AC)) (@Rookie1082) August 9, 2018
Now we know where Teresa was as late as 4-5PM on 10/29#MakingAMurdererhttps://t.co/pPOfJH89bF

10/29 6:06 PM - Teresa’s parents or sisters (989-1098) called her and left a voicemail, call duration 1 minute.
10/29 6:45 PM - Scott (205-1470) called and hung up when Teresa didn’t answer (Scott and Ryan were not invited to the Halloween gathering that Teresa attended).
10/29 7:08 PM - Teresa checked her cell phone voicemail, call duration 1:02.
10/29 8:55 PM - Nicole in Appleton (740-1900) called and left a voicemail, call duration 41 seconds.
10/29 8:56 PM - Teresa checked her cell phone voicemail, call duration 34 seconds.
10/29 9:35 PM - Teresa called a number in Appleton (585-3839), call duration 2 seconds.
10/29 9:35 PM - Teresa returned the call from Nicole (740-1900), call duration 54 seconds.
Teresa went to church on the morning/afternoon of Sunday, October 30th.
After church, Teresa went to a birthday party for her grandfather at his home.
LE reported that the last time Scott saw Teresa was around 2 PM on Sunday, October 30th (CASO page 6).
UPDATE 4/28/2018: According to the 911 call placed by Karen Halbach at 2:52 PM on November 3, 2005 (which was requested in March 2018 by FOIA — click here for the audio and transcript), Scott told the Halbachs that the last time he saw Teresa was at home on Monday, October 31 (excerpt below).

Investigators wrote that Scott last saw Teresa around 2 PM on Sunday (the implication is that Scott was not home and it is around this time that Ryan dropped of something for Scott while Teresa was on her computer, but Teresa probably was at her grandfather's birthday party at this time).
Ryan testified he stopped by Teresa's home on on Sunday, October 30th, to drop off something for Scott and that he spoke to Teresa while she was sitting at her computer, but he doesn't remember what time it was or if it was day-time or night-time. Ryan doesn't remember any details about this encounter with Teresa on October 30th because this actually occurred on Monday, October 31st between 4:00 and 7:00 PM.
10/30 4:41 PM - Someone from Green Bay (662-0127) called and left a message, call duration 55 seconds.
10/30 5:05 PM - Brian or Dana (884-0530) in Green Bay called and left a message, call duration 44 seconds.
10/30 5:27 PM - Teresa checked her cell phone voicemail, call duration 1:25.
10/30 10:29 PM - Teresa printed her day planner for the week of October 31st.
On Monday, October 31st, Teresa had appointments for Avery and Zipperer in Manitowoc County, and an appointment for Schmitz in Calumet County that she had tried contacting on Saturday but had not received a call back.
10/31 8:17 AM - AutoTrader called Teresa and left a message, call duration 1:06 — they called to ask if she could make the same-day photo request for Avery Road, and they faxed her this request (earlier, around 7 AM, they had faxed her the telemarketing lead for Zipperer).
In 2006 Ryan was interviewed by Milwaukee Magazine and said that Teresa was going to a bar in Appleton on Sunday to join her family for a Halloween party, but more than likely it was on Monday, October 31, that Teresa was planning to join friends in Appleton for Halloween, dressed as a cowgirl, and this may have included her brother Mike. And it was Monday, October 31st, after Teresa got home from her Autotrader appointments and was sitting at her computer doing her business paperwork, before she left for Appleton, when Ryan first arrived at her home, in a fit of rage:
“Photography was her life,” says Hillegas, now a nurse at Froedtert Hospital. “She could do anything with a camera.” Her expertise became portraits of children. Her favorite song, when she mustered the guts to sing karaoke, was “Picture” by Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock. On the Sunday before she disappeared, Hillegas ran into Teresa at a friend’s house. Halbach told him she planned to join her family at a bar in Appleton for a Halloween party. She was dressed as a cowgirl. On Tuesday, Hillegas called to ask Halbach about the party. Her voicemail box was full. “Which was weird for someone with a business,” he says. “She’s not the kind of person who would just take off and not call.”Ryan could have been high on drugs when he struck Teresa — he was unemployed at the time, even though he graduated five months earlier with a nursing degree.
"According to Tom Pearce, Ryan is Teresa's ex-boyfriend and Ryan is from the Hilbert area. Pearce thought Ryan may be a partier type and may engage in drinking and possibly drug use." (P-C Exhibit 52, DCI Interview.)
Maybe during a fight with his ex-girlfriend, Teresa, Ryan killed her in the heat of passion. It's a terrible and well-established fact that women, statistically, are murdered by the men closest to them. On the mathematical probability alone, it's ridiculous that Ryan hasn't been under far more scrutiny.
Zellner's expert says Teresa was killed with an object similar to a hammer or mallet after she already was down, lying on her back, next to her RAV4's rear dumper, with the cargo door open.
"The experiments overseen by Mr. James demonstrate that Ms. Halbach was struck on the head after she opened the rear cargo door. She fell to the ground, next to the rear bumper on the driver's side, where she was struck repeatedly by an object similar to a mallet or hammer." (P-C Exhibit 16, Affidavit of Stuart James.)
Zellner wrote in her August 26, 2016 motion (page 20) for post conviction scientific testing that the lug wrench in Teresa's RAV4 appeared to have been moved from its original place in the cargo area, and the storage compartment covers for the rear cargo area, where the wrench would have been stored, were missing.
The lug wrench found in Teresa's RAV4 was taken into evidence, but not the crank for the jack. Apparently the toolkit bag, which should have had two pieces (the lug wrench and crank), was not entered into evidence.
Did Ryan use the tire iron or the missing crank to bludgeon Teresa?

Link to storage location for the factory tools in a RAV4 (the toolkit with the lug wrench and crank):
Why are the covers missing from the storage compartments above the wheel wells in the rear cargo area of Teresa's RAV4?
Comparison photo showing left and right sides with missing covers in Teresa's RAV4:
Missing cover closeup of right side:
Example photo of 1999 RAV4 with covers in place:
Did Teresa's RAV4 come with a cargo mat?
Examples of cargo mats:
Photos from Kratz's book
Did Teresa's RAV4 come with cargo cover?
If so, did she use it? Did she keep it in the vehicle when she wasn't using it? Was it inventoried in the contents of the vehicle? Was it discarded with the bloody floor mat?
Example photo of a roll-out cargo cover:
Example photo of a hard cargo cover:
Why are the covers missing from the storage compartments above the wheel wells in the rear cargo area of Teresa's RAV4?
Comparison photo showing left and right sides with missing covers in Teresa's RAV4:
Missing cover closeup of right side:
Example photo of 1999 RAV4 with covers in place:
Did Teresa's RAV4 come with a cargo mat?
Examples of cargo mats:

Photos from Kratz's book
Did Teresa's RAV4 come with cargo cover?
If so, did she use it? Did she keep it in the vehicle when she wasn't using it? Was it inventoried in the contents of the vehicle? Was it discarded with the bloody floor mat?
Example photo of a roll-out cargo cover:
Example photo of a hard cargo cover:

By Search4MoreAnswers, TickTockManitowoc
Has anybody ever questioned why Ryan Hillegas never once received or
made any phone calls for 17 hours and 40 minutes between Sunday, October 30th
& Monday, October 31st?
He receives two phone calls in the morning of October 31st,
one at 9:10 AM - 8 minutes long, then another at 9:40 AM - 1 minute. He checks
his voicemail at 3:48 PM, presumably to listen to the 9:40 message? That is 6
hours after the last call. And this is approximately 1 hour after TH visited
SA? And nobody questions him?
October 30th is even stranger. RH only makes use of his
phone three times, 1:26 PM, 1:35 PM (calls that were made to and from SB) and a
call that he made to Family Video Kaukauna at 3:30 PM. Family Video Kaukauna is
located in Appleton. Now from what I read from the CASO report, SB initially
said the last time he saw TH was on Sunday, October 30, in the afternoon. Did
his story change? If it doesn't, how doesn't the fact that SB is the only one
that communicates with RH on the afternoon before TH disappears raise alarm
Does the idea that RH goes "missing," in terms of
cellular activity, the night and day before TH disappears and is murdered not
seem a tad bit odd/convenient?
I would also like to point out that the call RH received at 9:40 AM was around the exact same time that TH received a call from Auto Trader, if I remember correctly. TH received her call at 9:46 AM.
I would also like to point out that the call RH received at 9:40 AM was around the exact same time that TH received a call from Auto Trader, if I remember correctly. TH received her call at 9:46 AM.
I reviewed RH's pattern of checking his voicemail after long
absentee periods and it only occurs once on October 25 (the day of his last conversation with TH) and October 22 (after a friend repeatedly calls him). All other
days where there are huge lapses in phone activities he does not check his
voicemail. Doesn't raise alarm bells either? Maybe just erratic normal
behaviour that can be easily excused?
How about his call to his sister or husband that lasted 21
minutes after TH may have been killed? Only to talk for 23 minutes with a
friend 1.5 hours later. He doesn't call or receive any more phone calls for
another 17.5 hours after talking to SB for 5 minutes. Again, no investigators
ever take pause and ask why this young unemployed man has so many large
empty voids in his time?
On Tuesday, November 1, RH decides he needs to start working
(I assume) and starts faxing DSPS? I have no idea if back in the day you could
fax using your cell phone? If you can't, what is RH doing calling the fax
number on four separate occasions? Is he confused? Or am I? Again, how does
this not raise questions? Finally he calls DSPS on two occasions, followed by a
later call to his parents, SB then TH.
Fine, he finally calls TH. In an interview with Milwaukee
Magazine, May 1st 2006 issue, RH is quoted as saying:
“On Tuesday, Hillegas called to ask Halbach about the party.
Her voicemail box was full. “Which was weird for someone with a business,” he
says. “She’s not the kind of person who would just take off and not call.”
OK — Ding, ding, ding!!!!
After calling TH on Tuesday, November 1, 2005, RH makes
zero... absolutely zero phone calls from his cell phone from 6:42 PM to 10:06
AM the following day, Wednesday, November 2, 2005.
NO PHONE CALLS for 15.25 hours. What is RH doing?
I cannot speak for him, but I have exes, friends, even
co-workers that if I felt something was bizarre, I would be getting on the
phone with others to find out if anything is wrong. Yet, he does absolutely
nothing... maybe sleeps? Anybody have any ideas?
It doesn't stop... the first call that RH receives is from a
friend that lasts 13 minutes at 10:06 AM. Six more hours pass with no phone calls
to and from RH's phone. Another huge daytime lapse. At 5:25 PM it appears that
he calls Soul Brilliance - Reiki - possible massage place (so concerned for
TH's well-being he books an appointment for a massage? Maybe an injury from a
After speaking with two of his friends, at around 6 PM, RH goes silent again for 3 hours, checks his voicemail at 8:23 PM, and guess what? No phone calls to and from RH's phone for another 16.5 hours.
After speaking with two of his friends, at around 6 PM, RH goes silent again for 3 hours, checks his voicemail at 8:23 PM, and guess what? No phone calls to and from RH's phone for another 16.5 hours.
Then November 3rd happens....
How does all these empty voids in one person's life goes
unquestioned? Especially when this person is TH's ex?
I would also like to add something here: TH's mother stated
to police that the family has been calling TH's friends. As far as I know, RH's
records do not show a phone call from TH's mom. If KH was calling TH's friends,
clearly KH did not consider RH as TH's friend. Again, why would this not raise
alarm bells. (Speculation here I guess.)
Someone asked, "How could RH stay up for so many days
straight, reportedly looking for TH and organizing search parties?" If
the man was not up to something suspicious during the previous days, regarding voids
in time, he sure as heck was sleeping a lot.
So why hasn't RH's unexplained missing times have never been
investigated? Any feedback?
RH has close to 78 hours unaccounted for in terms
of cellular activity between October 30 and November 3.
“By Thursday, he knew something was wrong. With the help of
a friend, he went to Teresa’s house, fired up her computer and printed out a
list of names and phone numbers of everyone she knew. The search was on.”
Did Ryan Hillegas Kill Teresa? Chapter 11 UnMaking a Murderer
Happy Holidays, Ya Filthy Animals self.MakingaMurderer
ReplyDeleteSubmitted by lickity_snickum
Neither side of this knows anymore than the other, attorney or postal worker. Anyone who says they do is a liar.
There are people smarter than all three of these retarded subs put together that can see that everything surrounding the investigation and the trial was fecked up. No amount of trying to downplay it is going to cover that up.
For every ten people that race to watch MaM because of that stupid petition, 2-3 of them are going to start digging into the available documentation and see that the legal documents aren’t edited to make the State look “bad”.
Y’all claim Zellner’s tested everything, when she hasn’t. There’s a signed court document proving it.
Y’all claim that no one involved should have recused themselves, when it’s in BLACK & WHITE that they said they were going to because there were “conflicting “ circumstances. But they didn’t. There they were. Right in the middle of it
Y’all claim no one in 2005 was involved with the 85 case, which is a LIE. Colborn and Lenk were involved in keeping Avery in jail 8 years longer than he should’ve been. Colborn admitted to being worried that he’d be deposed.
Y’all go on with your garbage “Anybody but Stevie” mantra when you’re twice as bad ... EVERYBODY is wrong except the lying inept dumb-asses that caused this. The filmmakers, Buting & Strang, Zellner, world-recognized experts in DNA, firearms, gun-spatter, etc. are all useless, stupid morons.
The Rolling Stone is a dying rag when they print an interview with Zellner, but The Inquisitor, that publishes out and out lies by an Edward R. Murrow wannabe? Huzzah! Pulitzer quality work!
You claim there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with how the burnpit was detailed: with a fecking SKIDSTEER, tossed in a box and left to sit on somebody’s desk over the weekend
Where’s the vertebra that was “discovered”? If it looked enough like a vertebrae on the ground to a regular person, it surely should have been photographed, identified by the proper experts, used for identification and evidence.
You claim that it’s possible that someone found a vehicle in ten minutes because a JUNKYARD MECHANIC panicked and “hid” it on a HILL on the edge of a 40 acre, 4000 car yard.
You claim that the blood on the dash and smeared all over the CD case wouldn’t have been visible at 11am.
You claim that all murder investigations have some mistakes: there weren’t as many mistakes in every Keystone Kops episode put together as what went on in Manitowoc in 2005.
You claim that Halbach was in the trailer and wouldn’t have had to left any DNA. You claim Avery changed the position of the furniture. You claim no one could have heard her scream if the windows were closed. Clearly none of you have ever stepped foot one inside a 12x60 foot trailer.
Outright lies about whether the garage was visible from the highway - 12 years later it is STILL visible from the highway.
You claim HWY 147 isn’t a highly travelled road. It connects two large manufacturing cities to highways that go all over the state. That highway is how the surrounding residents commute, go to school, go to hospitals, have their milk collected and travel on a daily basis. One of you nitwits even said there are no such thing as two lane major highways anymore. Well, welcome to Wisconsin.
As an aside, one of you claimed that only a stupidly low percentage of WI natives know who the Packers quarterback is. Anyone over the age of 8 knows who our quarterback is. The whole male football watching population of the COUNTRY knows who our quarterback is. Even people in Wisconsin who don’t like football (and that number is low) know who the Green Bay Packers quarterback is.
There, got THAT out of my system.
You claim that “SO-OOOOO MAA-AANY” people would have had to have been involved in a frame-job. Two guys who knew what was going on and a bunch of rumdums to follow orders was all it would have taken. A lot of those rumdums quit the county and moved away as soon as they could after the trial was over.
ReplyDeleteKratz and the rest of the prosecution wouldn’t have even had to know til after the fact.
And speaking of Kratz, he forced a battered woman to suck his dick. And you’re on about a niece by marriage that snuck out to meet Avery.
I say I believe something on faith and I need a tinfoil hat. Someone else comes in here and says they can tell by Avery’s eyes that he’s guilty and y’all rally round like they’re the second coming of Christ.
I don’t care if he’s guilty or not at this point. I don’t care if he sits for the rest of his fecking life. But the fuckwits that lied and treated what were supposed to be a murdered girls remains like so much leftover pizza will get what they have coming to them. The assholes that took away an innocent kid’s life, no matter what his uncle might have done, have to sleep with themselves.
Every one of you here, who are here more hours than people who work southern swing, who claim to care about victim’s rights, who claim to be la-di-dah lawyers while you lie right through your teeth - you all gotta sleep with yourselves too.
Whether you have a god or not, there will come a day when you’ll regret this - all of it. Because whether you have a god or not, that day comes to EVERYONE. Then you’ll swear this was in “fun” or you were misinformed or it was just a job.
Until that day, may none of you sleep a peaceful night for the rest of your lives.
For the people who LIVE in Wisconsin and allow the lies and deceit without opening your mouths? I wish you much worse than sleepless nights
Edited to add: You all lie and say he wasn’t suing Manitowoc Cty. He absolutely WAS suing the county. And the insurance company would likely NOT have paid had Avery won.
Dakota Fire Pit (self.TickTockManitowoc)
ReplyDeletesubmitted 13 hours ago by bellisx13
I was just reading over a previous post about the burn barrels and that led my train of thought to the Kuss Rd/cul de sac incident where some disturbed soil and peat moss was discovered/ investigated/ hit upon by Loof /and ultimately written off.
This led me to look a little closer into the burning/smoldering properties of peat moss, which, apparently, are quite effective. Not to mention it's smell/odor masking properties.
And that's when I stumbled upon what's known as a "Dakota Fire Pit". Look it up on YouTube. Easy to make in the dirt. Conveniently conceals the flames. And is extremely efficient at channeling heat. Plus, it's a smokeless fire. Then once you're done you simply dump dirt back into it and there's no real evidence of a burn site. It's very effective and is why it's taught to survival/military folk.
I think this might have been what was up at Kuss Rd. I think the peat moss that was found was used as an smoldering accelerant and an attempt to mask the odor of a burning body. Plus, the construction of a pit like this jives with the 3x3 disturbed ground thought to be a burial site.
Then, after the burning was done, the remains were scooped out and the hole was filled back in and topped off with the uprooted tree stump for good measure.
I think Loof absolutely hit upon the burn site.
So let’s see:
Ryan and Scott log in at 9am and log out at 10am on 11/7.
Riemer and Loof cover an intense track from SA's trailer to Kuss Rd.
At 10:35 Dedering gets a call from Weigert to report to Kuss Rd location. Dedering meets Bushman, who is leading a team of volunteer searchers in the area.
At 11am Tyson, Colborn & Lenk are told to report to Kuss Rd location. They do, then the scene is cleared and they return to BJ's house at 2:50pm. Around 3:10pm, they are requested back to the Kuss Rd location because the crime lab is there. They return and are told to dig after the crime lab is finished photographing the excavation site. At 4:50 crime lab deems there's nothing pertaining to the case here.
Why highlight that Ryan and Scott were at the “crime scene” on 11/7 for about an hour?
I am just pointing out that they were there that day, during that time, and should not have been there ever, at all. It's just suspicious. Possibilities? Oh, maybe one of them dropped some item at the Kuss Rd site that could have IDed one of them, and LE wanted to return it so it wasn't found? Maybe some evidence was buried somewhere and exact locations needed to be confirmed to keep Loof away from digging it up???
Look into Ertl's involvement in the Ken Hudson case. Ertl was hand picked for this case because he was corrupt. Instead of using the state crime lab out of Milwaukee they have Ertl come out from Madison, which was nearly double the distance.
Ertl was not an honest participant in this case. He was fully involved in the burn pit cover up, the Kuss Road suspected burial site, and the flesh/blood discoveries in the nearby quarries. He also testified that the tow truck driver crawled underneath the Rav4 to disconnect the drive shaft, the ground clearance of a 1999 Rav4 is 7.5 inches.
Look at this chart that shows the range of average head sizes:
No way someone crawled underneath that vehicle.
The way in which the burn pit was handled versus the way in which this Kuss Road suspected burial site was handled makes me even more suspicious of Ertl. He clearly knew how to document and process a scene, as he took photos and carefully excavated the Kuss Rd site. Why did he handle the burn pit in such a drastically different way?
Nov. 7th was Bushman's only day on Avery property during the 9 day search, but it sure was a productive one!
ReplyDeleteRetired Dep. BUSHMAN was “group leader” of the MTSO officers (including Bone-Finder JOST) who "discovered" the cell phone barrel the morning of Nov 7th. And not one CASO deputy anywhere in sight.
Submitted 1 year ago * by MsMinxster
Why was retired MTSO Deputy Bushman (who was also one of SA’s arresting officers in the 1985 case) leading a search team of LEO (and not a group of volunteers as stated in CASO report later that day)? And why didn’t MTSO Deputy Siders mention that Bushman was retired in his testimony or in his report?
MTSO Deputy Siders’s testimony Day 6, p.149:
A. Myself, along with Sergeant Scott Senglaub, Deputy Mike Bushman and Sergeant Jason Jost responded to 12930 Avery Road, would be the Avery Salvage Yard, to assist Calumet County Sheriff's Department searching the property.
Q. What were your responsibilities upon arrival at that scene?
A. We were to make contact with the officer in charge at the scene to get the daily duties.
Q. Okay. Were you given a specific job that day?
A. We were informed by the OIC [Officer in charge] to get in search groups. The search group I was in was search group A. Our team leader of that search group was Deputy Mike Bushman of the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department.
SIDERS Report (MTSO Summary Report p. 13) 11/07/05@0800 hrs:
ReplyDeleteI Deputy Siders, along with Sgt. Senglaub, Sgt. Jost, and Deputy M. Bushman responded to AVERY AUTO SALVAGE to assist the CASO with searching the property and the surrounding area…The group which I was put in was "Group A," and the team leader was Deputy M. Bushman. Also in the group were officers from the CASO and volunteer fire fighters from surrounding FDs. [Which CASO officers?]
While searching the land north of STEVEN AVERY'S residence, a corn field, I came across a burning barrel which was in my section of area to search. The burning barrel was located out front of STEVEN'S residence next to the cornfield. [Contrary to Siders’s repeated mentions of the “cornfield”, this burn barrel is directly in front of SA’s 's trailer so it’s a wonder it wasn’t “discovered” on sooner, say on the 5th or 6th.]
I approached the burning barrel and looked inside and observed a metal vehicle rim with wire strung around the outside of the rim. I lifted up the metal rim and laid it outside the burning barrel. ETA--->[I never understood why Siders made such a big deal about finding the tire rim in the barrel--and actually photographed it when they hardly photographed actual evidence--maybe to "explain" why they didn't see the cell phone and camera in the barrel for 3 days]
Once I lifted up the metal rim, I observed some burnt, melted plastic items. As I looked closer at the plastic item, it appeared to me to be a cell phone. I…noted there was an "M" emblem on the front of it. It appeared to be the emblem for a Motorola 5 brand cell phone...I showed Sgt. Senglaub these items, he called the team leader, Deputy M. Bushman, over to look at the items. Deputy Bushman observed the remains of what appeared to be a cell phone…contacted the OIC and informed him we had some items that needed to be looked at by Dets. We were informed that the DCI would be en route to our location to check out the items. [Based on DCI Heimerl’s testimony it was he and Sielehr.]
The DCI did arrive at our location. [Heimerl and Sielehr signed in at Avery property at 8am out at 8:26am then returned at 9:40am, out ??, in at 10:08am, out ??, in at 12:02pm, out at 1:42pm so this must have been in the 10am time frame.]
They also believed that this was a cell phone. As they looked through the burning, the DCI informed me that they believed there were parts to a camera in there. The DCI informed Sgt. Senglaub and me (Deputy Siders) that they would take custody of the burning barrel. After the DCl took custody of the burning barrel, Sgt. Senglaub and I continued our search of the property. [Siders and Senglaub signed out at 12:30pm.]
What happened to team leader Deputy Bushman? [This was Bushman’s day: signed in at 7:38am w/ Todd Hermann, out at ??, in at 12:50pm, out at ??, in at 4:15pm, out at 4:45pm, in at ??, out at 5:33pm] According to DEDERING Report (CASO p.137) by 10:35am retired MTSO Deputy Inspector MICHAEL BUSHMAN had discovered at possible burial site at Kuss Rd, which tied up he, other CASO officers and other DCI most of the afternoon.
Who were the CASO officers with these of MTSO deputies during the cell phone barrel discovery? There were 24 CASO officers signed in during the time frame the barrel was found. [Also on the property--Ryan Hillegas and Scott Bloedorn in at 9:03am, out at 9:53am.] Not only does Siders fail to mention which CASO officers were on his team, not one CASO officer writes a report on the cell phone barrel discovery. The first mention of it is in BALDWIN's Report (CASO p. 135):
At approximately 1:15pm, I was requested to standby the garbage bum barrel at STEVEN AVERY's house until evidence technicians arrived on scene I did standby with this until approximately 3:39pm, when the barrel was recovered by CALUMET CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT. Deputy KEN MATUSZAK.
ReplyDeleteWhat were Scott and Ryan doing there?
That's a very good question....probably bringing over TH's cell phone and camera (or any cell phone and camera) to dump in Bushman's barrel.
Great post. Intersesting, to say the least. What was Bushman's motive? Definately a motive! My theory being that the barrel and the items were collected and burned somewhere else and them returned for discovery.
What was Bushman's motive?
I don't know other than he was involved in SA's '85 case. Other than that, he seemed like a pretty decent guy with other news stories I read about him.
However, he was involved in the search for Gregory Allen two weeks before PB was attacked. After the attempted rape and assault on young women who lived near PB, Bushman was called in to do a search with his canine. This was on Jul 15, 1985, PB's assault was on Jul 29. I don't know if he had a vested interested in SA getting convicted because he feared he might somehow get drawn into the civil suit. He knew the perp they were looking for that night was Gregory Allen and now SA then a week later he arrests SA for PB's assault.
ETA: Greagory Allen PD Report p. 42
I always had this question, why did it take them so long to find the barrel at Steven's house? The found Barb's Barrels on what, the 5th and hauled them away and brought one back before they found this one. Why didn't they take the one that was right in front of Steven's place, who was their chief suspect. Maybe because they needed a nice receptacle for their deposits.
Problem with barrels are not how many of them and how they've been move in/out...problem is DATES and it's context.
The first bones have been found in Barb's barrel #2 on November 6. BONES!!!!!! wow!...you would think that the normal investigation reaction should be: HIGH ALERT! Let's get coroner here...let's look around immediately...let's look inside other barrels and pit...AT THE SAME DATE!!!.....right? Wrong!
SA barrel was found day after, November 7...and pit was 'not available, occupied by dog', until two days later, November 8....and of course, no coroner and no photos and no videos and no grid....nothing....just bunch of human bones collected in garbage bag.
Problem with barrels are not how many of them and how they've been move in/out...problem is DATES and it's context.
Big problem with barrels. They were so compromised I'm surprised they were admissible at all. Seizing and then returning one of them. What kind of LE does that? Then KK tells them "no, you should have kept that barrel" so they go get it again. Meanwhile the chain of custody is broken. The barrels, like so much else in this case, became questionable because of their handling of them.
Mind blown right now! Wonder if that is when the bones were planted as well?
That would've been the perfect day to do it with this distraction taking place. The next day was the day the bones were discovered, the key found, and the license plates found.
[–]amberyoshio 9
It is interesting that he came in with Hermann. He obviously had no credentials of his own to justify his being there, let alone being assigned as a Team Leader. How on earth were they able to pull off the lie that Calumet was in charge?
Great catch. Every time he signed in, it was either w/ Hermann, Jost or other MTSO. How on earth did they get away with lying about Bushman's status with MTSO in court? There is now no piece of crucial evidence in this case that isn't tainted by MTSO.
ReplyDeleteWell done... with enough time and resources, I think you can line up testimony with reports and other discovery materials, vet the investigation, and find plenty of instances of perjury, false reports or other potential misconduct. In this instance, the beauty of the setup (if there is one) is Bushman is retired and likely doesn't have to do any reporting or other obligations, and Jost was never called to testify, even though he found the bones and what not...
Doing advanced cross-checking in real-time at trial without knowing who would be called and what their testimony would be in advance would've been hard for the defense to do.
MTSO were supposed to only be assisting with resources. Hmmmm riggggght. I guess this meant providing the "resource" who arrested him in 1985. No conflict of interest to see here! /s ETA: great info, thankyou.
You're welcome!
MTSO were supposed to only be assisting with resources.
Well, Pagel did say MTSO brought items to the property as needed...clearly he meant they would bring evidence to the property as needed.
First off, this is a great post.
It's formatted brilliantly.
It's easy to read.
It has embedded links.
It's clear and direct in it's intent.
Secondly, it highlights even more people that were involved in this great local, state and federal conspiracy against Steven Avery for the murder of Teresa Halbach.
Manitowoc County Sheriff, Patrol Division Deputy - David Siders
Manitowoc County Sheriff, Sergeant - Scott Senglaub
Manitowoc County Sheriff, Deputy - Mike Bushman
Manitowoc County Sheriff, Sergeant -Jason Jost
Calumet County Sheriff, Patrol Division Sergeant - William Tyson
Calumet County Sheriff, Corporal - Leslie Lemieux
State of Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation, Special Agent - Kevin Heimerl
As soon as I get a chance, I'll add them to my ever growing list of conspirators.
It's amazing just how many people colluded to frame this gentle, caring father, loving husband, hard working, blue collar, simple minded middle American...in order to make sure he never gets his $36 million dollars.
Thanks again.
[–]tonya1973 6 points 15 hours ago
ReplyDeleteI know this may sound stupid but I have been going through pictures from trial and pictures in the case not used at trial. There are 4 pictures of lab going through the dirt collected at supposedly the burn pit at SA yard. In comparing the pictures of the burn pit and the dirt soil they are sifting through, it looks as if the soil it very dark and rich and not burned particles making it that color. My question is did they save the soil from both places (Avery’s pit and the excavation site off Kuss Road) and if they did can it be tested to see which area it came from?
Inconsistencies with “discovery” of bones in burn pit – Steven Avery case
ReplyDeleteAfter watching Making a Murderer as a wrongful conviction advocate, I felt compelled to research the case further. I was pleased when the transcripts and reports became publicly available. I’ve focused most of my attention on the credibility of the bonfire story and the discovery, handling, and reporting of the bone evidence.
I did so because I found it so difficult to believe that a body was burned in the location alleged — the burn pit behind Steven Avery’s trailer. The photos do not support the claim. My disbelief has been confirmed in my mind by a combination of evolved witness statements and inconsistencies.
It was shocking that no one bothered to document the presence of this very important evidence allegedly found on the Avery property. (The word allegedly wouldn’t need to be stated if they had simply done their job, and photographed and filmed it.)
Not a single photo of a bone on site exists, despite the fact that the state crime lab sent photographers to the property. Yet everyone, including the defense team, seemed to accept the word of the investigators, despite the lack of documentation.
I will highlight inconsistencies observed as I reviewed the statements and testimony from those involved in the discovery of the bones in the burn pit.
Sergeant Jost, of the Manitowoc Sheriff’s Office was the first to discover the bones in and near the burn pit. This discovery was a huge break in the case, in fact Jost’s report describes the light bulb moment when he realized the burn pit behind Steven Avery’s trailer had been overlooked. His report will be highlighted, but first let’s examine the bonfire story.
Was there a bonfire on 10/31/05?
In an earlier blog article, I highlighted the fact that none of the many initial witnesses interviewed recalled a bonfire that night, but the statements evolved in subsequent interviews.
This is one of the clearest examples of an organized effort to coerce the witnesses to offer statements consistent with the official story — that bones were found in the burn pit.
Investigators needed the bonfire for their story to work.
In later interviews, witnesses changed their statements to reflect observation of a fire in the burn pit, and the fire grew in size on third and fourth interviews. Ultimately everyone accepted that there was a bonfire that night. In fact, in Brendan Dassey’s first interrogation interview, the police told him there was a bonfire that night. It had become a “fact” by then.
This is really important, because the absence of a bonfire that night changes everything. It goes a long way toward refuting the claim that Halbach’s body was burned behind Avery’s trailer, and the lie becomes circumstantial evidence that the discovery of remains on the property was manufactured evidence, just like the key.
Many like to claim that the bones were planted, but I go one step further and suggest that they didn’t even need to be planted. Maybe they were never there at all. There is no proof. Someone simply supplied Dr. Eisenberg with a box of bones from who knows where. Done.
There is a reason that courts require documentation of evidence and chain of custody. It is too easy for fraud to occur, but no one objected to the inclusion of the evidence, so all of the bonfire/bones testimonies were in.
Here are portions of Jost’s narrative from November 8, 2005:
ReplyDelete“11/08/05 @ 1247 Hrs.: I, Sgt. Jost, drove Unit 70 down to that property. I allowed Officer Joanne Mignon to take a break. Officer Mignon gave me the log sheet, and she then drove Unit 70 back to the command post area. While I was waiting for B&M WASTE REMOVAL to return from Green Bay, I walked toward the south encl of the property, still keeping watch on the septic tank. While at the SW corner of the property, I noted the burn pit area which was located to the south of the garage for STEVEN AVERY’S residence.
While I was standing near the SW corner of the STEVEN AVERY property, I noted several items lying within close proximity to the burn pile. The items were as follows:
There were numerous rings of wire lying in and around the area of the burn pile. I recognized these as steel beltings from inside tires.
There was a tire which had not been burned. This was on the SE corner of the burn pit area.
There was a rubber mallet which was on the grass, SE of the pile.
There was a metal hammer, believed to be a claw hammer, lying on the ground, NE of the pile.
There was a gravel shovel which was tipped upside-down, located on the west side of the pile.
There was a burned/charred metal scraper with a wooden handle attached which was laying NE of the pile, on the grass area.
Earlier, when I had been in the command post area, I remembered someone mentioning that JOSHUA RANDANDT had checked on his hunting trailers on Monday evening. He saw there was a large fire burning near STEVEN AVERY’S property. The fire was described as being “larger than usual.”
Let’s examine Josh Radandt’s statements to police.
This information was included in Avery’s recent motion.
Similar to other witnesses, Radandt’s statements evolved. Initially there was only mention of a burn barrel fire, but investigators likely coerced him to modify his statements in a subsequent interview to “open burn pit, large fire.”
Update: Radandt signed a new affidavit in February, 2017 that describes the coercion. If it happened to him, and we know Brendan Dassey was coerced, why stop there? It’s likely ALL the witnesses were coerced about the bonfire.
It is interesting that Jost became suspicious that a body may have been burned in the burn pit based only on a described burn barrel fire. But statements would confirm that Jost’s intuition was right (absent documentation of the findings).
Jost’s statement, continued:
ReplyDeleteI, Sgt. Jost, started to piece all of this information together. I felt this area, if not already looked at, should be checked for any type of evidence. When Officer Mignon returned, I spoke with her about my feelings of the burn pile. She stated she also felt that something was unusual with that area. Upon returning to the command post, I made contact with CASO Lt. Sippel. I explained to him that I felt the burn pit area specifically should be checked further. He responded to the property with me. Without disturbing the area, we walked close to the burn pit to take a further look. I mentioned to him that due to the aggressiveness of the dog, it was very possible that the other K9 handlers may not have walked their dogs this close to the area. This also may have hindered officers from specifically going to this location.
As we were looking at the ashes lying in the area, it was evident that someone used some type of front end loader to remove ground from this particular location. The ashes were inside this area. As we looked at the ash pile, we observed that there was a bone lying near the south side of the pile, on the east side. Without disturbing the bone, I looked at it as closely as I could. It appeared as though it may have been a vertebrae bone. I could see another bone in the pile. At this time, we decided that someone from the Crime Lab or DCI needed to further investigate the area.
I, Sgt. Jost, remained at the burn pit area. A short time later, I believe it was TOM STURTEVANT from DCI who walked over to the burn pit with one of his female partners. Utilizing a small twig that was present, TOM moved the bone mentioned above. Without touching it, it still appeared to be some type of vertebrae bone. He moved some of the steel belting wires which were located on the east side of the burn pile and found there appeared to be several other items which appeared to be burns. One piece appeared to be in the shape of a part of a skull.
Based on this information, I returned to the command post to speak with the Crime Lab. Members of the Crime Lab responded to the scene. Using their sifting equipment, they sifted through the majority of the burn pile. They located numerous bones and teeth which were present among the ashes. These items were later given to the CASO for processing. No further details to add.
To summarize — Jost thought the burn pit seemed important, he discussed it with Sippel, the two of them walked over to the pit, discovered what appeared to be a vertebrae, Agent Sturdivant showed up, Jost went back to the command center to inform the crime lab of their findings.
ReplyDeleteNext, let’s look at Sippel’s report.
Lieutenant Sippel of the Calumet Sheriff’s office accompanied Jost to the fire pit.
It’s already obvious that their stories are inconsistent. In Sippel’s version, he went to the command post to inform them about the possible bones they’d discovered; Jost remained at the burn pit with Sturdivant.
Finally, let’s look at Sturdivant’s account. Keep in mind that neither Jost or Sippel testified at any of the preliminary hearings or the Avery and Dassey trials, therefore, these inconsistencies would not be brought to light.
Special Agent Sturdivant
Interestingly, Sturdivant describes how he was assigned to look at items of interest, but how was he assigned to look at Jost’s discovery of the bones, when both Jost and Sippel had just discovered them when Sturdivant walked up?
Sturdivant describes a red flag near the bone Jost had discovered. Interestingly, Jost never mentioned placing a red flag to mark the item. Maybe the inconsistent story is the red flag.
Sturdivant claims to have been the one to contact the crime lab unit, and John Ertl testified that he received a call from Sturdivant requesting the sifting equipment. If true, it means that Sippel and Jost did not notify the crime lab of their discovery as they described in their reports.
These inconsistencies may seem inconsequential, but it is circumstantial evidence of deception and possible fabricated evidence.
This aspect of the investigation should have been memorable to all involved, so why do their stories differ? How was Sturdivant summoned to the location? Why weren’t Jost and Sippel called to testify?
Is it possible this “discovery” was made up? It’s interesting to note that Sippel described seeing the bones on top of crusted ash.
This is circumstantial evidence that they were placed there OR there is also the possibility that the investigators were dishonest, and that no bones were actually found at all. That is the reason documentation is so important.
The issues with the bones does not stop here. Please read more about the bone evidence here and here. Thus far, nothing about this case holds up to even a minimum amount of scrutiny.
Ryan, Pagel, and Pam: Part Two (self.TickTockManitowoc)
ReplyDeletesubmitted 20 days ago * by ThackerLaceyDeJaynes
In the pre lim hearing in which RH testifies, he is being asked why he gave Jerry Pagel's number to Pam-who later discovers the RAV4 at Avery Salvage Yard. His answer:
A. I gave Pam -- Pam Sturm, I gave her Jerry Pagel's number that morning. The cell phone coverage out in that area is absolutely horrid. And to get a call out to -- most of the time when I used my phone out there, I only had 30 seconds or a minute to talk before your phone cut off on you. But I gave Pam that number, Jerry Pagel's number, that morning, with the intent that if she was going into the car lot and needed to call somebody quick, and get somebody out there, that would be the best way for her to.
Sounds to me that:
He knew the reception at the Avery Salvage Yard was poor. How did he know that if he had never been there at that point?
He knew that Pam would need to call Pagel when she got to the car lot, considering he did not provide Pagel's phone number to anyone else.
Expanding upon the original post of Ryan testifying in pre-lim that the reason he gave Pagel's number to Pam because of the "horrid" reception of the area. Area being ASY, as she was going into the car lot...I have noticed an incredible coincidence with his call records.
On the 4th (day before Rav4 discovery) he exchanges phone calls with LE, 22 times. That in itself may not be extraordinary, but I think the call times are a little curious.
3:11-3:14, 4:15-4:17, 4:45-4:47, 4:54-4:57, 4:59-5:02, 5:03-5:05, 5:14-5:16, 5:17-5:19, 5:24-5:25, 5:29-5:31, 5:33-5:37, 5:39-5:43, 5:46-5:48, 5:51-5:53, 6:01-6:04, 6:07-6:11, 6:11-6:14, 6:34-6:41, 6:41-6:46, 7:01-7:05, 7:11-7:14, 7:25-7:30.
Unfortunately his phone records are in minutes and doesn't reflect seconds. To the untrained eye, it appears as though some of these calls were dropped, with an immediate call back. Was he in an "area" with horrid reception?
Remember, Ryan claims to never have visited the area of ASY until after the RAV4 discovery.
On this evening, the 4th, Chuck tells Steven he saw headlights around 7:30-8:00. Below, is the report of that.
Interesting, isn't it?
Edited to Add: Andrew Colborn's day off from the biggest investigation in Manitowoc history.
ReplyDeleteThis makes a ton of sense!
When we look at the series of calls, it begins to look like this (as a theory):
3:11-3:14 - Ryan spoke with LE for roughly 3 minutes; it's like he's reviewing something with LE; maybe they gave him instructions to go somewhere; he indicates he'll check in when he arrives (which will be about an hour later.)
4:15-4:17 - Ryan spoke with LE for roughly 2 minutes; here he may have confirmed he arrived and provided a status update.
(30 minutes later) 4:45-4:47, 4:54-4:57, 4:59-5:02, 5:03-5:05 - here he has completed one part of his task at hand; he's being asked to explain exactly where he was, what he touched, what he sees; he's getting cut off, so he's trying to find an area with a few bars.
(10 minutes later) 5:14-5:16, 5:17-5:19 - he finishes his update to LE; off to task 2
(Few minutes later) 5:24-5:25, 5:29-5:31, 5:33-5:37, 5:39-5:43, 5:46-5:48, 5:51-5:53 - here he's at task 2 - same thing; he's reviewing all of the pertinent information with LE; he's reporting on his surroundings, being given instructions, but he keeps dropping the calls, so he is moving around a bit to find bars.
6:01-6:04, 6:07-6:11, 6:11-6:14 - He has completed task 2 and is off to task 3.
6:34-6:41, 6:41-6:46 - He's completed task 3 and is off to task 4
7:01-7:05, 7:11-7:14 - Task 4
7:25-7:30. Confirmation done
I plotted his calls between 3:11 PM and 7:25 PM. They can be seen here.
I know there have been some previous posts regarding these 22 calls. I remember there was discussion around the Call codes from Allnet, particularly the "D" code. Too bad this doesn't mean "dropped" lol. There was some discussion around this meaning "Data". Maybe someone can remember or research this?
Speculation - In the scenarios described here, the timeline definitely fits the mold. The plan begins at 3:11 PM and the next No Call ID call is at 4:15 PM. Out of the 22, there are 3 calls only 1 min each and 8 calls only 2 min each. Let's assume that the 1 min calls are "highly likely" to be dropped calls and the 2 min calls are a "good probability" of being dropped. So half of his calls could be considered dropped.
It would be interesting to know the various grades from ASY (the ridge where the RAV4 was found) to the Radandt Quarry area (the route along the conveyor road). A question to ask would be - "Would it be more likely to have dropped calls the deeper you go down to the pit and quarry?" Obviously triangulation and tower data would definitely be helpful. I hope this helps the discussion because it is definitely worth having.
Something or should i say ANOTHER THING just doesnt make sense! (self.TickTockManitowoc)
ReplyDeletesubmitted 13 hours ago by Cant_u_see
Teresa's MOM made a statement that she spoke with teresa on the phone everyday. But funny thing is... the phone records don't support it!
In fact when she was informed teresa was missing she still didnt call teresa’s phone.
So either...
Shes in on it therefore no reason to try and call teresa since she already knew where she was...
Theres no doubt teresa had another phone!
Hmmm is it possible that teresa AND her parents were both convinced she needed to go in the witness protection program - and needs to be there even today. If they thought (or think) that teresa would be in danger if they spoke out - well that would explain alot of things. I would luv to see their phone records! In fact that interesting comment on twitter the other day about the halbachs’ trips to the the west coast - Point Roberts WA i believe, which is up near seattle. Hmmm didn’t someone suspiciously (Sheriff KP) go to seattle - to maybe hand her off???
That is a Great point. She hasn't talked to her in a few days, and didn't call when she found out she was missing. That is most likely the first thing a parent would do, is call for themselves...a few times
Things that make you go hmmmm
And KH wouldn't have been satisfied with being told others had called TH, because KH would have assumed those calls had been screened and ignored.
Who all called TH's phone, who would have been assumed to have been looking for her after she went missing?
And who all called TH's phone after she went missing, who were immediate family members? Anyone?
Lets give her the benefit of doubt - lets say KH was being truthful and her mom did speak to her almost everyday as she stated but ALL those calls were made to THs landline - then why didnt she know much sooner that her daughter was missing? That still wouldnt explain why she didnt call teresas cell phone when she found out she was missing - unexplainable. KH and her sisters and brothers should have multiple MULTIPLE calls to Teresas phone getting more and more frantic as they realize she actual is missing. Focus should be here - if KK had over 400 pages of landline phone records in discovery as he stated they should be available to KZ!
The halbach are sort of taboo but I think the halbachs phone records would be very enlightening - they could establish if TH had a second phone (which logic said she did) it would also be enlightening to see just what calls were made on the days leading up to and on the day she was reported missing. To me 400 pages seems excessive and sounds like a ploy to get the already overloaded B&S to disregard them!
Even with a landline, a mother of a missing child will call her cell over and over and over in hope of them answering.
It's funny too that Teresa had some voicemail messages from her mom's number but they were one of her younger sisters calling Teresa about tickets for a play. When the younger sister didn't hear back from her, don't you think she might alert her mom that Teresa never called her back? "Mom, do you think Teresa is ok or have you seen her? She has never returned my call about the tickets for the play."
Of course, we haven't seen the texts either but I know if I couldn't reach my daughter, I would be blowing up her phone and anyone who knew her, their phone also.
ReplyDeleteHas TH's banks statements or credit cards been made public?
Ive been through the case docs but never seen any credit card or direct debit bills, have these been shown, if so has anyone got the links.
These would be so illuminating on quite a few things.
Sippel says calls on her land line go back to "December 2004."
The records are "long distance calls." He is not checking her regular calls on her landline... TDS is the long distance carrier...
Sippel got the records from Pagel... on November 4th...
The first call made was to Brad Czech, and was to his land line.
The 2nd call made was to her own cell phone. That call actually occurred on September 7 and is in her cell records (50 days old.) The last time she called Czech's landline from her cell records was never. So, being Ryan only called BC's land line and not BC's cell number, it seems he, like Pagel, had her long distance bills. Those records seem to have come from her house, not from a subpoena.
For the search warrant files... supposedly it should all be in the record... but notice the summary of the warrants (pages 1-6) shows no warrants prior to November 5... and the only telephone warrant I can find is for Cingular... it's very odd...
MAM excerpt: "Not from the mobile itself, there was no activity." (self.TickTockManitowoc)
ReplyDeletesubmitted 18 days ago by DarthGatorMaid
The following observation is from watching MAM. I decided to take another peak at it and picked up on something I hadn't noticed before. It's the response from the testimony which was called into court.
Cingular Wireless Network Engineer, in response to Kratz question of was there any activity on TH phone after she left the Avery property, answered the following:
"Not from the mobile ITSELF, there was no activity."
ITSELF, so it was accessed remotely on the 2nd.
Buting argued on November 2nd at 8am her voicemail was accessed. So again, someone definitely called it and they called REMOTELY. They would've had to known her password remotely. There is NO WAY Avery would've know it. How in the hell did the judge not see the relevance? Then you have RH and MH saying they accessed it on the 3rd, right?
So who called her and checked her voicemail on the 2nd? Does her bill reflect an incoming call at this time? I can't seem to find the bill that goes past 11/01
[–]What_a_Jem 15 points 17 days ago
Might be the same expert, but remember one being asked if they could tell if messages had been deleted, to which they responded: "Not from the information I have been given." Or words to that affect. Was there a way to tell, but the prosecution just hadn't given him that information? It still bugs me, as no one asked him.
[–]JJacks61 20 points 17 days ago
"Not from the mobile ITSELF, there was no activity."
I never caught this before. One thing is for sure, Kratz didn't want Buting asking this witness questions about Teresa's VM in front of the jury. Remember when Kratz looked like he was about to get hit by a tractor trailer?
Too bad the jury never saw him act like that.
Great observation OP!
[–]Kayki7 3 points 12 days ago
Lol. I've also said this before too....... She had a work phone and a personal phone. Pretty sure a place like AT would give it's field employees work phones..... Esp because not everyone had cell phones back in 2005.
[–]Colorado_love 10 points 17 days ago
RH accessed it, imho. Probably to see if anyone was looking for her.
[–]rogblake 6 points 17 days ago
ITSELF, so it was accessed remotely on the 2nd.
The account was accessed remotely on the 2nd, not the phone.
[–]Bill_Shackelson[S] 2 points 1 year ago
ReplyDeleteBut her ex-bf doesn't remember what time of the day it was when he saw her dressed up? That never even came up in court - what was she wearing when you saw her?
[–]Bill_Shackelson[S] 3 points 1 year ago
Well the ex-bf according to that older article said he showed up at the house of his "friend" who lived with Teresa on Sunday October 30th and saw her dressed up as a cowgirl...to go to a Halloween party LATER with her family.
Who dresses up in her costume in the morning or afternoon, even? And who goes to Halloween parties with their family at 25 years of age? Something's not right here.
[–]Bill_Shackelson[S] 2 points 1 year ago
I hear that. But remember the boyfriend didn't remember what time of day it was when he saw her? Yet he said she was dressed as a cowgirl when talking to a newspaper? Do people wear their Halloween costumes for breakfast and wear it all day? I guess that could be possible.
I guess what I am saying is that he wasn't invited, and if he said it was a party to see her family but her friend said she was at the party - well, he's gonna feel a little butt-hurt. And he didn't mention at all that she was dressed up to go to a Halloween party - EXCEPT I think the one mistaken slip to the newspaper, telling them that she was dressed up as a cowgirl and on her way to a Halloween party with her family. The story he stuck to consistently thereafter and in court was that she was at her computer and he had no recollection of what time of the day it might have been. Just doesn't sound right.
You remember when a girl you dated for 5 years is looking sexy in her cowgirl costume. Trust me.
[–]seankelly014 3 points 1 year ago
Hmm this Halloween party thing is new, it would definitely piss him off if she lied to him and then he meets here at a random party with another guy
[–]gittlebass 4 points 1 year ago
Also, there's conflicting dates about this halloween party. he said he called her to ask her about the party but her voicemail was full. But the halloween party was oct 21st according to this article.
From the blood simple article: On the Sunday before she disappeared, Hillegas ran into Teresa at a friend’s house. Halbach told him she planned to join her family at a bar in Appleton for a Halloween party. She was dressed as a cowgirl.
On Tuesday, Hillegas called to ask Halbach about the -party. Her voice-mail box was full. “Which was weird for someone with a business,” he says. “She’s not the kind of person who would just take off and not call.”
By Thursday, he knew something was wrong. With the help of a friend, he went to Teresa’s house, fired up her computer and printed out a list of names and phone numbers of everyone she knew. The search was on."
This doesn't make sense. Also, if someones missing, wouldn't you go to the apt, see their missing and then call the cops? not do the sleuthing yourself?
[–]milowda 3 points 1 year ago
Didn't let your imagination run away with you there huh?
I say typo (30th and after midnight of the 31st), and who says Ryan was still her bf? Sounds more like an ex being told not to tag along is all.
[–]Bill_Shackelson[S] 5 points 1 year ago
No no, Ryan wasn't her boyfriend. That's the thing. He was her EX. I am just saying. The burned weiner is a powerful force. And if it smells like a duck and quacks like a duck, the thing works for Aflac and is a mf'g duck! The duck in this case being Ryan who shows up to his "friend's" house where his ex-gf of 5 years lives, as well. And the other duck being Teresa who seems to be hiding something from him. Can't underestimate what Halloween means to dudes when they know the girl is dressed up all nice and fancy. THEIR imaginations start running wild - in the wrong direction.
One comment on “Zellner Fires Shot @ Ex BF…”
JUNE 23, 2017 @ 8:49 AM
I have to say, this is the best theory put forward that I’ve read. Well, done! I felt right from the beginning that there was something terribly wrong. How could an investigation be so, well, “wanting.” Ryan and Scott not having to provide alibis? Incomplete phone records? Now, it all makes more sense. Even if you don’t have this nailed 100%, you are very close to how this may have transpired.
Scott’s connection to Pagel is a jewel of a find and helps explain how this could happen.
A complete travesty of justice not only for Steven and Brendan but Theresa and her family. I see now that it didn’t take many in the “know” to pull this off and that Mike Halbach was just naive and trusting of his friends and LE. Although I lumped him in with Hillegas (because he became the family spokesperson) I just couldn’t understand why he’d be involved in his sister’s death.
Initially, after first watching the series, I felt Buting and Strang did the best they could given the Denny motion, but now I find myself questioning that. This theory answers why certain questions were never asked of certain witnesses. Everything was being controlled in one way or another.
Buting’s involvement with Lautenschlager is interesting, but is it not possible that he and Strang were “played” by others as well? I just don’t want to believe he intentionally neglected evidence that could have given Steven a better chance of acquittal.
I still despise Kratz for his news conference and his “seedy” character, but I get your point. You know, it is possible other’s (more than five) were somehow connected and he too was manipulated/played by Gahn and the other one whose name escapes me, at the moment.
I suspect that you have forwarded your “theory” to Zellner. If not, you should. It appears she has come to the same conclusion – Ryan being the murderer, but is she aware of Bloedorn and Pagel’s connection? I do sincerely hope that she has everything she needs with respect to evidence and is able to get Steven out of prison before he dies in there. Not to forget Brendan. I hope his attorneys achieve the same, and very soon!
Minutes Used report compared to AT&T report (i.redd.it)
ReplyDeletesubmitted 1 day ago by cannotsleep_jr
My conclusion is that KZ can get answers to all of our lingering questions and guesses at how the phone records work. How could she not find experts that understand how to interpret these simultaneous calls and why they don't use minutes. KZ knows the DC call exists even though it is not on the AT&T record and she had experts to explain how the records work. I think there is truth in the phone records that will set SA free. I just don't have quite enough pieces to say what that truth is exactly yet and KZ is not sharing those peices with me. (And why would she share those pieces with a random anonymous redditor.)
Also, I would say that to begin with LE was genuinely looking at the minutes used report and they is why there were so many missing calls not explored.
I would speculate that RH did modify that very last minutes used record that has no reasonable link to the AT&T records. And, as soon as LE received the subpoenaed phone records, LE knew RH did it because of his phone record manipulation. However, LE already had their sights on SA and it solved too many problems change course.
I saw a link on twitter to a post that said the online phone records where accessed at 5:49pm and again at 7:18pm. So, of course, the 5:49 is the printout that I'm referencing.
Why would someone log back in at 7:18? The OP suggested that maybe RH gave the password to KP. But, why if they had a printout already.
Maybe LE got the password from RH and logged back in. At 7:18, LE logs into THs account discover that RH manipulated the last record. LE decides at that time do they want to use RH to frame SA or bring in SA. Interestingly enough, this is exactly the time that DJ, JL, DR and AC are meeting with JD joining them in progress. And, I suspect the sheriff is on the phone with them.
Also, notice on the 31st it says to get Sarah's stuff from Mom and then next to it says to send Sarah a thank you/copy? If you remember KH said that she had last seen TH on when? Monday.....
Teresa's cousins are siblings David J. Beach and Sara E. Beach, who were together on 11/4, searching for Teresa's RAV4 at Avery Auto Salvage.
15 Q. Mr. Beach, do you know a woman by the name of
16 Teresa Halbach?
17 A. Yes, I did.
18 Q. How did you know her?
19 A. She was my cousin.
20 Q. Sometime on Friday, the 4th of November, did you
21 volunteer to assist in a search for Teresa?
22 A. Yes.
23 Q. And in that regard, were you with somebody else,
24 or paired up with somebody in that search?
25 A. I was paired with my older sister, Sarah Beach.
1 Q. On Friday, the 4th of November, did you make any
2 stops, or what was your -- or what did your
3 search efforts entail?
4 A. I met up with my sister and our search effort was
5 to look for her vehicle. So we got some
6 information from the Halbachs about what her
7 schedule was, where she had -- the area that she
8 was going to and we just tried to track down the
9 Toyota.
8 Q. And he told you -- You described his vehicle --
9 I'm sorry, you described her vehicle, the RAV4?
10 A. Yes.
11 Q. And he said, yes, I do recall, she was driving
12 that. And she came -- he actually said she came
13 some time mid-afternoon, didn't he?
14 A. Yes, he said that she was at his garage, salvage
15 yard, around 2:00.
16 Q. But he actually -- he qualified that by saying
17 approximately mid-afternoon?
18 A. Correct.
19 Q. Okay. Wasn't exact on the time?
20 A. Correct.
21 Q. And he said that she did take photo of the
22 vehicle, right?
23 A. Correct.
24 Q. And that he did not know her next stop, right?
25 A. Yes.
1 Q. And he told you that when the RAV4 pulled out of
2 the driveway, that it went to the left from the
3 Avery property?
4 A. Correct.
Karen Halbach, Teresa's mother, testified at Dassey's trial that Teresa was at her home on Sunday night, 10/30, watching TV with her sisters Katie and Kelly and that she left after 10 PM.
DeleteKaren did not testify at Avery's trial that Teresa was at her home on Sunday, 10/30.
Teresa printed her day planner at 10:29 PM on Sunday, 10/30. On it she noted on the 31st to "get Sarah's stuff from Mom" and then next to it says to "send Sarah a thank you/copy."
If Teresa had been at her mom's home on the night of the 30th until 10 PM or later, why wouldn't she have gotten Sarah's stuff then?
Did Karen Halbach lie about Teresa coming over to her home on the night of the 30th?
Katie Halbach, Teresa's sister, testified that the last time she saw Teresa was at her grandfather's birthday party on the afternoon of the 30th.
Is the "Sarah" on Teresa's day planner her cousin, Sara Beach. Did Sara leave something behind at Teresa's grandfather's birthday party? Did Karen Halbach bring this stuff home with her when she left the party so that Teresa could stop by to pick it up and give it to Sara when she next saw Sara? Was Teresa planning on partying with Sara on Halloween, 10/31, which would explain why Teresa wrote on her day planner to "get Sarah's stuff from mom."
Karen Halbach - Avery Trial
DeleteQ. Tell the jury about, um, your relationship with Teresa? And I'll -- How often would you talk to her?
A. Um, at least once a week. She'd come over a lot on the weekends to spend time with us and her two sisters. Um, she took pictures for us. She did our family picture, and she was always taking pictures of the girls and around the farm. She liked to take pictures a lot. And we'd spend a lot of time together. We'd go out, out to eat, or -- it seems like the kids were always over on a Sunday afternoon, and we'd talk, sit around the island in our kitchen and talk a lot. We did spend a lot of time together.
Q. Was Sundays a day that the family would typically get together?
A. Yeah. Yes.
Q. In fact, the Sunday before Teresa -- Teresa's death, a Sunday, the one day before her death on the 30th of October, do you recall all getting together for a birthday party that day?
A. Yes. It was my father's birthday on Halloween, but we got together that Sunday before and celebrated his birthday at his house.
Q. Okay. So Teresa was actually killed on your dad's birthday?
A. Yes.
Q. I think you told us, um, Mrs. Halbach, that Teresa lived close to you in -- in physical proximity. Who owned the property in which she lived?
A. My husband and I do.
Q. Your, um, daughter, Katie, who we've heard from, um, were you familiar with Katie's relationship with your daughter, Teresa?
A. Yes.
Q. Would you describe that? What -- what you noticed about that relationship?
A. Um, Teresa was very close to both of her sisters. Um, you know, they spent a lot of time laughing and picking on each other. Uh, it kind of became tradition, Teresa would come over Sunday after -- Sunday night, and three of her favorite TV shows were on that night, and they'd watch it together and laugh and have a good time. You know, she took them shopping.
Q. All right. When you heard that Katie knew about Teresa's clothing, when she knew that she owned a pair of Daisy Fuentes jeans, do you have any doubts that, uh, they were close enough that she'd know that?
A. Oh, yeah. Teresa, um -- The girls would go over to Teresa's house and they would try on her clothes, because if Teresa had jeans that wouldn't fit her, she'd give them to the girls. So I'm sure Katie knows she had them.
Q. All right. There's been at least some suggestion that on, perhaps, the 2nd or 3rd of November, that your daughter, Teresa, may still have been alive. May have been accessing her cell phone. After the 31st of October, Mrs. Halbach, um, did you ever hear your daughter, Teresa's voice again?
A. No, I did not.
Katie Halbach - Dassey Trial
DeleteQ. Okay. Katie, on Sunday nights did your sister, Teresa, and you make a habit of watching some television shows together?
A. We did.
Q. Where would you guys usually watch those shows together?
A. Either at our house or hers.
Q. All right. Do you remember the day before she was killed, that is, on the 30th of October, if
you and Teresa and your other sister spent that night together and watched those shows together?
A. Urn, I believe we were at my grandpa's house for his birthday.
Q. All right. You remember that birthday party that night?
A. Yeah.
Q. Or that day at least?
A. Yeah.
Q. And the same question that I asked of your mom, after the 30th of October, have you ever seen or heard from your sister, Teresa?
A. I did not.
Karen Halbach - Dassey Trial
DeleteQ. Could you tell the jury what you remember about Sunday, the 30th of October?
A. Um, my dad's birthday is October 31, Halloween, so the day before, my whole family got together at his house and we just celebrated his birthday during the day.
Q. Was Teresa in attendance at that party?
A. Yes, she was.
Q. Were the rest of, uh, the siblings there as well?
A. Yes, they were.
Q. What happened that night if you recall?
A. That night, um, we milked cows, and then Teresa came home from -- about seven, because Extreme Makeover Home Edition was coming on and she wanted to watch it with the girls.
Q. She was at your house?
A. Right. At our house.
Q. All right. Do you know about what time Teresa left your home on the 30th?
A. I would say it was after ten.
Mike Halbach - Avery Trial
DeleteQ. By the way, when was the last time that you saw her; do you recall?
A. The last time I saw my sister was October 30th, 2005, the day before she went missing. We were at my grandparents house. It was my grandpa's -- Halloween was my grandpa's birthday. And the day before we went to their house, the entire family was there, aunts, uncles.
**OFF LIMITS** (self.TickTockManitowoc)
ReplyDeleteby 4jstce
My question is: WHY is the family and TH's personal life, so off limits? To me it has EVERY thing to do with this case...in ANY (normal) murder investigation there is a "no holds bar" on everything, so WHY is this case any different? Not being disrespectful, NEVER have been disrespectful, but help me out on this because I have never understood it...seriously?
Well I don't think you are being disrespectful for asking that. This is actually the right question to ask. I think there is a strong following that is finally getting on board with this as well.
With any murder victim, there is obviously a given amount of respect to the victim and the victim's family. It's humane and we should all expect such careful treatment. It's important to say, no one on TTM disagrees with that.
However, like you, we all have been scratching our heads from day one in trying to understand why TH seemed to be treated with much more care than the, (and I say respectfully), the "typical" murder victim. All deserve kindness and respect, but TH was above and beyond.
KK is the real blame for this. He ratcheted her up to Norma Jean celebrity status. She was treated like America's sweetheart. The whole thing with MO with the "blue ribbon" was just the icing on the cake.
Why? He did this because he wanted to create shame on anyone that would question this poor girl's life. Why did he want to create shame? He did that because when people ask too many questions, they start to discover the truth.
Make no mistake, this sweetheart bubble that KK put around TH's character was planned. It was a plan that was discussed over many cigars and glasses of scotch with all the boys back at KK's sweat lodge.
He created such a heroin image of her that not even the media dared question it.
It was all to cover up the truth.
[–]seaniedee 5 points 2 years ago
ReplyDeleteMotive is a blank canvas in this case because we know so little about people involved in her life because no one was investigated.
Ryan was out at her place "the day before her death." In the history of the world, how many ex-boyfriends killed out of jealousy?
Maybe she mentioned that she was fascinated by Scott or slept with him and said how amazing he was and Ryan got jealous.
In this kind of situation, there are a thousand possible roadways to jealous rage.
Let me ask you something. Think of someone who meant a lot to you in your life. Let's say you saw that person three days ago, and today you find out that he/she is missing, and you are concerned enough to print off a few thousand flyers and organize a search party. Wouldn't you go over the last conversation you had with him or her and try to figure out if there was any clue as to their whereabouts? Wouldn't you remember whether you saw him or her at 6AM or 11PM if the last time you would ever see that person was three days ago?
Ryan couldn't remember. He can estimate how many thousand flyers they put up. He knows what time he went to pick up the flyers that day. He can estimate how many people were in the Friday search party, and how many people were in the Saturday search party -- as well as what time they got there. He can estimate what time they worked till on November 3rd, and the time of day on November 4th when they started the search. He can tell you within a 15-minute window what time Pam Sturm left to go to the Avery yard. On the day they found out she was missing, he can estimate what time Kelly Pitsen came over.
He can estimate how long they dated, how many times they broke up during their time together, and how long those break-ups lasted. He can tell you when they stopped seeing each other and how regularly they saw each since 2001. He can estimate when she moved in with his friend, Scott.
This is a girl whom he dated for five years, whom he continued to see every week or so, sometimes three nights a week. He knew her so well, he said, that she didn't have a private side from him. "We were pretty open with each other. We talked a lot."
Yet, on the last day he would ever see her alive, although he remembered she was sitting at her computer when they talked, he can't tell you whether it was morning, afternoon, or night. This guy has no recollection of whether that last conversation about the cowgirl outfit she planned to wear on Halloween night ... he doesn't know whether that conversation happened morning, afternoon, or night.
Doesn't that strike you as strange?
[–][deleted] 4 points 1 year ago
ReplyDeleteZellner also says that she was getting harassing phone calls mid-summer then they stopped for a short time and then they started up three weeks before. She's got stuff, she's sharp, she knows the use of words. Her use of words in a Newsweek article would have been well prepared because its Newsweek and she is known for being well prepared. She hates bullies so I would bet she doesn't say things about others lightly. At the same time she didn't mention his name. Until the car was found, everybody that TH came into contact with should have been called. She is correct. The investigation was lousy.
New 'Making a Murderer' lawyer finds Arizona connection
Kaila White, The Republic | azcentral.com
Published 11:13 a.m. MT March 31, 2016 | Updated 11:29 a.m. MT March 31, 2016
A new attorney representing Steven Avery from Netflix's "Making a Murderer" told reporters that she found a tie to Arizona in the case.
Kathleen Zellner said she reviewed all documents in the case and performed or ordered tests to find new suspects and information that previous lawyers ignored.
“We’ve got access to documents the public doesn’t have. We’ve got all the police reports, we can see exactly what they did and did not do,” Zellner told Newsweek. “And it’s a lot more about what they did not do.”
The 10-part documentary chronicles Avery's unusual case: He served 18 years for a rape he didn’t commit before being convicted of murder in a separate case. The show was an instant hit, as about 19.3 million people watched each episode within 35 days of its December 2015 release, according to Adweek.
It's Zellner's first time commenting since taking on the case of Avery, who is serving a life sentence for the 2005 murder of Teresa Halbach.
She found that Halbach had called an Arizona man with a record of sexual-abuse crimes days before she was killed.
“A well-trained investigator, they’d be all over that. And they would have gone and talked to (that man), and they would have interviewed these other people that she’s talking to right before her death,” Zellner told Newsweek. “She’s like prey being stalked, and that’s (the most likely type of) person who would have been after her.”
The biggest new piece of evidence is "cellphone records that show Halbach left Avery’s property before she was killed." She told Newsweek she believes evidence against Avery was planted and hopes to vacate the conviction.
Cellphone tower records of SA & TH provide airtight alibi for him. She left property he didn't. #MakingAMurderer#UnmakingAMurderer
— Kathleen Zellner (@ZellnerLaw) March 6, 2016
“When I watched the Avery case, I felt that the attitude toward him by the prosecutors and the state was that he was disposable. It was almost like a class thing. (His family) didn’t matter, they had no power,” Zellner told reporter Josh Saul. “The longer I watched it, the more angry I got.”
More than 500,000 people signed a Change.org petition asking President Obama to pardon Avery, enough to get an official response from the White House that explained that the president has the power to pardon those convicted for federal offenses only, whereas Avery was convicted for a state offense.
Police reports: Only SA suspect but BIG RED FLAGS on others. Must have to do w/BIG GREEN DOLLARS. #MakingAMurderer pic.twitter.com/mrAqjI53Kd
— Kathleen Zellner (@ZellnerLaw) February 8, 2016
The Most Likely "Obvious" Person Zellner Says Is the Killer ...
Feb 12, 2016 - Or Teresa was gonna go to the police for Ryan harassing her, so he made sure that she didn't. .... The track coach guy (Chris McKenna) may have been "the new guy she met" that Scott Bloedorn mentioned. Maybe RH was ..... Most of people on this sub and other are alluding to Ryan Hillegas, Teresa's ex.
[–]ChloeDO 4 points 2 years ago
I did gather from various statement she did go to bars or clubs here and there. One old article quoted Ryan saying she said was supposed to be going to a party at a bar in Appleton with her family on the Sunday...however her mother said it was a birthday party for the grandfather at his house.
The track coach guy (Chris McKenna) may have been "the new guy she met" that Scott Bloedorn mentioned. Maybe RH was jealous.
McKenna was just arrested in Arizona for having a relationship with a 16-17 year-old girl, after being named teacher of the year the year before.
[–][deleted] 3 points 2 years ago
Wow. That's the first I've heard of this, and I though I'd sniffed through everything. Thanks for sharing this, I was going to ask you if you could provide proof, but a quick google search quickly confirms that a Chris McKenna was a teacher of the year in Scottsdale, and was busted for having a sexual relationship with a student.
He was a special needs track coach, Teresa was a coach for her sisters volleyball team.
Investigators also didn't use Halbach's phone records to trace her activities or personal contacts in the week prior to her murder. In her Newsweek interview, Zellner referenced a recent discovery making the rounds on Reddit suggesting that the night before her death, at 11:44 p.m., Halbach placed two calls to a number allegedly belonging to a guy named Christopher McKenna. A man named Christopher McKenna was arrested late 2016 in Arizona for soliciting sex with a minor and subsequently violated a no-contact order.
At trial, Detective Mark Wiegert was asked specifically about a man named Bradley Czech, with whom Halbach had a "personal and business relationship." Whether that relationship was romantic isn't clear, but at the time of Halbach's murder, Czech was newly divorced and the subject of a restraining order filed by his ex-wife.
Of course, none of these details link Hillegas, McKenna or Czech to Halbach's murder. But they do serve as three examples of men in her life that police appear not to have considered, let alone eliminated, as possible suspects in her murder. If Zellner can uncover evidence that points to another viable suspect in Halbach's murder, while at the same time debunking the evidence used against her client, it will be that much harder for prosecutors to pursue Avery in the event that the conviction is thrown out.
920-420-1740 on "minutes used" report and Cingular report but not AT&T report
ReplyDeleteMcKenna lived in Oshkosh at the time of Teresa's disappearance, per truepeoplesearch.com
McKenna went to high school at Hilbert High (graduated 2 years before TH and RH)
Ryan and Chris went to college at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Chris McKenna Track & Field Profile
2001 Outdoor Season Wisconsin-Oshkosh CollegiateSenior
2001 Indoor Season Wisconsin-Oshkosh Collegiate
2000 Outdoor Season Wisconsin-Oshkosh CollegiateJunior
Ryan Hillegas Hilbert High School Class of 1998
Chris Mckenna Hilbert High School Class of 1996
Christopher McKenna Hilbert High School
The night before her death, at 11:44 p.m., Halbach placed two calls to a number allegedly belonging to a guy named Christopher McKenna (per Ryan's "Minutes Used" report). Christopher McKenna was arrested in 2016 for soliciting sex with a minor and subsequently violated a no-contact order.
In addition, Detective Mark Wiegert was asked specifically about a man named Bradley Czech, with whom Halbach had a “personal and business relationship.” Whether that relationship was romantic isn’t clear, but at the time of Halbach’s murder, Czech was newly divorced and the subject of a restraining order was filed by his ex-wife.
None of these details really link Hillegas, McKenna, and Czech to Teresa’s murder, but they are three examples of possible suspects that police failed to consider.
From the dialed numbers we have available on cell report...
(920) 360 = US Cellular Green Bay
(920) 420 = US Cellular Oshkosh (Coakley and McKenna)
This site will tell you where a number prefix is located by provider:
Wonder why it has never been brought up that Ryan and the Arizona track coach guy went to the same college, and I believe attended a few of the same years.
5:30 PM - 16 Feb 2018
TH: "Ryan is checking me out. Wants me back" - email to friend
TH calls AZ track guy 2 times on 10/29, late at night. someone RH went to college with.
RH can't remember what time he saw TH on 10/30. Daytime, nighttime..
TH: Disappears on 10/31
This doesn't REEK of motive huh?
Makes ya wonder what information AZ track coach guy has, that could be useful. I'm sure KZ has something from him. In prison already? Helpful with info..that could be beneficial to himself. Wonder if Ryan is nervous for any reason wondering what a convicted felon might be saying.
Teresa Halbach had her secrets, and Ryan found out about them?
ReplyDelete[–]Gdkats[S] 2 points 1 year ago
I wonder if TH had two cell phones, maybe a throw away one or one with her photography partner? It would explain the missing call. How does anyone know TH did not go to the studio or home late afternoon of Oct. 31, 2005?
[–]rachabe 3 points 1 year ago
Maybe she had a 2nd phone that only one person called?
I knew a couple who were having marital problems. One of them used a secret phone so the secret calls wouldn't show up on the family phone bill.
Maybe she knew someone was hacking her other phone and listening to her voicemails. Who knows...
[–]Gdkats[S] 2 points 1 year ago
I think it is very possible.
[–][deleted] 1 point 1 year ago
A burner.
ReplyDeleteWitnesses have come forward to support what I believe be true - witnesses that were withheld from the defense, all so that Kenny could play tricks, like you try to do.
See, had Avery's due process started on the up and up to begin with, those witnesses would have been disclosed, because they were favorable to Steven... that's what Brady is all about...
But.... sighs... I would suppose, being that he is now already convicted, yes, the burden is upon the defense to establish that Teresa was not in fact on her home phone. Zellner, so far, is doing a pretty good job at that...
Here's where it gets good... aside from the witnesses... Auto Trader started calling her cell phone during September 2005... Teresa used to sometimes check her voice mails from her home phone... until September... the records that LE was checking for her long distance calls... those logged her last long distance calls -- to BC's landline and to her own voice mail... that she had not called since early September...
Her business partner said she was in her studio almost every day.
I didn't say she ignored her calls that morning. I said it could be indicative of her driving and not taking calls until she was stopped - or she have had an appointment or other scheduling conflicts (you know, during the time she marked out "Trader Sheboygan").
After all, none of her specific appointments for AutoTrader were printed on her dayplanner, like Zips or Schmidtz... lol... In fact, the only ones that landed there are the ones she scheduled after she left her house.
Awww... I know this is all lost upon those who live in stupidville...
Show me one phone record that establishes Teresa called AutoTrader from home...
ReplyDeleteBeing that your theory is she didn't speak with those people on Monday, that means she spoke to them PRIOR to 10:30 pm the night before when she logged into Outlook. She would have updated her calendar then, before printing - she was already logged in, with the notes before her.
LE did have access to the computer file; they recovered her computer on the 3rd. If it were favorable to the state, LE would have already stated that - well, at least Kenny would have said so... lol...
Not... but good try. It doesn't matter what names she wrote down to call. The fact is that Denise's affidavit, and her visit to the studio on November 1, exactly match the handwritten appointment that Teresa added, when pulled over and talking to her, as evidenced by actual records that prove the call occurred when it did, on the 31st. And, Steve is reflected at the bottom... hmmm... think that STEVE, having the same telephone number as the Steve in the affidavit, might be a match?
ST, btw, stands for STUDIO... the real abbreviation is STU, but photographers use ST for short.
Her Wednesday, reoccurring event (she attended every week), is blacked out - meaning that time slot was blocked by her with the software to make herself unavailable for appointments, and we do know she had a standing weekly appointment, following which, each week, she went to the studio in Green Bay.
The rest... well, it's all just a bunch of noise. This is a no brainer - she was on tower 21112 starting at 8:17 am. There are two witnesses that have provided sworn affidavits about her driving - one saying she stated she was in Sheboygan... the other stating she pulled over to write down an appointment that ended up being the exact time written on her planner. What, are we to believe that is she sikikey? - that she wrote that appointment on Sunday night and BOOM!? Some girl named Denise, but a different Denise, just shows up at the studio on the exact day and time as she discussed with this other Denise on Monday?
The rest of that nonsense going on here - it's all bullshit... all just noise... it's keeping you confused... seriously.
ReplyDeleteOk, if you agree they spoke, and you agree they spoke at the times shown in the record, then it doesn’t take one with a very high IQ to figure this out:
• Teresa was on tower 21112 by 8:17 am that morning.
• She stayed on tower 21112 until 12:51 pm.
• She can’t be both home and in Sheboygan, and she did not have enough time to drive back home, one hour from Sheboygan, drop off her hand written notes (please, just don’t make me laugh, here) and make it back to Kiel, all while offering to meet S Sp….man during “the next 30 minutes” when they spoke at 12:45 pm.
If they had computer data which showed Teresa working hard that morning from home, it would have been presented at trial… but it wasn’t… you know why they would have done that? Because they had the witness accounts of her driving, elsewhere – like Sheboygan that morning, as evidenced by what she printed on her dayplanner at 10:30 pm the night before - because a woman claimed to have seen her, as she (the witness) was driving by Valders… so, don’t be stupid on this one…
We have every reason to believe Denise that Teresa called her from the road at 11:35 a.m. on 10/31. Lol… So it’s just a coincidence that someone else named Denise was added to her calendar on Tuesday at the same time Denise agreed meet with Teresa? Do you think she made that appointment with Teresa on Friday, the week before? Earlier that day? What, when Teresa was at home but connecting to the Sheboygan tower? Lol… Did it happen before Teresa printed her dayplanner at 10:30 PM on Sunday night? Come on… think through this… take a deep breath… it’s a no brainer… the phone records confirm the call and when it happened… all while Teresa was on tower 21112.
ST stands for studio! Denise ST (Denise at Studio.) We know that is true because Denise showed up… guess where… at the studio.
She had a meeting every week at noon on Wednesday. Tom Pearcy testified to this. Page 199 of his testimony. “Every Wednesday morning…she was one of the founders of a BMG Group, BMG marketing group, Business Marketing Group that meets once a week. Business Leaders… they go over leads…. She would usually come in after, oh, about 11:00, 11:30 on that Wednesday, RELIGIOUSLY.”
She was on tower 21112 starting at 8:17 am.
She spoke to Steve Speck…n… at 12:45, who lived in Sheboygan, an hour away from St. John… she indicated she was in the area… had the next 30 minutes available… Get it? That all happened while she was on tower 21112… between 8:17 am and 12:51 pm… again, no brainer. #ADuh!
She can’t be an hour away in St. John, while indicating she would be available for the next 30 minutes…
She had 3 other appointments in Sheboygan… this is also a no brainer.
Denise claimed Teresa had to pull over to checker her schedule.
Denise did give this information to LE – why do you think Zellner is citing a Brady violation.
You do realize she picked up photos, right? She has no reason to lie. None. Neither does Steve S or Dan M. Silly.
ReplyDeleteLet me help - it’s this simple:
What time do most start work? I start at 8:00 am. That means I’m on the road around 7:15.
Next, do you have the record for her home phone? I would like to see that.
Last, what exactly about her planning that day leads you to believe she started her Auto Trader run at 1:00 pm? Laughs - she started calls at 8:17 am; her dayplanner shows she was scheduled to work for Sheboygan Auto Trader at 9:00 am. Sheboygan is over an hour drive. That puts her on the road sometime before 8:00 am.
If she’s at home talking to Steve S at 12:45 pm and states she has 30 minutes and can meet with him now, how is she going to get from to his place in Sheboygan in 30 minutes… lol… when she lives an hour away… I guess some people truly believe that 1+1 = 4
Ok… so this Denise woman… you think she’s making this up? Laughs… sure… ok… ‘cause she and Steve S woke up and decided they wanted to get involved in this terrible situation that will likely bring them a lot of misery and make them fearful in their own town? Right.
Everything about the records is consistent with her dayplanner, her printed intent to be in Sheboygan at 9:00 am, her follow up activity, the phone logs and the tower identification between 8:17 am and 12:51 pm.
It’s actually quite clear from the tower history for the few days we have, and from witness accounts of her weekend, that she mostly was NOT home that weekend. Wedding, helping Mike, Halloween Party, work at the studio on Saturday, grandpa’s birthday party… and an evening with the folks and siblings…
I’ll ask again: do you have the record for her home phone? What’s that, No? Crickets? Thought so. Angela was very clear in her first recall on November 3 that the last time she heard from Teresa was via the facsimile she received oddly at just after 12am on 10/31. (CASO, reports with Cpl. Leslie Lemieux and Wiegert.) And, the assumption you are making from trial testimony does not support that Teresa called Auto Trader from her land line – in fact, her cell records support she made that call from her cell phone.
You are speculating. Teresa actually seems to show that she returns calls when she is stopped and not driving. Teresa could have been driving during those calls/voice mails to her that early morning, being that she was scheduled, per her dayplanner, to be in Sheboygan at 9:00 am. Also, she had a wedding that prior weekend – a photographer often meets with the client in the immediate days following the shoot to review proofs. She may have been doing that Monday morning. Her wedding may have been in that Sheboygan area – her record puts her there on Saturday. Weddings often include the event, plus a dinner, plus a dance. A wedding dance, for a photographer, ends around 10:00 pm… and sure enough… she was on that tower at 9:35 pm… Hmmm…
Her planner also says she is going to get Mom birthday gift on Monday. This tower may have been between Sheboygan and Chilton. She may have been running errands, stopping at her bank or doing any number of things that morning, including reviewing wedding proofs with her bride, following that Saturday event. There is nothing in the record that establishes she was at home or that she made calls from home. In fact, the evidence points to her not being home.
She was a business owner; as a former photographer, I worked full time – when not on a shoot, I was in the studio working on production – I worked 40 hours a week, whether I was on shoots on not. Also, Pearce said she went to the studio daily; He said “Wednesday was later tough” because of her weekly business meeting; etc., etc.
Geez... you need to condense all of those thoughts... people would be better able to understand your posts if you cut out half of the nonsense...
ReplyDeleteFor all of this, just because you say so, doesn't make it fact.
The evidence does not support your theories... it just doesn't. And, you're speaking to someone who used to be in her line of work... I can tell you, with experience, much more about what her days probably looked like in that line of work versus what you have dreamed up in your head. And, the witness accounts, in totality, support that - not your thinking that she slept in on Monday morning and missed or ignored her calls... that was not her pattern described by her business partner - it's really just that simple.
Here's a little hint from me to you: You might want to read the collective documents again. Yes, Teresa was at the studio on Saturday. That is established. Also, you might want to read mom's testimony during Dassey's trial... lol... Tom Pearce told mom she stopped in the studio at least once a day... don't believe me? I don't care... I know stupidville is a tough place to be, so here's a screen shot for you.
TP made varying comments, including sitting down with her because he was concerned she was burning both ends of the candle... she was working too much... she always reported in when she wasn't going to be there for a day... mom had it right. And, when one considers the totality of Pearce's statements, between all of the documents, in context, it's clear she spent a lot of time working, in the studio, in the field and on shoots for both her Auto Trader job and her own business.
I'm not saying TP was intentionally lying, but I am seeing trial questioning that kept his testimony in context with the state implying she was scattered in terms of her work hours. And, that was just not true - she was a business owner, she shared a studio with TP, and she worked a 2nd job. She was also involved in business groups, coaching, etc. She was not home often, based on her activities.
Why no timelines for Nov 1st & 2nd? (self.TickTockManitowoc)
ReplyDeleteby 7926BZQ1
I had a search but only found a post on another sub a year ago about how these important dates aren't mentioned much, what were the movements and communications, not much response. And are not in the timelines listed on the right here.
For example SA I know this is totally familiar but just summarizing, he says in his second interview (6th) that he worked all day Tuesday from 8am until 5pm, just having lunch at his ma's house, never had to go do anything else in that time. Maybe ate dinner at his ma's. Then went to see Jodi at jail in the evening about 7pm for about an hour, maybe stopping for gas, back home by 9pm. Wednesday up again at the shop by 8am, everyone there again. Says mostly working in garage. Maybe cop stops by that evening. Thursday he's up real early to go to the auction and the rest is the listed timelines.
I mean did this check out with other movements and communications and interviews? Is it a case that people couldn't exactly say for sure they remembered every minute that SA was here or there? Or the usual issues with interviewing techniques? Are they just not believed like in the PB case? Did neither the defense nor prosecution use this timeline information either? I guess, any gaps during daytime or obviously overnight, what does that mean anyway since the RAV4 was never properly dealt with by an experienced car processor and obviously bone fragments left there?
Well now, that's an interesting question. This doesn't really answer your question, I'm just venting.
November 1 and 2. Steven goes to work, eats at Ma's, goes to see Jodi, just the normal stuff. Is not worried about crushing a car, or cleaning the trailer or the garage, or seeing if any bones are left over in his burn pit from burning a young lady, or making sure the electronic devices are not recognizable, or returning his infamous amazing Rug Doctor. He just works on the yard and has no worries. Why? Because he didn't do anything to warrant being worried about covering his tracks for some made up, fantasy crime in KK's head. Steven doesn't even know it exists at this point.
The real question is what were Scott B., Ryan H., Scott T., Bo Dassey, Barb J. and all the H family doing?
There isn't much record for those days, would be nice to know where all the "players" were. We more or less know where Steve was, but that's about it.
Bobby was reportedly at work overnight through until 6am Tuesday morning then I suppose sleeping. Blaine & Brendan would get up about 6am and go to school, at home in the evenings with video games etc.
Zellner's game of "Well, if that's your story..." (self.TickTockManitowoc)
ReplyDeleteby seekingtruthforgood
Zellner has an incredible game of “Well, if that’s your story” going on with the state for the Avery case. There are several examples of this, but this post will focus on one of the best examples (in my opinion anyway):
Background: The dayplanner was printed on the evening of the 30th and then subsequently Ms. Halbach added handwritten remarks after it was printed. The dayplanner was apparently found at her property – it was either found by law enforcement or given to law enforcement by her friends, who had been rummaging sorting through her personal effects.
Issue: The issue for the defense is that Teresa’s planner contained her handwritten notes about conversations she had with two witnesses that were withheld from the defense. Those two witnesses provided details of the conversations which claim/establish: 1. She was driving and already on the road, and 2. She was within 30 minutes of a location in Sheboygan, but, her home was just over an hour away, so the defense argues the state’s timeline is wrong because the arrival to her later appointments establish she didn’t have time to return home, drop off the planner, and make it back for the appointments scheduled later that afternoon.
The state’s argument is that Teresa was at home, not driving, as evidenced by multiple calls to/from her cell which pinged on tower 21112. The state provided her cell records which show that those calls pinged on that tower, until, of course, she left for her first mid-day appointment in Kiel. The state also used Angela and Dawn to provide testimony that they had, in fact, spoken with Teresa at various times that day. Therefore, the planner never left her house and she made those calls to the two witnesses before she left.
BUT, another huge BUT,
The state went even further, which was to state that Angela, who didn’t even recall talking to Teresa that day (during several initial interviews), had, in fact, had a conversation with Teresa - not on her cell phone - rather, while she was at home, on her landline.
So, if that’s their story, then, in the event Avery is awarded a new trial, knowing this particular issue will be raised, if the state is solid in its claim that Teresa was home (and therefore the dayplanner with hand-written notes of her calls with Denise and Sheboygan Steve occurred before she left home,) surely, the state will produce her landline records which prove her call with Angela, right? Surely the state will call upon the tower owner to validate that 21112 is, factually, the sector that services her home, right?
Yet, if the state already had those records, the records, if complying with Brady, should have already been turned over to the defense and would already be in Zellner's possession. We know she doesn't have the records, because, if she did, the two witnesses, Denise and Sheboygan Steve, wouldn’t be part of Avery’s current defense.
Teresa's landline records retrieved by seekingtruthforgood via FOIA request to CASO in September 2018.
DeleteThe records demonstrate that Teresa never used this landline to contact or fax Auto Trader during the periods provided - at least not at their 414 area code.
Period Provided and Missing:
1-22 through 2-21, pages 3 & 4
2-22 through 3-21, pages 3 & 4
3-22 through 4-21, missing
4-22 through 5-21, page 3
5-22 through 6-21, missing
6-22 through 7-21, page 3
7-22 through 8-21, missing
8-22 through 9-21, page 3
9-22 through 10-21, pages 1 & 3
10-22 through 11-21, missing
From Zellner’s filings, it seems very possible the state may have:
ReplyDeleteCommitted another Brady violation;
Blatantly lied, which I am sure Angela may be more than happy to clarify once the lie is called out in court;
Failed to properly investigate Teresa’s actual whereabouts that morning; and,
Blatantly hid that someone, being law enforcement, killer or lover, found the dayplanner in her RAV and turned it over to law enforcement/the state, which is, yet, another Brady violation.
For me, whoa…
Records and witness testimony do strengthen a case, unless the records refute the witness statements. If the state can produce landline records to establish/validate Angela's call and/or if the state can produce records that prove 21112 does in fact service her home, then Denise and Sheboygan Steve become worthless... So, it doesn't make much sense to even present them, if Zellner knows the state can/will produce records that refute their claims... I hope that makes sense... this is important because if the state had those records, so should Zellner... yet she doesn't...
The witnesses are meaningless to Zellner if she has landline records, provided to the defense, as part of discovery, and which prove Halbach was at home, not Sheboygan. And, she knows this, so it doesn't make sense to present witnesses the state can discredit.
How will the state respond during a new trial if it never bothered to pull her landline records to confirm her location...
ReplyDelete...and the witnesses place her well on the other side of town, leaving absolutely no time for her to return home and drop off that planner with her handwritten notes of her conversations with the two witnesses and which were withheld from the defense...?
Two witness statements were withheld from the defense which were discovered 10 years later.
I believe they knew the day planner came from her car, especially once they read it with her handwritten notes and compared those notes to the witness statements which were held from the defense.
I presented two options that cross my mind, one being the RAV was on the yard the entire time.
For me, this is another part of why the dayplanner is one Zellner's most compelling documents...
The logical person, if the the witnesses prove she was on the other side of town, and therefore couldn't have brought the dayplanner back to her house, asks, "well, how the heck did it get there then?" Someone brought it to her house... an alien wasn't responsible for that... she made her appointments...
So, in the circumstance of a new trial, the state will be compelled to address this issue... hope they have landline records...
During a new trial, the burden will be on the state to explain this, in front of judges and/or a jury who will be asking themselves how the planner made its way back to her home, more than an hour away, being she made her subsequent appointments for which the state claimed she showed up and she was murdered at Avery's.
You don't know what Sheboygan Steve's claims were during 2005. Where's that citation?
If you don't know what his 2005 claims were, how could you possibly know that they are completely different?
And, if you don't know what his 2005 statement was, you couldn't possibly form an opinion about whether his 2017 statements make sense.
You claim that he called her to cancel an appointment is unfounded because the records don't yet support they even had a confirmed appointment. She never called him... and, he first called the telemarking number for AT, not her.
If she were able to reach him within 30 minutes, how could she be on tower 21112?
You do not have one legitimate source to validate that 21112 is her home tower. My fact checking has, so far, shown you why you should be skeptical of your third party source who "knows things." LOL...
But, hey, if there's a DCI report out there which supports that 21112 is Halbach's home tower, well, that would be a good thing being that, if Avery gets a new trial, they will have to cough it up.
When I look at that tower in Sherwood, there is nothing in the FCC filing that shows it is identified as 21111 or 21112. In fact, it's a Verizon tower and it used to be an Alltel tower before that.
Maybe you want to learn about Alltel who had roaming agreements with 2 other carriers, which were not Cingular and not AT & T. Seems odd her home tower, per the argument you make that has no factual source, is on a tower belonging to another carrier who does not have an agreement with Cingular or AT & T to roam on that tower...
It's possible I suppose, but if I were you, I would fact check your source a bit better.
Teresa worked for Auto Trader for 1.5 years but didn't speak to Auto Trader from her cell phone to or from any 414/(425)-XXXX, until September 1, 2005. self.MakingaMurderer
ReplyDeleteSubmitted 5 days ago * by seekingtruthforgood
Some interesting tidbits about Teresa Halbach's phone records:
If you check Teresa's year of 2005 history on her cell phone, you will notice that Auto Trader (from the 414 (area code) 425 (prefix) did not begin calling her cell phone until September 1, 2005, just two months before her death. There are no outbound or inbound calls on her cell before that date, yet she worked for AT for over 1.5 years.
You will also notice that Teresa's last call to her cell phone voice mail from her own landline was September 7, 2005.
When law enforcement reported checking her long distance calls, they reported BC's number first (his landline, not his cell phone), followed by Teresa's cell number second. Remember, she had not called her cell from her landline to check her voice mails since September 7. That puts BC's call around that same time, early September.
Teresa never called BC's home number from her cell phone, ever, yet,
Related to RH's calls - it is documented he called BC, but, not on BC's cell phone, rather his home phone, the number that showed up on the outdated long distance bill that had been setting at Ms. Halbach's home.
It's amazing this young woman, who was loaded up with technology, including a Palm, the latest and greatest Moto Razr with email capabilities, and fax machine that was running through her computer, had no apparent landline telephone with caller id.
ReplyDeleteThe mistake you are making is looking at the incident from only one direction. That is, you are absolutely correct that "The odds that a random, lust, or love-driven murder occurred on the very day the Avery Bill was to go into effect, and simply fell into MCLE's lap".
Or, that is, you'd be correct in a vacuum.
But in actuality, SA was a local celebrity, the case was all over TV, and anyone who knew about the situation knew local LE hated SA.
Because of that, if you look at the murder from the -other- direction, then you realize anyone who wanted to commit a murder or frame SA would see a perfect opportunity.
The odds no longer are 'astronomically small', because all you need is a motivated, semi-intelligent killer who recognizes that if they can plant a piece of evidence or two, the police will likely have tunnel vision.
And... things with astronomically small odds do occur sometimes. So if someone did randomly kill TH, which I agree is unlikely, they would have found paperwork leading back to SA in the car, which would then give the murderer the idea for a frame assuming they have a brain cell or two.
The frame-up being so haphazard leads me to believe it may have very well been spur of the moment. I personally think a murderer took advantage of obvious timing and well known LE hatred of SA.
Advantages of the Dakota Fire Hole
ReplyDeleteBy POPEYE
(Modern Survival Blog) A Dakota Fire Hole is simply a method of building a fire that utilizes a number of advantages over other methods. First though, here is how to build a Dakota fire pit…
How to
Dig a hole about a foot in diameter and a foot deep. It is helpful to enlarge the bottom of the hole by several inches to accommodate larger/longer pieces of firewood. This will be the chamber of the fire pit.
Next you will dig the airflow tunnel. Dig the airway tunnel beginning about one foot away from the fire chamber hole. The diameter of the airflow hole should be about half-a-foot and will angle down towards and into the bottom of the main fire chamber. Ideally this airflow hole should be upwind from the main fire hole.
Partway fill the fire pit with kindling and light the fire. Gradually add sticks to build a stronger fire.
The fire creates a suction which is drawn into the airflow tunnel, resulting in a much hotter and efficient burning fire.
The fire burns very hot.
Less firewood is needed than conventional fire methods.
Food or water will cook faster.
The efficiency of the burn creates less smoke, which means less visibility.
This method is particularly useful and manageable if it is very windy compared to other methods.
The fire burns below the surface of the ground which shields the flame from being seen, especially at night.
Since the fire is below the surface, green sticks across the top of the hole, or other methods can be used to easily support cookware.
When finished, the evidence of a fire is easily removed when you fill the holes with dirt and cover the surface with natural surrounding material.
Build the Dakota fire hole near the base of a tree to help diffuse the smoke, which will help avoid detection.
Choose an area with favorable soil. Avoid rocky or rooted areas.
Be wary of soil which may ooze with moisture or fill with water.
ReplyDeleteIf two killers, the car is simple: someone drives both people back.
If one person, there are several ways. Here is the 'best' imo:
1) Drive -your- car with bike in back. Hide car somewhere near Avery property. Bike back. Drive RAV4 at night (less likely to be seen) and plant. Walk to hidden car. Home!
[#1 is my favorite for many reasons. You're driving back 'after' the stressful part, and at night. you're biking around before you risked anything, and during the day. seems smartest.]
2) Drive -your- car with bike in back. Hide bike somewhere near Avery property. Drive back. Drive RAV4 at night (less likely to be seen) and plant. Walk to hidden bike. Home!
3) If you live nearby, just plant the RAV4 and walk home off main routes.
4) Tow RAV4 at night.
I'm sure there are other variants, I've written about this before. Point is, there are enough ways to get the RAV4 there solo that it should never, ever be used as a reason it didn't happen. It certainly could be done relatively easily, if someone was trying to get out from under a murder.
Teresa Halbach's landline records obtained and... (self.TickTockManitowoc)
ReplyDeleteby seekingtruthforgood
These are the house phone bills of the telephone line in her house in Hilbert next to her parents?
These are the records CASO produced for her landline as part of FOIA request (CASO fulfilled the request).
There's no record of an agency pulling her landline records in the warrant files. In fact, I think these are records CASO found and which were not obtained from her provider.
The house phone bills include 12 pages, of which, there are duplicates.
Further, the records oddly don't include any confirmation whatsoever that Teresa called or faxed one single document to Auto Trader - ever - within the provided records' timeframes. In fact, the long distance calls ended with records during September.
So, what does this mean? Well, it probably means that Denise and Sheboygan Steve just became a lot more interesting given Denise put her on the road driving, not home, at roughly 11:30 am and the other put her in Sheboygan (both statements which are consistent with her 9:00 am Sheboygan entry on her dayplanner.)
There's a reason the state hid both witnesses from the defense, and it 'ain't because KK thinks thinks these two were unimportant. But, hey, if that KK's story... we'll see.
I’ve always found the “fax” to be a bit odd. In 2005 I was scanning from my device (all in one) and sending documents via email OR there are (were) programs where you could send a fax via your PC and not have to use your landline to hard dial from an all in one.
Sending a fax via PC had the same look as if it was sent from a fax machine.
Would like to add that in 2005 some people were old school and still required a fax machine to send and receive.
Simply as a matter of record retention, if Teresa was able to fax through her computer, I'm sure she did. It would have allowed her to store the records digitally.
Remiker confirmed she had her fax machine tied to her computer, so there was a direct relationship between those two devices.
Teresa would have likely controlled the settings on her fax machine from the software's dashboard.
Per the report by CASO's Dedering (page 49):
DeletePEARCE indicated he does not have a fax machine on his premises. He indicated TERESA was provided with a fax machine by AUTO TRADER.
Strang: You described it [her cell phone] as her lifeline just a few minutes ago.
Tom Pearce: Right.
Strang: Was that the only number you had for her?
Tom Pearce: Yes.
Strang: You don't know whether she had a land line phone in her home?
Tom Pearce: I don't think so.
So far, I think these are records recovered from Teresa's home and office. I don't think the state ever obtained her landline records...
The documents will be made available once redacted.
What about the test fax from Teresa's home to Pagel's office on 11/5, reading "Find TH" or whatever Wiegert (it was Wiegert, right?) wrote on it?
Not in the records. They stopped at September.
Oh, okay. I read "September' but it didn't compute, somehow.
Can I ask why they stopped at September?
But that answers the questions about Pagel's test fax, anyway.
DeleteRemiker confirmed she had her fax machine tied to her computer.
Then that answers the question, doesn't it? Why have it connected to her computer unless she was using her computer to send faxes?
That's what I think... that means she could be sending faxes from from anywhere.
Remiker discussed her computer being tied to her fax. If that is the case, she could have been sending and receiving faxes right to/from her email, from anywhere.
devil's advocate, dedicated fax line paid for by auto trader used only for auto trader faxes, and/or computer faxes to auto trader. Her private/home fax was used for all other business needs. Without more samples of multiple faxes sent to and from all associates, it's very hard to say for sure a hard drive image of her pc would give the absolute and definitive answer.
it's very hard to say for sure a hard drive image of her pc would give the absolute and definitive answer.
That request was denied.
The number shown in the heading of the fax might be the programmed number, but the number in the records will be the line number. This is less likely true today, if the transmission is on the SIP (but generally it is), but back then it was the case. If the calling number is not the line number (or within the DID range) the TELCO will either reject the call or replace the number with the actual number (or main DID number if this is E1 link).
Source: Working in telephony integration for 10 years.
On the fax header it might be the "configured" number, but the actual information will be in the records. Sometimes, especially today (again - SIP) telco will allow any number, but in ISDN/E1 days I do not think so. Everything is possible I suppose, but really from my experience - nope, it will be "real" number in actual logs.
Ya, I'm looking for that but, as an example, AT received a fax from Teresa on 8/18. Not only only is AT not shown in her landline records that day, her landline doesn't show an outbound call that aligns with the times on the transmission. So, something is way, way off.
Check out anything that is around 12 hours different. I think we established that the time stamp in the fax machine itself was off by that much. That would be in the header of the received fax I think...along with the old phone number.
I did. No match to times on the August 18 fax.
More Landline Records for Teresa Halbach (self.TickTockManitowoc)
Deleteby seekingtruthforgood
October 9, 2018
We received another batch of records from a FOIA. Those records include roughly 60 days of Cingular calls with tower ids for Teresa's cell phone, plus a summary report from TDS (her landline carrier) of her October 31 calls with AutoTrader to/from her landline.
I am including an image which shows the TDS history of her calls with AT on 10/31 on her landline compared to the cell history of her calls with AT that same day to/from her cell phone: https://imgur.com/ItBIAx3
Couple of items to note:
Because of needed redactions, the records are a bit confusing. To help provide clarity:
The top area of the graphic depicts her cellular history with Auto Trader, except the call she placed to Barb, which is also included because that call is of particular interest to her timeline and discussions with AT that morning.
The lower area of the graphic depicts her TDS landline records with AutoTrader.
The TDS records establish that, on 10/31, to/from the landline, there were 4 calls between AT and Teresa. However, 3 were from/to AT's fax machine number to/from Teresa.
The mysterious 10/31 00:13 fax appears to have actually been sent to AT using a toll-free 866 number, starting at 11:13 am (per AT's record,) and ending at 11:16 am, (per Teresa's record.) The duration of that fax was 2 minutes and 27 seconds.
Only one call came from AT to Teresa at 11:09 am, for a duration of 18 seconds, and which appears to have forwarded to her cell phone, at 11:10 am, for another duration of 5 seconds.
If that call did not forward to her cell phone, the two calls, each, still only totaled seconds, so these records establish that Teresa did not have a live conversation with AT until 2:27 (which is still not supported by the records but is assumed to be factual as a matter of the trial exhibit and Dawn's trial testimony.)
If Angela's testimony is factual, the phone records obtained so far are not consistent with her statements.
The AT calls show 4 numbers are utilized for communications to/from Auto Trader. An 866 area code number for the "to" fax, plus the 414/425 numbers with 3 different ending extensions (28, 38 and 43.) Calls ending in 43 are those faxes "sent" to Teresa. The 866 area code is the fax number Teresa used to send her faxes, toll free, to AT. Extensions 28 and 38 presumably belong to Dawn and Angela.
Tick Followed Tock. Followed Tick. Followed Tock. Followed Tick.
The arrest of Steven Avery for the assault of PennyB took place within eight hours of the assault. PB identified Steve Avery after (1) Kushe made a composite drawing using a mugshot of Avery, (2) laid out nine photos for PB to view from her hospital bed (the photo array did not include a picture of the real assailant, Gregory Allen), and (3) a live line-up which included Avery from the photo array but nobody else. Facts undermining Avery as the assailant, all of which the jury heard, included 16 alibi witnesses and the fact that Shopko employees and receipts confirmed that he was at the Shopko in Green Bay at 5:13 p.m., only an hour and 15 minutes after the assault near Two Rivers. Avery was with his five children, including six-day-old twins, all of whom were seen with Avery and his wife at the Shopko. However, he was convicted of the crimes and sentenced to a total of 32 years in prison. There is no information regarding an investigation into Allen, although a criminal complaint against Allen from a 1983 lewd and lascivious case, signed by Vogel, was in the sheriff's file. And Allen was a suspect of an attempted sexual assault on July 14, 1985, in Manitowoc, two weeks prior to the assault against PB. Allen was never charged in that matter because there was insufficient evidence. PB received harassing phone calls following her assault, even after Avery was arrested. Many of the phone calls were of a sexual nature, some of which occurred five minutes after she would return from home, indicating she might be being watched. [Such postcrime contact and stalking behavior was consistent with Allen's past offense history.]
Teresa called Schmitz around 9 AM on 10/29 (duration 41 seconds), apparently leaving a message on his home answering machine.
ReplyDeleteTeresa was in Green Bay at a private home doing a photo shoot at 4 PM on 10/29.
She was at a family friend's wedding on the evening of 10/29, as the photographer.
Teresa went to a Halloween party later, on the night of 10/29.
Teresa was at her grandfather's birthday party after church on the afternoon of 10/30.
Teresa's only cell phone activity on 10/30 was from 4:41 to 5:40 PM (one hour), and she was on tower 21112.
Teresa printed her day planner at 10:29 PM on 10/30.
None of Teresa's specific appointments for Autotrader were printed on her day planner (Schmitz, Avery and Zipperer). In fact, the only ones that landed there are the ones she noted after printing the page.
AT sent a fax to Teresa's land line at 7:32 AM on 10/31 (the Zipperer lead sheet).
Steven Avery called AT's toll-free number at 8:12 AM (trial exhibit 22, "Same-Day Photo Request, which Dawn filled out; and then Dawn used this form to input data into AT's compter system, trial exhibit 17, "Account/Photo Info").
AT called Teresa's cell phone at 8:17 AM on 10/31 and left a message about the Avery same-day photo request.
Tim Rosek called AT's toll-free number at 9:43 AM (he lived north of Green Bay, in Suamico, WI).
AT called Teresa's cell phone a second time at 9:46 AM and left another message.
Denise Coakley called Teresa's cell phone at 10:44 AM and left a message.
AT called Teresa's cell phone a third time at 10:52 AM and hung up when her voicemail picked up.
At 11:04 AM, Teresa retrieved the 8:17 AM voicemail from AT about the Avery Road photo request and the 9:43 AM voicemail from AT, perhaps regarding Tim Rosek or maybe another message about Avery Road.
Steven Avery called AT's toll-free number again at 11:04 AM.
AT called Teresa's land line at 11:08 AM to ask her about whether or not she could make the Avery Road appointment, and hung up when she didn't answer.
AT called Teresa's cell phone a fourth time at 11:10 AM to ask her about whether or not she could make the Avery Road appointment, and hung up when she didn't answer.
Teresa sent a fax to AT at 11:13 AM using a 866 toll-free number, per Teresa's landline records (the duration of that fax was 2 minutes and 27 seconds). Most likely, she sent the fax to inform AT that she would be able to make the same-day photo request at Avery Road (trial exhibit 17); and she would have requested that AT fax her the "Account/Photo Info" sheet for Avery Road (trial exhibit 22). Plus, she may have included paperwork from Saturday's leads, which she did not complete (the fax she sent was five pages).
We received another batch of records from a FOIA. Those records include roughly 60 days of Cingular calls with tower IDs for Teresa's cell phone, plus a summary report from her landline carrier (TDS) of her October 31 calls with AutoTrader to/from her landline (920-989-2211).
Dan Morrow called Teresa's cell phone at 11:25 AM and left a message.
DeleteTeresa called Dan Morrow at 11:31 AM and scheduled an AT photo shoot in Green Bay for 11/3.
Teresa called Denise Coakley at 11:35 AM and scheduled an appointment at her studio for 11/1.
Teresa called B Janda at 11:43 AM on 10/31 to confirm she would be able to make the photo shoot that afternoon; the duration of the call was 42 seconds, per the AT&T report.
The length of the message allegedly left on Janda's machine is about 40 seconds.
The duration of the call from Teresa to the Janda residence, including the time it took for the incoming greeting to play and the time it took for Teresa to record the message above, probably would have been longer than 42 seconds.
Teresa already would have had the information she needed about the Avery Road appointment when she called the Janda residence because Dawn would have given her the details in the voicemail messages she left at 8:17 and 9:46 AM.
AT sent a fax to Teresa's land line at 12:08 PM (duration 1 minute and 13 seconds). This would have been the "Account/Photo Info" sheet (trial exhibit 22) for the appointment on Avery Road.
Steven Speckman called AT's toll free line at 12:43 PM on 10/31, and then immediately called Teresa on her cell phone.
Teresa spoke to Steve Speckman at 12:45 PM -- he lived in Sheboygan, about an hour away from St. John, where Teresa lived. She indicated she was in the area and could meet him in 30 minutes if he was available. That all happened while she was on tower 2111, between 8:17 AM and 12:51 PM.
Teresa called Schmitz at 12:51 PM on 10/31 (duration 34 seconds), apparently leaving a message on his home answering machine (he should have been at his job for the local public school during that time of day).
Schmitz did not return any of Teresa's phone calls; therefore, she might have driven straight from St. John to Manitowoc County on the afternoon of 10/31/2005.